[Fiction] Dimensional Shift - Chapter 1 [Series]

Disclaimer: Dimensional Shift is intended to be a Community effort to compile a series of related stories into a Publishable book. The idea is to post one Chapter (Story) per week and at the end of one year Publish 52 chapters into Dimensional Shift - A Collection of Short Stories -- Volume 1. All contributing authors who are selected for publication on Steemit and in the Final Book will receive 1/52 of the proceeds from the sale of the book for each chapter they have selected for the book. You can read more about it in the first "Dimensional Shift" post here.

Chapter 1 - The Discovery of Multiple Dimensions

In my Forties I, by accident, discovered a rather enormous cave on a piece of property I purchased in the wilderness of the Colorado Rockies. I bought the land with the intention of setting up a research facility for me and a few very close colleagues to research, in secret. While surveying (exploring) the property I fell into a small hole. During my attempts to free myself I opened the hole up larger and slid down a shaft about 200 feet long into a cavern large enough to put the SuperDome inside of. For hours I tried to scurry out the hole only to slide back down. Finally, I had the hole opened up enough I could get a running start and managed, barely, to escape my recent discovery.

A few days later I returned to the property with a motor home, towing a trailer behind loaded with a Bobcat, a dozer bucket, an excavator attachment and an assortment of other tools. I was determined to dig a large enough (and stable enough) entrance to this cave to setup my home and research facility deep inside the mountain. For days I dug until I finally had a 20 diameter road cut into the mountain to the cave beneath. Flush with pride I quickly got online and found a company in nearby Green River, WY that manufactured (to order) concrete tubes, culverts, pipes, etc. I called them on the phone and told them I needed a total of 200 feet of heavily reinforced concrete culvert with an outside diameter of 20 feet and an inside diameter of 16 feet (that is 2 feet thick of concrete and steel reinforcement). They told me they could have them manufactured and shipped to me in 2 weeks. So I loaded all my equipment back on the trailer, hooked it to the RV and drove down into the cavern and began setting up a semi permanent camp. With a laser tape measure I had I began mapping out the cavern and recreating it digitally on my computer. I wanted exact dimensions of every nook and cranny so I could develop a plan to build a safe and permanent structure inside the cavern that would allow us to work, me to live and ensure the cavern to cave in on us.

While taking my survey of the cavern I discovered a small tunnel barely large enough to crawl into. Scared of confined spaces I reluctantly put of exploring it, even though I could hear running water sound coming from the tunnel. Once I completed my digital mapping of the cave I quickly rendered a 3d model and figured out what I was going to need to build out the cavern. Anxious to get started I unloaded the equipment I had on the trailer and headed into Denver with my RV and empty trailer in tow. Once I reached Denver I quickly found a contractor who specialized in Steel Beam Buildings like skyscrapers. I knew they would have the closest expertise to what I needed so I headed to their main office with my laptop in tow. After explaining my discovery and plan to them they informed me they would need the entire 20 foot diameter whole I dug to get their construction equipment into the cavern and I would have to wait and put in the concrete tunnel after the cavern was built out. They also told me they had a crew they had just laid off and that they could call them back and start work on the project in one week when the first round of Steel Beams would arrive to the job site.

Six weeks passed before they finished the construction of the Cavern Build and installed the Concrete Tunnel I had ordered. Once the tunnel was in place they put a 10' wide platform in the bottom of the tunnel for vehicles to drive in and out on, underneath of which was all my cabling to my Wind Turbine and Satellite Dish on the side of the mountain right outside the entrance. Then they installed a heavy duty (4 feet thick) steel door at the exit of the tunnel (to the outside world) that was 10' wide and 15' tall. Large enough of an entrance I could get anything I need to in and out of the Research Facility. While they where building out the cavern I acquired a small remote control rover with tracks and an HD camera on-board and sent it into the small tunnel I had previously discovered. The tunnel was about 4' diameter for almost 400' before it opened up into a 15-20' wide tunnel that lead to an undiscovered river and lake deep within the mountain. After showing the construction foreman the video I captured he quickly informed me that they had a machine that could drill at virtually any angle a hole up to 12 feet in diameter and that they would drill out the first 400' of the tunnel to 12' diameter and install another smaller tunnel to the underground lake for me. Once the smaller tunnel was dug and secured I hired a Hydro-Electric Dam builder to come in and build me a small (but powerful) hydro dam just above where the river emptied out into the lake. Due to size constraints this would take an additional 6 months to complete, but once finished I had all the electricity I needed to power my experiments.

