Dream of Krakow and beyond.

  My name is Simonas. I am from Lithuania. After some consideration I have decided to enter steemfestdreams [contest]( https://steemit.com/steemfest/@steemfestdreams/win-a-free-ticket-to-steemfest-in-krakow-poland-and-possibly-an-all-expense-paid-trip-depending-on-support-for-these-posts)

Allow me to start with a cliche- I want to live a life without regrets. I dare to call myself an artist and I believe that to achieve this goal I must reach my full potential and create the best piece I can possibly create. You are likely thinking: " What the hell is this guy talking about? That kind of dream has nothing to do with going to steemfest If he wants to create a good art he should just paint more!"  Well if you will baar with me for a bit longer I will explain.      

  "Practice makes perfect" I am sure that we all have heard these words many times. No doubt it has a grain of truth.  By repeating the same exercises or work for a long periods of time we can certainly refine our techniques and become more skillful. That technical part of creation process is important. But it is not enough to reach that piece of I my dreams. Why I am so certain? I speak from my experience. This was the first piece  that I created "Strange world":

  As you can see my first step was a really clumsy one. For months I was simply creating new pieces. Practicing. I would like to believe that "Herald of happiness" looks a bit more promising: 

   And yet this was nowhere near to the piece I truly crave to create. Why you might ask. Because it still is just a result of imagination, work and practice. Perhaps a bit more appealing on the surface but still lacking true essence. That piece of my dreams is suposse to be my life's work. So it must be richer in details and have something more than just refined technique. Something beyond my imagination. 

  Now I believe that technical part of creation shouldn't be entire focus. A piece can show much more than that. Creator's thoughts, emotions, state of mind, life expierences...All these things can leave a mark just like a paintbrush or pencils. I joined steemit in the december. So less than a year ago. For me it was a wild roller coaster ride. And I think that during my time in here I have already came closer to creating that what I desire to create. Well at least made a few steps in the right direction. 

  "Night's wings"


 Copyright (c) 2018 Simonas Tuinyla, Corel Corporation and its licensors. All rights reserved.   

 "Battle at the bottom" 


Copyright (c) 2018 Simonas Tuinyla, Corel Corporation and its licensors. All rights reserved.

  If I did managed to make some progress towards my goal then it was not just because I practiced, tried new things or refined my previous techniques. It was part of the reason. But I could have never reached this point without interacting with interesting people and having positive experiences. I already mentioned in my [road to steemfest post](https://steemit.com/fieryfootprints/@fieryfootprints/road-to-steemfest-will-i-leave-my-footprints-in-krakow)  that I am an introvert and have never been outside of Lithuania. Connecting with people is hard for me. And yet here in steemit I found plenty of weirdos. Enough for me to stay here. I believe that talking with them is helping me grow. As an artist. And as man. This experience is not always easy. But it is worth it.

 Going to steemfest would involve many challenges. But I still really want to go. Because I believe that this event would be an exciting, memorable adventure. Less than a year here  made a spark in my life and in my creativity. But I still crave for more. I still have not created my dream piece. I have not reached my full potential yet. I can still grow.  And I believe that steemfest is a way to go if I want to improve myself more and step closer to my goals. 

  Now you might say "Okay fine. We get it- you want to go. But Lithuania is so close to steemfest location. Why are you entering this contest anyway? "  

 The answer is simple. After a long struggle with my pride I have decided that it will not stop me. Art gallery is  showcasing my works. I have lowered my prices. But I still don't know when my pieces will be sold. So is it possible that I could participate in steemfest without winning this contest? Maybe. 

 "All human wisdom is contained in these two words- wait and hope" - Alexandre Dumas

 Is it a realistic  possibility? At this point I believe that this contest is my best chance.   




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