Abraham and the Apocalypse… Jedidiah's Mountain

Abraham and the Apocalypse… pt 3 Jedidiah's Mountain

  “Real slow boys, I mean like trying to pour cold molasses kinda slow I want you to turn around and get down on your bellies”. “Do what he say’s Abe” I said as I started to turn around. “Now reach behind your backs and grab your hands together like you gonna take yourself for a walk”. Without hesitating we did as we were told. Looking at each other with our faces laying in the dirt I could hear the rustle of bushes behind us and the soft sounds of footfalls on the pine needles as the man approached.


If he was going to kill us we would already be dead, I thought. “Mister, we- “Quiet”, he said in a rough but softer voice. “Lucky we all ain’t been killed already with all the noise you two jackasses been making for the past hour. You feel that boy? That be what the end of this 50 feels like on the back side of your neck. You stay still while I peel this nap sack off your back. Your friend here- What in the hell are you grinning at boy”? I could not see what was going on behind me but I knew Abe could and I could see Abe wearing that signature grin of his. As I looked at Abe wishing him quiet, “You look like Santa Clause” he said through a half smile half laugh. “Well I’ll be dammed; a regular laughing hyena you are”. Still fumbling with the strap on my pack the man asked, “Is your friend with that shit eaten grin stupid”? “No sir, he’s a bit slow sometimes but he’s not stupid”. 

It was an hour or so later when we stopped walking. We were higher up and the forest had grown thicker. The sun had gone down but we had a full moon casting enough light to see by. Pointing to a spot on the ground with his rifle he said, “You’ll sit right there and be still while I build us a fire and ponder on ya for just a minute”. A few minutes later looking across the fire I watched him as he sat on a log that had fallen long ago. Lit up by the camp fire he sat there drinking his coffee while looking us over. He almost looked fat and with that long white hair that reached his shoulders and white beard he did look a little like Santa Clause. Even his bright blue eyes seemed to smile but that’s where the resemblance ended. He had a big nose that looked sun burnt and a fresh scar that came up from under the hair on his chin, gouged through his lips, and continued up the right side of his face ending just under his right eye. His hands looked as if they could crush rocks, big and callused with big nobs where his knuckles should have been. Sitting there dressed in deer skin and wearing a neckless made from pieces of bone he looked intimidating. If not for those eyes he would have looked downright scary.  

“You boys have a name”? “My name is Scotty” I said while looking next to me at Abe who seemed hypnotized by the flames dancing in the fire. “That there is Abraham but you can call him Abe. Mister, I don’t know who or what’s been chasing us all day, but they looked mean and they might be close by”. “Don’t get your hackles up. Ain’t had them ugly heathens come this far into the woods yet and if they do I’ve got a surprise waitin for em. Mind you, don’t go meanderin around here your own self or you’s likely to set off one of my traps and get hurt or killed doin it. If you feel the need to empty yourself there’s a hole I dug behind that big ‘ole stump. My name is Jedidiah and it sounds like if we don’t get some grub in that friend of yours stomach we ain’t gonna get no shut eye tonight. When was the last time you two pilgrims filled your bellies”? 

Abe and I were both hungry and the thought had me wonder back again, back to when we walked the empty streets of Bend looking for someone, anyone that may still be around. We took advantage of Haggerty’s Market, the open but lifeless grocery store. It bothered us at first, taking food off the shelves but that passed quickly, we had to eat. Next door to Haggerty’s we also took advantage of and slept in the best rooms that the Ponderosa Lodge had to offer. The plan was simple, wait it out and see what happens, see if anyone returns. We had everything we wanted or needed but most of our time was still spent on wondering what happened, where did everyone go, and will they return. We had to do something and after a few days we finally did.  

Going first to The Hunters Shack, our local outdoor store, we loaded up on camping and survival gear. We each outfitted ourselves with the best, and why not, it wasn’t like we had to pay for it although Abe insisted everywhere we went that we leave a note with a list of what we took and we did. Back packs, knives, sleeping bags, compass, maps, water proof fire starters, canteens, everything we felt we absolutely had to have to survive including a 357 magnum for protection. We shed ourselves of what we were wearing in exchange for new and more suitable outdoor wear. From rugged hiking boots, thermal underwear and light weight down filled jackets to felt hats we were prepared. Once we had our gear in order we went back to Haggerty’s stote. At Haggerty’s we took our time topping off our packs with food that would be easy to carry, prepare, and last us the longest. I had to admire Abe in resisting the same urges I had for foods like candy, soda, and potato chips that would take the precious space we needed for the more important food. Once filled but still not overly heavy I helped Abe into his pack. “I think we did well Scotty. Why don’t we go ahead and blow this popsicle stand”? Abe said using one of my favorite lines when wanting to leave a place. “You got it buddy. We’re just standing here burning daylight anyways”. 

Looking in Abraham's direction as Abe continued to stare into the fire Jedidiah spoke up again but a little louder this time. “Abe, make yourself useful, that fire ain’t goin nowheres. You see that gunny sack hanging from the tree right behind you”? Abe turned and looked. “You’ll find the other end of that rope it's tied to is wrapped around that their limb. Go over and undo that rope and bring me that bag”. Abe did and as the old man opened the sack he said “This ain’t no res-te-raunt but there be plenty to eat. We has us some dried venison and I think I still has us an apple we can share”.  

Abe and myself ate well without complaints; I never was one for liking the taste of dear meat but food is always better when you’re as hungry as we were. We were quiet as we ate. There were a lot of questions I wanted to ask Jedidiah and I could tell he had several for us but it was getting late. Abe’s chin was resting on his neck, his eyes almost closed. I was wanting to get some much needed sleep myself and Jedidiah could see it. “You boys can have your packs back but I’m not one to hug a bear so I’ll hold onto these pig stickers and this gun of yours for tonight and you can have them back in the mornin. Sleep nears the fire, if you go wonderin off your likely to hit one of my traps or worse you’ll bump into one of them nasty heathens out there. In the mornin we’ll talk.  

Read Abraham and the Apocalypse

pt 1 Abraham and Scotty

pt 2 The Run For Survival

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