The Zlovred Files Ch.1 - "Exorcism of Shadows"


The interior of the black SUV was dark, the only light coming from the distant cityscape flashing past the tinted windows. Viktor Zlovred sat hunched against the passenger-side door, his forehead pressed against the cold glass, his breath fogging the window. His eyes were wide and filled with a haunted, restless look. He trembled, muttering under his breath, his fingers twitching against his knees.

Mordokrov sat across from Viktor in the back seat, his cold gaze fixed on Viktor's face, a scarred and tattoed mask of contempt and irritation. The silence in the vehicle was thick, broken only by Viktor's whimpering breaths.


Mordokrov: Enough.

His voice cut through the air like a blade, sharp and commanding. Viktor flinched, shrinking further against the door.

Viktor: I… I'm sorry… I just… I can't…

Mordokrov's eyes narrowed, his patience clearly wearing thin.

Mordokrov: "Sorry?" Do you think sorry is enough, Viktor? Look at you—weak, pathetic! Yume Kui Mei still has her claws deep in your mind, and you do nothing but wallow in fear!

Sitting in the driver's seat, Svetlana Kazakova kept her eyes on the road, but her lips curled into a small, knowing smile. She didn't need to look back to know what was coming. The Black Inferno was about to erupt.

Mordokrov: I've had enough of this!

He leaned forward, his voice rising, each word dripping with disgust.

Mordokrov: Svetlana, take the next exit. It is time you got involved. Time we ended this once and for all.

Viktor's eyes darted towards Mordokrov, panic setting in. He knew that when Mordokrov said "ended," it was never gentle, never painless.

Viktor: No… no, please… I don't want… I don't need… Just give me more time…

Mordokrov let out a cruel laugh, a sound more of a growl than anything human.

Mordokrov: Time? You have had enough time! You are a soldier, Viktor! A warrior of Russia! And yet you let this witch, this phantom of a woman, break you like a child.

Svetlana tightened her hands on the steering wheel as she smoothly guided the SUV off the freeway and into the maze-like streets of Tokyo's slums. The city lights dimmed, replaced by shadows that stretched long and distorted across the cracked pavement.

Svetlana: He's right, Viktor. We need to break this hold she has over you. And you are too weak to do it yourself.

Viktor's breath quickened, beads of sweat forming on his brow. His voice came out as a desperate whisper.

Viktor: What… what are you going to do?

Mordokrov: We will show you the true power of Russia, Viktor. True Siberian magic. We will drag you through hell itself if that is what it takes to free you from this curse.

The SUV stopped in front of a derelict, abandoned building, its windows shattered, its walls covered in graffiti. The shadows seemed to move, to writhe, as if alive. Viktor's heart pounded in his chest, dread settling into his bones.

Svetlana turned off the engine and stepped out, opening the back door.

Svetlana: Get out, Viktor.

Viktor hesitated, but a sharp yank from Mordokrov forced him out of the vehicle. The two dragged him through the building's entrance, his feet stumbling against the cracked floor, his breath coming in ragged gasps.

Viktor: Please… please… I don’t want this…

Mordokrov tightened his grip on Viktor's collar, hauling him forward with a snarl.

Mordokrov: Silence, coward! You don't get to decide anymore. I'm in charge of this group and will do what I say!

They reached a small, windowless room at the heart of the building, a single candle flickering in the center, surrounded by strange symbols drawn on the floor in red chalk. Svetlana moved with purpose, setting down a bag and pulling out various tools—a ceremonial knife, a small, struggling animal in a cage, jars filled with strange herbs and powders.

Svetlana: This is where it begins.

She turned to Viktor, her eyes cold and determined.

Svetlana: You will submit, Viktor. You will let us free you from her grip. Or you will die here, lost in your own madness.

Mordokrov's voice was low, menacing, and filled with dark promise.

Mordokrov: There is no other way, Viktor. This will end tonight. One way or another.

Viktor trembled, his body caught between fear and despair, as he looked at the makeshift altar, the tools, and his comrades' cold, unyielding faces. He knew there was no escape from this place, not from them and himself.

