The Trap, Part One

After the show as the last few people from the audience are filing out through the doors, “God’s Gift” Jeremiah Vastrix rolls into the ring. He walks around the ring a couple of times, a few fans stopping to stare to see what he might have to say. Especially when Rose Johnston steps into the ring with him. She presents her luxurious microphone to him with a smile.

Johnston: You said you wanted to have an interview about your down the road match with Huckleberry?

Jeremiah Vastrix stops pacing to look at Rose with his head cocked and his eyes glittering blue.

Vastrix: I was told that it was you that wanted an interview with me?

Johnston: No, I-LOOK OUT!

Jeremiah Vastrix ducks down under a steel chair being swung at his head. He spins around, grabbing the chair away from his attacker, and draws it back as if to swing it. His patriotic masked attacker, obvi Reaganator, kicks Jeremiah in the gut. He takes the steel chair back from Jeremiah and smashes him in the face with it to knock him down to the mat.

Johnston: Security! Someone get-


The Reaganator cracks Rose Johnston in the side of the head with the steel chair and she goes down like a sack of bricks. Jeremiah Vastrix jumps up to his feet, seeing that Rose Johnston is down with a trickle of blood coming from the side of her head. He roundhouse kicks the steel chair back into the Reaganator’s face while also knocking the chair from the ring. The move also drives the Reaganator to his knees.

A few more fans come back into the arena, watching the impromptu match going on. They think it a bonus part of the show though.

Vastrix: Who are you?

Reaganator: Your death!

The Reaganator drives a fist into the inside of Jeremiah’s knee to destabilize his stance so that he can jump up, grab Jeremiah by the head, and hit a jawbreaker! The Reaganator gets to his feet and kicks Jeremiah in the chest.

Reaganator: This is for your country that you’ve betrayed!

Jeremiah tries to get up, but catches a hard boot to the face that sends a spurt of blood from his nose that sprays across the ring mat.

Reaganator slides out of the ring, grabs up his steel chair, and slides back in as Jeremiah rises. He brings the chair down against Jeremiah’s forehead, flattening him back down to the mat.

Reaganator: You die so that the USA can thrive!

Jeremiah sits back up, but is struck by the chair again. He stands over the downed Jeremiah as if daring him to get up. Blood flows over a glint of metal in Jeremiah’s forehead.

The Reaganator brings the steel chair up again, readying another blow when the chair is grabbed from behind by a risen Rose Johnston. He rips the chair out of her hands, knocking her back down to the mat. He looks at her with rage blazing in his eyes as he walks over with the chair raised.

Reaganator: I’ll have no interference from the likes of you!

Vastrix: ENOUGH!

Bright blue beams of power strike the chair, destroying part of it and sending it several rows into the nearly empty stadium. The Reaganator turns to see Jeremiah Vastrix standing up. His eyes glow bright blue, blood vaporizing with a sizzle as it drips down to the power.

Vastrix: You want to die today? You’ve come to the right place!

Reaganator smiles under his mask. This is what he had been waiting for. An excuse. He rushes at Jeremiah, ducking under a blast of power from Jeremiah’s eyes, and hits a spear that drives them both to the mat.

Jeremiah’s eyes go wide, the violent blue energy from his eyes fading fast to darkness. The Reaganator stands up with a wicked laugh, Rose Johnston screams as a combat knife is revealed to be plunged into Jeremiah’s chest to the hilt.

Security rush into the ring, causing Reaganator to flee, but he laughs in victory as he does so. Security and soon medics surround Jeremiah Vastrix as Rose Johnston looks on tearfully. A pool of blood forms around Jeremiah’s fallen form.

To be continued...

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