Fifty Word Stories with the topic of space


e finally got it, his own space. After years of fighting to get to the top, his own office. a House to call home.

He has fought tooth and nail for these spaces.

Tomorrow he gets married, and he will share his space with her.

He won't be alone.


om wakes up, it is dark out.

Tom wakes up, there are so many stars.

Tom wakes up, he is cold. Brrr.

"Tom, can you hear me?"

"Who is there?"

"Tom, you need to get back inside. Life support is running out."

"I am inside."

Tom does not wake up.


ou close your eyes and appear in a vast empty space.

All white.

You walk and you don't stop, as you walk the white becomes darker until you reach a point where you are surrounded by black.

You understand now how much dark is in your soul, suppressed.

"I am a space alien."

"No. you are a talking cucumber."

"Space alien."


"Bow down to me tiny human!"


"I can see the fear on your face."

"Not fear. I am wondering whether I should use just salt or do I feel like a whole salad."


ince his childhood, he has been hunted across time and space.

It ends now.

As the ships come into view surrounding his asteroid home, he steps off into space. No need for a suit, he was special.

The time has come, he will give birth to a new sun.

This is a whaleshares contest
This has been my entry to @Gonzo's #fiftywordstorycontest. This weeks topic was SPACE, and in case you missed it like I almost just missed the deadline be sure to follow @Gonzo so you know when the next contest begins.
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