Seven months after acquiring the property I was up and running in my new underground research facility, three of my esteemed colleagues joined me in my efforts to prove, once and for all that there are Multiple Dimensions. We had already devised a theory that a strong enough electromagnetic field vibrating at just the right frequency would open a doorway from our dimension to another. The problem was none of us had any idea how the hell to accomplish such a task. Being a huge science fiction fanatic I proposed building a device, similar in appearance, to the Stargate from the classic television series that spun off several other series. The idea was relatively simple, build a ring that houses 10,000 electromagnets. All of which would be natural earth magnets wrapped with 1 million wraps of a Superconducting wire smaller in diameter than a human hair. Then equip the ring with 1,000 specially designed speakers that could generate sound from 1 Hertz to 1 Megahertz in frequency. When all this was connected to and controlled by a computer it would allow us to control the voltage, amperage and sound frequency to exact specifications.

Problem was the super conducting wire, nor the speakers existed yet. So for almost 2 years we developed the wire, finally developing a technique to manufacture carbon fiber wire that was only 1 nano-meter thick. After successfully producing a spool of the new wire that was almost 10,000 miles long (a single wire) we setup a machine to begin wrapping natural earth magnets with the new wire. This was a relatively easy process once we realized that the wire had to stay more or less straight as it feed off the spool and the magnet had to spin and move side to side as the wire wrapped around it. It took another year to manufacture the 10,000 electromagnets and test each of them separately before we began building the ring to house them. During this process we realized that if we manufactured thin wafer speakers like are in many cellphones and other tiny electronic devices using the Superconducting Nano wire we developed we just might be able to get the frequency range we needed. So after a few days of manufacturing more of the wire we began manufacturing the 1 mm thick 50 mm wide speakers to install in the ring.

Three and a half years into the project the ring was finally completed and all feasible tests had been run on every component on an individual basis. Unsure of exactly what might happen when the ring was powered up and we began testing we decided to place the ring in a 30x30x30 foot room at the back of the facility that I had initially intended to house all our computer servers. I had the room built to be Radiation, EM Pulse, Bomb proof and it was by far the most secure and safe place to run the tests. The room and been pre-wired (during construction) with more than enough Power and Cable connections to operate the ring from a separate control room that overlooked it. Yes I kind of built it after the Stargate Room and Command Room from the Television show. After a week of relocating the Ring, connecting everything and running some low voltage/frequency tests on all the components we were ready to find out if our theories where correct.

Initial test phase was implemented on 5/5/2020 @ 12:00 PM. We began at a voltage of 100 million volts, 1 millionth of an amp and a frequency of 1 Hertz. Slowly we began increasing the frequency. As the frequency increase the electromagnetic field became visible to the naked eye. A 10,000 frame per second 4k Ultra HD camera in the Ring Room was monitoring the field and feeding the video directly to our main server that was analyzing the feed in real time. Then when we reached 110 Hertz something very unexpected and strange happened. It was almost like a Window appeared and we could see outside the mountain at the terrain as if we had just exited the research facility through the tunnel. At first we thought it was the outside of the mountain, but after comparing the video feed from the camera at the entrance to the tunnel to the video feed coming from the camera in the Ring Room we quickly realized it wasn't the same. It was very similar but also very different.

While still trying to wrap our heads around what the frack was going on a Pterodactyl flew right through the Ring into the Ring Room. Yeah a freaking long extinct (in our reality) Pterodactyl came through from where ever or whenever we where viewing. Before we even had a chance to grasp what was going on it sauntered to the corner where there was a pile of left over construction debris and tarps and began laying eggs. Once it laid a dozen eggs it flew right back through the Ring and disappeared. Terrified of who or what might come through next we quickly shot down the ring.

Once things began to sink in we decided that we had to have opened a door into Earth's distant past. We knew from the video we recorded that if it was our Earth's past it would have to be since the last Ice Age as the terrain was almost identical, just the vegetation was the main difference. With that in mind we decided to build a beacon that would survive for 1 million years that we could then throw through the opening next time we opened it and then go outside the cavern and see if we could find it in our time. We decided to take the last few miles of the Carbon Fiber nano wire we had and spin it around a small amount of Plutonium. The idea was that the carbon fiber nano wire would slow the decay rate of the Plutonium but over time would become radioactive itself making the sphere easily detectable with a Geiger Counter. After much effort we managed to acquire 1 ounce of Plutonium-239 from a research facility we used to work for. Carefully and with robots doing the work we wrapped almost 100 miles of the carbon fiber nano wire around the Plutonium. When we had finished a Geiger Counter was only able to detect very faint traces of Radiation which was probably in the air of the lab. After drawing straws to see who was going into the Ring room during the opening of the doorway to throw the ball, John Mitchum drew the short straw.

While John prepared himself, Riley Watson (the only female on the team), Steve Phillips and myself (Robert Collins) made our way to the control room and began preparations to open the doorway. When John entered the Ring Room Riley initiated the sequence and the doorway quickly opened. Within seconds John lobed the ball through the doorway and we shut it down. For weeks we scoured the mountains looking for that ball. We searched every written publication in history for any record of it ever being discovered. We contacted some friends at the Pentagon and had them scan the entire state of Colorado with a Satellite capable of detecting and tracking Radiation or Radioactive Material and nothing.

