The crazy has continued, and I've been enjoying it!

Nearly a week after signing up to do a 25 km challenge and I'm well on track for completing more than my minimum. (last post here)

I've done 3 walks since my last posting, all of them being over 2 km, with today's nearly being 3 km of wandering.

So Friday I needed to get a couple of things from the local shops, so I walked around the block on the way there. It's not just a single block, but more like 4 or 5 blocks by 2-4 blocks (Red path in map below). In any case, it totaled 2.3 km and I got home with bread, apple sauce, and chips (they weren't on the list). I had some cold roast pork to put into sandwiches, which obviously needed apple sauce too. They were delicious toasted.

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It's a lovely day out, but see that trolley down near the tree?

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This is what the footpath is like between where it vanishes above, and the trolley (also in this shot)

On Saturday I discovered that I didn't have any more of one of my medications, so I walked to the Chemist, and then around a slightly larger block of blocks than the day before, going one street further from the main highway, and avoiding the footpath stairs. I also discovered that the local council has been busy in the last few months, and even more of the uneven footpaths have been replaced with fresh concrete paths (Orange path on map below). That extra block didn't add much though, with the walk being 2.4 km, and I only had medication with me when I got home so no yummy snacks!

After a couple of days with poor weather, today I got out for a walk again, the main purpose was to walk, but I was also playing 'Our World', a walking dead themed game with locations based in the real world, so you have to walk around to collect your weaponry and fight zombies. It's been fun, though doesn't really require much walking compared to Pokemon Go, as there are so many sites. The wander around the block this time was expanded to be 2.9 km by going all the way around the smaller block bounded by main roads, and a bit of the larger block before cutting back in to where I live. (Green path on map below)

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My 'full block; or 'larger block' walk goes around the 2 parks, instead of the strip of blocks on the northern section of the green loop.

This brings my current total up to 11.8 km out of 25 km with 16 days remaining (well, 15 since I've waked today already) At my current rate, I should easily make 25 km, and am expecting to be closer to 35-40 km by the end of the month. Assuming I can keep up the regular walks.

If I get use of the bike, 50 km should be easy though, which I considered way outside possibilities before starting.

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