The One that Didn't Get Away


First cast out from one of our spots, then bang the line started screaming out. The fish was going from side to side. I am using 8 pound test main line, with a 4 pound test leader. The bottom of the ocean floor on our grounds has a lot of boulders with coral heads on them. The drag has to be set just right. Too tight and snap goes the leader. Too loose and the fish finds its way into the rocks and cut goes the leader.

All of a sudden the fish starts swimming straight into shore. I needed to reel frantically to pick up the drag. Then before I knew it a swell comes in, and the fish rises to the surface, and surfs its way in. A quick lift of the rod and it's on the rocks.

A nice size Omilu (Papio) for dinner. The Papio is a Bluefin Trevally, which is part of the Jack family.

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