After nearly a month of searching for that ball we realized, that wasn't our Earth. We had done it, we had proven the existence of at least one other dimension. But did we view Dimension Alpha at the same point in time we exist in or did we view it in it's past? Do different dimensions exist at different points in time? How many other dimensions are there? Unsure of how to proceed we decided to take a page from Stargate (the television show) playbook and built a 4' thick ceramic plate with 12 high definition cameras inserted into the plate and then mounted the plate to the ring with less than 1 millimeter between the electromagnetic field it generated and the plate. This would allow us to open as many doorways as we wanted, record the other side but prevent anything from coming through. Or so we thought!

For six months we worked 18 hour days opening doorway after doorway at different voltages, amperage's and frequencies while recording everything we saw for 30 seconds before closing the doorway. We where so focused on our research we had all completely missed the fact that the Pterodactyls had hatched and found their way outside of the cavern. We didn't realize this until we ourselves gather up our research and were leaving the cavern on our way to show our findings to some of our other colleagues. As soon as we exited the cave we saw 6 of them, now almost full grown flying around the mountains directly outside the cave. They weren't the only thing different we noticed. The terrain and vegetation was slightly different. It wasn't until I grabbed my laptop and pulled up a video clip of Dimension Alpha that it clicked. We, our entire lab and the entire mountain it was in had somehow been pulled out of time or out of our dimension. Then I saw it, laying right on the top of the ground, slightly covered in dirt a few hundred feet from where we were standing laid the ball we crafted and threw the second doorway we opened to Dimension Alpha. How was this possible, we contact people on the outside for over a month after we opened that second doorway to Dimensional Alpha and never opened that doorway again.....or did we.

After returning to the safety and security of our cavern we began analyzing all the data and video we had collected over the last 7 months. Looking for anything out of the ordinary, anything that could explain when and or where we were. Then after weeks of analysis we discovered something truly mind blowing. Our 15th doorway we opened appeared (to us) to be empty space. At a point in time in that dimension when Earth had either not yet formed or was not in it's current position. Although we couldn't see anything but completely blackness with the naked eye the computer analyzing the video detected extremely high levels of Gamma and Delta radiation. We had opened a door right into the Event Horizon of a Black Hole.

After much debate and deliberation we decided to try something. We opened a doorway with the same voltage, amperage and frequency we initially used to open Doorway #15. As expected it opened right into the event horizon of the black hole. While the doorway was open we began adjusting the voltage, amperage and frequency and scanning the video for any signs of the vehicles and equipment we had left outside the entrance to our cavern. For 6 years we kept opening the doorway to the black hole, adjusting things and scanning for our dimension. Then we finally found it. Immediately we shut off the doorway and hoped against all odds that it would somehow relocate us back to our own dimensions. By some miracle it worked. A quick check of the video feed coming from the camera at the entrance/exit tunnel showed our vehicles and equipment all sitting there.....we where home.....then we realized the unimaginable. We were back in our dimension but when. All our vehicles and equipment looked like they had survived a nuclear holocaust. Fearful that might have happened I went to the only room in the facility with an outside connection and tried to get on the internet.....nothing. I grabbed the telephone and picked it up.....no dial tone. On top of the Wind Turbine I had installed a Radio and Television antenna that could also pickup most civilian frequencies and had it wired into this room. So I walked over to the TV and turned it on......again nothing. Same with the AM/FM radio. Last resort I turned on the Ham Radio and hit scan......anxiously I waited to see if it picked up any signals on any known frequencies. After almost an hour the radio locked on a faint signal. It was an automated Time Broadcast. It was 12:01 PM GMT on July 4th, 2130. We had made it back to our dimension, over 100 years into our own future.

Then I realized the Wind Turbine was also equipped with a very advanced Weather Station as well as Air Quality sensors so I raced over to the control computer that ran the weather stations and checked. No radiation, the air is breathable and everything looks relatively normal. So why are there no broadcasts? Where is everyone? Finally we decided to hop in the only vehicle we had in the cavern (my motor home) and drive out and see what is still there....see if we can find anyone or any signs we aren't alone on the planet. Right as we reached the base of the mountain everything suddenly returned to the way we left it. We had somehow re-synced with our own Time. We where home again and in the right time. With all of our research, data and video loaded in the motor home already we drove to Denver and never returned to our underground research facility or continued our research. We turned all the data over to the US Government in exchange for a rather large sum of money and relocation to remote island in the South Pacific where we lived out the rest of our days trying our hardest to forget what had happened.

The End!


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