The air in the small, windowless room was thick and stifling as if it had been trapped there for centuries, stagnant and heavy with the scent of decay. Svetlana moved swiftly around the makeshift altar, her movements precise and ritualistic. She placed the jars of herbs and powders around the cauldron, muttering ancient words under her breath, her voice low and rhythmic, like a dark lullaby. The small, flickering candle cast strange, wavering shadows on the walls, twisting and dancing like specters in the dim light.

Viktor stood in the center of the room, his body tense, eyes wide with fear. His breath came in quick, shallow bursts, his hands trembling at his sides. Mordokrov watched him with a predatory gaze, pacing back and forth like a caged beast, his eyes never leaving Viktor.

Mordokrov: Look at you, Viktor. You shake like a leaf in the wind. Pathetic. You should be grateful we are giving you this chance.

Viktor's voice was barely more than a whisper, his words choked with anxiety.

Viktor: Grateful…? For this? What are you going to do to me?

Svetlana's eyes flicked up from the cauldron, her face illuminated by the candlelight, giving her an almost otherworldly appearance. She spoke softly, but there was an edge to her tone, a dangerous undercurrent.

Svetlana: We are going to free you, Viktor. But the way is not easy. You must endure. You must trust the power of the old ways, the Siberian ways.

She reached into the cage, pulling out the small, frightened animal—a rabbit, its eyes wide with terror. She held it up, its small body trembling in her hands.

Svetlana: This creature's blood will cleanse the first layer of darkness that clings to you. It is an offering… a sacrifice to the old gods.

Viktor's eyes widened further, and he stepped back, but Mordokrov's hand shot out, gripping him by the shoulder and holding him in place with an iron grip.

Mordokrov: Stay where you are, Viktor. Do not dishonor us with more cowardice.

Svetlana held the rabbit over the cauldron, its tiny legs kicking in the air. She took the ceremonial knife, its blade gleaming in the candlelight, and with a swift motion, slit its throat. The blood flowed in a crimson stream, pouring into the cauldron below. Viktor gasped, turning his head away, but Mordokrov grabbed his chin, forcing him to look.

Mordokrov: Watch, Viktor! Watch as we pull the darkness from your soul!

The cauldron began to hiss and bubble, a thick, dark vapor rising from the surface. The air grew colder, and the shadows on the walls seemed to stretch and contort, twisting into grotesque shapes. The smell of iron and sulfur filled the room, mingling with the scent of burning herbs.

Svetlana's voice grew louder, more commanding, as she continued the incantation. Her words were harsh, guttural, ancient, and powerful, resonating with the energy of forgotten gods and spirits.

Svetlana: Drevnie dukhi Sibiri, uslysh'te nash prizyv! Vypustite etu dushu iz teni Yume Kui Mei! Osvobodite yego ot yeyo magii!

Viktor's knees buckled, and he fell to the ground, his body convulsing. His eyes rolled back in his head as the vapor began to swirl around him, seeping into his skin, his mouth, and his nostrils. He gagged and choked, his hands clawing at his throat as if he were trying to tear the darkness out of himself.

Mordokrov held him down, his face close to Viktor's ear, whispering harshly.

Mordokrov: Fight, Viktor! Do not let her win! Show me you are still a warrior!

The vapor thickened, filling the room with a dense fog. Svetlana's chanting reached a fever pitch, her voice echoing off the walls, filling the space with an eerie, dissonant melody. The ground beneath them began to tremble as if the earth was waking from a long slumber.

Viktor's screams filled the air, raw and primal, as his body writhed under Mordokrov's iron grip. His veins pulsed with dark energy, his skin turning pale as the vapor seemed to draw something out of him—something intangible, something dark.

Viktor: No… no… please, stop… make it stop…

Svetlana's eyes blazed with intensity as she continued her incantation, her hands moving in intricate patterns over the cauldron, the blade still dripping with blood. She was in a trance, a connection forged with forces beyond this world, her voice merging with the shadows.

Svetlana: Yesli ty slishish' menya, Yume Kui Mei, pokaži sebya! Vyyidi iz etogo cheloveka i srazhis' so mnoy!

