Terracotta Titans: Ch. 2 - "Night of the Celebration"


The Bigg House

The dimly lit interior of The Bigg House is a stark contrast to the chaos outside. Neon lights flicker against the rich, dark mahogany of the club's walls, casting long shadows that dance across the plush velvet couches and polished marble floors. Normally, this would be the site of Tokyo's most infamous parties. Still, tonight, the club is closed to the public due to the pandemic. Still, LuLu Biggs, the ever-defiant, has thrown an exclusive party to celebrate the Terracotta Titans' recent victory over the Siberian Spirits in the Ultimate Wrestling Tag Team Tournament.

The smell of high-end cigars and whiskey mixes with perfume, filling the air with a heady scent. Scantily clad women in lingerie, their hair teased and bodies adorned with glitter, moved between the tables, serving drinks to the Titans and their crew. The waitresses, topless save for tiny aprons, carry trays with champagne and shot glasses filled with premium liquor.


LuLu Biggs sits at the head of the lounge, his enormous frame sinking into an oversized leather armchair. His right arm is still in a sling, thick white bandages peeking beneath his coat. Despite his injuries, there's a cocky grin on his face, and his eyes sparkle with defiance and mischief.

LuLu Biggs: (raising his voice over the music) A toast! To my boys, the Terracotta Titans, who put them damn Russians in their place! Y'all did it like I knew you would!

Sun Hao and Zhou Kai, dressed sharply in tailored suits, raise their glasses, a confident gleam in their eyes. They look every bit the victors, their bodies still fresh from the battle but their spirits high.

Zhou Kai: (grinning) We took those Siberian suckers to school, LuLu. They didn't know what hit 'em.

Sun Hao: (nodding) Viktor was already half out of his mind with that crazy mist Yume spit in his face. Just had to push him a little further.

Risako Tomozuna nods approvingly, standing nearby with a wrinkled smile. His face is almost hidden by the voluptuous woman beside him, her body pressing against him as she laughs at one of his suggestive jokes. Risako, the elder statesman of sumo, is known for his perverted humor and unpredictable temperament.

Risako Tomozuna: (laughing loudly) Ah, yes, my precious boys! You break them like I break the young sumo trainees' spirits! Next time, maybe break their legs too, hmm?

The room erupts in laughter, the mood lightened by the old man's crude humor. LuLu chuckles, his gold chains clinking as he shifts in his chair.

LuLu Biggs: (grinning) You two ain't done yet, though. You still got them Devil's Dreamers comin' up. Those weirdos Kazuo Oni and Yume Kui Mei… We need to be ready. They ain't no pushovers.

Sun Hao and Zhou Kai nod, their smiles fading slightly as they focus on the next challenge.

Sun Hao: (serious) Mei's got that mist trick, and Oni is a dirty fighter. We gotta keep our distance and watch his hands.

Zhou Kai: (thoughtful) Mei's fast, like a cheetah. We gotta outthink her. She likes to fly, but that means she can fall just as fast.

Risako Tomozuna: (grinning, leaning forward) Ah, yes, Mei-chan! She is as beautiful as she is dangerous… like a sexy tigress. Use your size and corner her; she will panic. If you show her no fear, she will hesitate. Use her speed against her. When she comes flying, you catch her and CRUSH HER!

LuLu Biggs: (laughing) I like that, Risako! Show 'em no fear. Make them fools second-guess every damn move.

A topless waitress approaches LuLu with a tray of drinks. He gives her a cheeky wink, and she giggles as she bends low to place the glass in his good hand.

LuLu Biggs: (raising his glass again) But let's not forget the real enemy in this war… That punk-ass Yamamoto and his Yakuza crew. They put two bullets in me and tried to take me out. Ain't nobody gonna do me like that and walk away clean.

Sun Hao nods solemnly, sensing the shift in the mood.

Sun Hao: (serious) What's the plan, LuLu? You know we got your back, no matter what.

LuLu Biggs: (leaning forward, voice low and intense) We gonna hit 'em where it hurts. Those punks, Nakamura and Takahashi, were the ones who pulled the trigger. We're gonna find out where they hang and make a mess. But first… (glancing at Risako), we handle this business in the ring. Show them we ain't just muscle; we got brains too.

