Zyek's notes #6: What matters is knowledge!

BOOM! BOOM! The massacre continued.


I couldn't believe what was happening. My home planet, Zon, was still being slammed by huge asteroids. Hundreds. The size of entire cities. But we had our protective shield to protect us. It covered the entire planet, about 20 miles above the ground. Just a mile over our atmosphere's outer limits.

However, the shield couldn't resist any longer. It was too much damage and we were exhausted.

Unlike Earth, here, every single organism is directly connected. We share our energy through special sensors and receptors. As an example of this connection, despite not having eyes, I can see everything around me through any creature's sight. That's how connected we are.

We get our energy directly from our planet's core. There is no need to eat. Basically, my home planet's biosphere is a result of billions of beings living in unison. This is how we are able to create our protective shield. Every being contributes with energy gathered from our planet. This energy is channeled through thought. This thought is a representation of the protective shield. We all then make it real. Similar to what humans would call magic.


“Oh, no, no!!”, I sensed a familiar voice.

It was Zeeve. Our community leader and the oldest of our kind. He was 100,000 earth years.

He was on top of a hill. One mile away.

I looked around. Many lifeless bodies were disintegrating and absorbed into the ground. But that was not it. Zeeve looked up.

“What?!”, I questioned.

“Zyek! Glad you made it in time!”, Zeeve noted. “We're being attacked! This is not a natural thing.”

“Att...attacked?!”, I was shook.

We were never attacked in our History.

How could this be true?

We live in a peaceful planet. There is no bellicose conflicts in here. I know that's common on Earth. Humans kill each other meaninglessly. But, not only humans. Life on Earth is based on a predator and prey relationship. There is a lot of killing among all species. I know that it's needed for survival and basic well-being. But that behavior became a part of what they are. Competition rules Earth.

At Zon, that's not the case. Since, we get our basic needs directly from our planet and sun and are connected, we don't need a competitive mindset to exist. Everyone gets what is needed. Therefore, we never had conflicts. Let alone any kind of war.

But this was caused by a foreign attacker. Certainly a bellicose kind.

We needed to know more.

“Zyek! We won't last any longer.”, Zeeve warned. “We have to deal with this first!”

The asteroids were our main focus right now. They were purposely directed into our direction. We had to fix this.

I tried to think of a possible solution. I had to put all the knowledge, I gatherer from my exploration, into good use. And fast!

However, what we could do was limited. We couldn't use any type of warfare weapons or offensive strategies. We weren't allowed. We could only defend. Not attack. Attack was not our nature.

I kept thinking, thinking and thinking. The protective shield was now breaking apart.

“That's it!!!”, I rejoiced.

“Zeeve! Gather 50 Zonans. I need them tuned on my frequency. Now!”, I had a solution.

These Zonans, my kind, and I were the only and last hope for our planet.

“There you go Zyek.”, Zeeve notified me while I refined the final part of our plan. “What now?”

“Ok, I need 5 Zonans to connect with Zanat. Other 5 to Zorn.”, I instructed. “The signal has to be strong and stable.”

“Zanat?! Zorn?! What's your goal Zyek?”, Zeeve was puzzled.


Yes, my plan involved the use of both Zanat and Zorn. Our twin moons. They were essential for our success.

“No time for that! Trust me.”, I comforted him.

“Ok, what's next?”

“I need 15 to increase, stabilize and fix the magnetic field of each moon. I mean 15 for each moon. The magnetic fields need to be symmetric to each other. In a way they would attract each other. Not repel.”, I continued.

“How strong should the fields be? We don't want to break the moons' natural trajectories.”, Zeeve cautioned.

“I know. Just go for as strong as possible then.”

“Ok, what about the other 10 Zonans and both of us?”, he inquired.

“Ok, our goal is to create super strong electromagnetic fields on every single asteroid, as they approach the space between both moons.”, I explained. “This has to be done very carefully and coordinately.”

“Oh, I see. Let's do it then.”, Zeeve told me, as he prepared to execute the plan.

Ten minutes later.

“It's working Zyek! It's working!”, Zeeve was astonished.

There it was. The solution was working as planed. The asteroids were deflected from their initial trajectory. As they entered the inter-space of both moons, their trajectory changed. They were repelled by one moon and attracted by the other. The asteroids weren't hitting the protective shield anymore.

This lasted for an entire week. The whole planet was supporting us in our daunting task. It was hard, but we achieved it.

There were no more asteroids coming in our way. It was time to gather, rest and find who was behind it.

We were safe.

At least, for now.

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If interested, please check the other parts. There is a connection between them.

Zyek's notes:
#1 Meeting Blake
#2 A different reality or just imagination?
#3 The Zoykwatt
#4 Choices
#5 Home planet in danger?

Thanks for reading.

Zriask xhak!

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