The air crackled with energy, a low rumble vibrating through the room. The vapor seemed to pulse, to grow denser, and for a moment, a shape appeared within it—a ghostly form, barely visible but unmistakable. Yume Kui Mei's spectral face appeared in the smoke, her eyes glowing with a cold, malevolent light.


Yume Kui Mei: You dare challenge me, Russian witch? You do not know the depths of the shadows you invoke.

Mordokrov grinned, a wild, savage smile spreading across his scarred face.

Mordokrov: Finally… she shows herself. Hold steady, Viktor. This is only the beginning.

The room began to shake violently, the walls creaking and groaning as if they might collapse. The shadows grew darker and deeper, and the encroaching darkness swallowed Viktor's screams.

Svetlana's chanting never faltered, her voice rising above the chaos as the true battle for Viktor's soul began.

The room plunged into a deep, unnatural darkness, the air growing colder with each passing second. The vapor thickened, coiling like a living thing around Viktor, its tendrils wrapping around his limbs, pulling him toward the cauldron as if trying to swallow him whole. Mordokrov's grip on Viktor tightened, his knuckles white, the rage in his eyes burning like a black flame.

Svetlana's chanting intensified, her voice becoming a low, growling resonance that seemed to reverberate off the walls. She stepped closer to the cauldron, her eyes locked on Yume Kui Mei's spectral face, which hovered above Viktor, her expression twisted with cruel delight.

Yume Kui Mei: You think your crude rituals can dispel me? I have fed on the fears and sorrows of many evil men like him. You are foolish to believe you can face me in my own realm.

Mordokrov sneered, a feral grin spreading across his scarred face.

Mordokrov: We do not fear you, Devil witch!

Yume Kui Mei's face twisted further, her lips curling into a smile that was more of a grimace, her eyes glowing brighter. The tendrils of vapor around Viktor began to tighten, constricting around his body, making his skin blanch and his veins pulse with an unnatural blackness.

Yume Kui Mei: You are brave, Russians… but bravery alone will not save you. Come, then. Come into the depths where I reside. Let us see if your souls are as strong as your words.

The floor beneath them cracked without warning, and a gaping chasm opened, swallowing them whole. The three plunged into the darkness, the world around them shifting and twisting, the very fabric of reality tearing apart.

Inside Viktor's Mindscape: The Realm of Shadows

They landed in a bleak, desolate landscape, the ground beneath them a charred wasteland of ash and bones. The sky above was a swirling mass of dark clouds, lightning crackling across it with unnatural fury. The air was thick with a suffocating fog that seemed to press against their skin, seeping into their lungs like poison.

Viktor staggered to his feet, his eyes wide with terror, his breath coming in short, sharp gasps. He looked around, his face pale and drenched in sweat.

Viktor: Where… where are we?

Svetlana surveyed the landscape with a cold, calculating gaze. Her eyes narrowed as she sensed the oppressive energy surrounding them, her breath steady and controlled.

Svetlana: We are inside your mind, Viktor. This is Yume's domain… the prison she has built for you.

Mordokrov straightened his expression to one of disdain and contempt.

Mordokrov: A place of fear and suffering… a fitting lair for a demonic parasite like her.

Suddenly, shadows began moving around them, forming shapes in the mist. Ghostly figures emerged, their faces twisted in agony, their eyes hollow and lifeless. They reached out with skeletal hands, their whispers filling the air, a chorus of tormented voices.

Tormented Voices: Viktor… murderer… traitor… coward…

Viktor's hands flew to his ears, his eyes wide with panic as he tried to block out the voices.

Viktor: No… no… I didn’t… I didn’t mean to…

Mordokrov grabbed Viktor by the shoulders, shaking him violently.

Mordokrov: Focus, Viktor! This is her doing. She is using your guilt and memories against you. Do not give her the satisfaction of seeing you break!

Yume Kui Mei appeared before them, her form more substantial now, her laughter ringing like a cruel melody.

Yume Kui Mei: You cannot escape your past, Viktor. You cannot hide from your sins. This place… this is where you belong.

Svetlana stepped forward, her voice sharp and commanding.

Svetlana: Enough games, Yume Kui Mei. We did not come here to be taunted by your illusions. Release Viktor, or face the full wrath of the Chyornaya Vedma!

Yume's smile faded, her expression hardening.

Yume Kui Mei: You think you can command me, hag? Do you think you can break the chains I have forged? I will show you the depth of his despair, the weight of his soul's darkness.

With a wave of her hand, the ground around them shifted, and the scene changed. They were no longer in the wasteland but in the heart of a burning village, the flames licking at the sky, the smell of smoke and charred flesh filling the air. The screams of the dying echoed around them, the sounds of gunfire and explosions tearing through the chaos.

Viktor fell to his knees, his eyes wide with horror.

"Viktor:" No… not this… please, not this… I can't!

The figures of the villagers appeared around him, their bodies charred and broken, their eyes filled with pain and accusation. They reached out to him, their voices filled with anger and sorrow.

Villagers: Why, Viktor? Why did you do this to us? Why did you betray us?

Mordokrov's eyes narrowed, his jaw tightening.

Mordokrov: Yume Kui Mei, you overplay your hand. Your illusions are crude and simplistic. Viktor is stronger than you think. He will break free from your grip.

Svetlana moved beside Viktor, her hand resting on his shoulder, her voice low and firm.

Svetlana: Viktor, listen to me. This is not real. This is a manifestation of your guilt, your fear. You are stronger than this. You are a warrior, Russia. You did what your country needed! What you had to do! There is no shame in serving Mother Russia!

Viktor's breathing grew ragged, his hands shaking.

Viktor: I… I can't… I can't do this… I'm not strong enough…

Mordokrov's hand shot out, slapping Viktor across the face hard enough to snap his head back.

Mordokrov: Enough, Viktor! You are stronger than you think! She feeds on your doubt, on your weakness. Show her that you are not afraid!

The flames around them grew higher, the screams louder, as Yume Kui Mei stepped closer, her eyes gleaming with malevolent glee.

Yume Kui Mei: Yes, Viktor… show me. Show me your fear. Show me your despair.

But there was a flicker in Viktor's eyes, a spark of defiance. He looked up, his jaw setting, his hands clenching into fists.

Viktor: No… no more… I will not be your puppet… I will not be your victim…

Yume's smile faltered, her eyes narrowing.

Yume Kui Mei: What is this? Resistance? From you?

Viktor pushed himself to his feet, his legs shaky but steady. He took a deep breath, his voice growing stronger.

Viktor: I am not afraid of you… not anymore.

Svetlana grinned, her eyes flashing with triumph.

Svetlana: That's it, Viktor… fight back. Show her your strength.

Mordokrov stepped forward, his eyes blazing with a dark, fierce light.

Mordokrov: Now, Yume Kui Mei… let us see if you are as strong as you pretend to be.

The ground trembled beneath them, a low rumble sending cracks through the scorched earth. Viktor stood in the center, his face pale but resolute. Around him, the shadows flickered with malevolent life, writhing like serpents in a pit. Yume Kui Mei's eyes blazed with fury, her voice hissing through the heavy air.

Yume Kui Mei: You dare to defy me, Viktor? After all I've shown you, all I've made you remember? You are nothing but a coward, broken by your own sins.

Viktor took a hesitant step forward, the fear still present in his eyes but muted, buried beneath something deeper—anger, defiance.

Viktor: No more. I won't let you haunt me anymore.

Svetlana's voice rose from the shadows, a twisted incantation that resonated with a dark, primal energy. Her hands moved in intricate, sinister patterns, drawing symbols in the air that seemed to pulse with their own malevolent glow. Her smile was sharp, almost cruel.

Svetlana: By the ancient spirits that dwell in the abyss, by the blood of the dark earth… I call upon the powers that bind to sever your grip on this man!

Mordokrov's laughter filled the air, a deep, rumbling sound that sent shivers down Viktor's spine. He stepped forward, eyes blazing with a dark intent, a predator stalking his prey.

Mordokrov: You think you are powerful, Yume Kui Mei? You are nothing but a puppet master playing with shadows. Svetlana has trained in the mystic arts longer than you've been alive!

Yume's face twisted into a sneer, her voice a low growl.

Yume Kui Mei: You dare challenge me in my own domain? I am the nightmare that feeds on the weak!

Svetlana's chant grew louder, her voice dripping with malice.

Svetlana: I bind you, the demoness of the darkness, by the power of the old gods… I bind you to the void!

The air thickened with a tangible darkness, a palpable force that seemed to suck the light from the very air around them. The ground beneath Viktor's feet shifted, the shadows coiling tighter like serpents preparing to strike.

Mordokrov snarled, his lips peeling back to reveal a grim, almost feral grin.

Mordokrov: I will tear you apart, shadow witch. Piece by piece, I will feed your essence to the void.

He lunged at Yume, his movements swift and brutal, his hands closing around her throat with a force that sent a shockwave through the darkness. Yume's form flickered, her eyes widening in surprise and then fury.

Yume Kui Mei: You think… you can stop me?

She raised her hands, and the shadows exploded into monstrous shapes, a dozen twisted figures lunging toward Mordokrov and Svetlana. Svetlana's grin widened, her eyes glowing with an eerie, unnatural light.

Svetlana: Come, dark spirits… come and test your strength against mine!

She stepped forward, her hands moving in a complex, serpentine pattern. The symbols she traced in the air burned with a dark fire, her voice filled with a sinister glee.

Svetlana: I have made pacts with darkness far older than you, witch.

Mordokrov tightened his grip on Yume's throat, his face inches from hers, his voice a low, threatening whisper.

Mordokrov: Release him, or I will drag you into the deepest pits of hell myself and snuff you out in front of Satan himself, demon!

Yume struggled, her eyes blazing with defiance. The shadows around them surged forward, but Svetlana's incantations held them at bay. Her power was fueled by her twisted ambition, her desire to dominate even the darkness.

Svetlana: By the blood spilled in the name of the old gods, by the pain and the suffering, I command you to depart, Yume Kui Mei!

Yume's form flickered again, her voice rising in frustration and rage.

Yume Kui Mei: You… will not… defeat me!

Mordokrov's eyes glinted with a mad light as he tightened his grip further, his fingers digging into her spectral flesh.

Mordokrov: I will do more than defeat you, witch. I will make you suffer.

With a snarl, he slammed Yume into the ground, sending a shockwave through the dark realm. Her form began to dissolve, the shadows pulling away from her like smoke in a strong wind. Svetlana stepped closer, her voice a triumphant hiss.

Svetlana: It's over Mei. Your power here is broken!

Yume's form flickered and began to fade, her voice a fading wail of anger.


The shadows evaporated, and the darkness lifted. Viktor stood, his breath heavy, his face pale, but his eyes clear.

Viktor: It's over… she's gone.

Mordokrov released his grip, his face still twisted in anger.

Mordokrov: Do not let this happen again, Viktor. Weakness has no place among us.

Svetlana chuckled; her smile was dark and satisfied.

Svetlana: You owe me, Viktor. Remember that. Oh... and I always make sure others pay their debts.

Viktor: I'll... keep that in mind.

The dark realm began to dissolve around them, reality pulling them back. Viktor felt the weight of his own body return, the cold air of the abandoned building rushing back into his lungs. They were back, the cauldron still bubbling, the blood fresh on the floor.

Mordokrov turned to Viktor, his eyes cold and merciless.

Mordokrov: If this ever happens again, I will take you out back and put a bullet in your skull.

Viktor nodded, his face set in determination.

Viktor: Don't worry, Chernyy Kostyo. You have your soldier back.

Svetlana turned away, her expression unreadable, but her eyes glinted with a dark satisfaction.

Svetlana: Good. Now, let's prepare… we have a rumble to win.

The three of them stepped out of the building. The air was filled with the distant sounds of Tokyo at night, the city stretching out like a dark ocean before them. Viktor took a deep breath, feeling the shadows within him finally recede.

He was free… but he knew the darkness was never far behind.

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