Risako Tomozuna claps his hands together, his expression shifting from humor to a focused intensity.

Risako Tomozuna: (serious) Yes, yes! We use the ring to send a message. When you face Oni and Mei, you show them the strength of warriors! This is not just wrestling; it is war! Make it so they fear ever stepping in that ring again with you!

The Titans nod, absorbing the wisdom from their eccentric mentor. The women continue to serve drinks, the music thumps louder, and the atmosphere grows more electric with every passing moment. LuLu watches his crew pridefully, his face etched with satisfaction and vengeance.

The celebration continues in full swing, but as the night deepens, the conversation shifts to more serious matters. The bass from the speakers pounds through the room, and the clinking of glasses and laughter fills the air, but a darker topic soon dominates the discussion. LuLu, Sun Hao, Zhou Kai, and Risako Tomozuna gather closer around the table, lowering their voices as they discuss the shocking events that transpired at the last Friday Night Clash.

LuLu Biggs leans back in his chair, his grin fading into a grim expression. He taps his glass against the table, the ice cubes clinking softly.

LuLu Biggs: Y'all saw what went down at Clash. Yamamoto and that fool Tanaka brought their whole damn AAPW roster over and tried to take us out like we were some weak-ass promotion. They even snatched up Rupert right in front of everybody and dragged his ass to the ring like they owned the damn place.

Zhou Kai: (nodding) Yeah, and that Sasori guy, the Heavyweight Champ… He looked like he was ready to rip Rupert's head off. They were makin' a statement, tryin' to show that they run the wrestling scene in Japan, not Ultimate Wrestling.

Sun Hao: (leaning forward) They humiliated Rupert on live TV, man. That was wild. Tanaka called for that Ronin Rumble match and threw down the gauntlet like it was a game to them.

LuLu Biggs: (snorting) Yeah, a 60-man freakin' war, thirty of their boys against thirty of ours. They think they got the upper hand, bringin' all them freaks, weirdos, and gangsters to the fight.

Risako Tomozuna chuckles softly, his laughter sounding like gravel being ground underfoot. He takes a long drag from a cigar he snatched from LuLu's table and blows the smoke into the air, the thick cloud drifting above them.

Risako Tomozuna: (grinning) Yamamoto is a fool, but a clever fool. He knows he might win over the crowd if he can make a spectacle of this. Make them believe that AAPW is stronger than Ultimate Wrestling.

LuLu slams his fist on the table with his good arm, his expression fierce.

LuLu Biggs: (intense) And that's why we ain't gonna let that happen. We gotta show 'em that we don't back down from no one, 'specially not some Yakuza-backed punk-asses tryna play gangsters in our backyard!

Sun Hao nods, his face serious as he weighs in.

Sun Hao: (thoughtful) I heard Tanaka talkin' about how they gonna use this Rumble to break us, make us look like weak outsiders in front of the Japanese fans. We can't let 'em spin that narrative, LuLu. We gotta strike back hard, not just in the ring but outside of it, too.

Risako Tomozuna leans forward, a sly grin creeping onto his face as he stubs out the cigar.

Risako Tomozuna: If Yamamoto wants to play a war game, we play it better. He is a Yakuza, but so what? We use their own chaos against them. Find their weaknesses… their dirty little secrets. Everyone has them, even a Yakuza boss.

LuLu's eyes light up with a devious gleam as he listens to Risako. He nods, leaning in closer.

LuLu Biggs: (smiling wickedly) I like where ya head's at, Risako. We find out what makes Yamamoto sweat. Find out what makes his boys nervous. Make 'em feel the heat like they never felt before.

Sun Hao: (smirking) They think they can just roll in here, guns blazing, take down our crew, humiliate our boss? Knock is fucking teeth of his mouth? We'll show 'em what real payback looks like.

Zhou Kai: (nodding) And while we handle business in the ring, we start diggin'. Find out what kinda dirt we can use. Make 'em think twice 'bout messin' with us again.

LuLu downs his drink in one gulp, the liquor burning down his throat, fueling his determination. He slams the glass back down on the table, nodding.

LuLu Biggs: (with conviction) That's the plan. We hit 'em from every angle. We send a message they can't ignore.

Risako Tomozuna raises his glass, his eyes gleaming with pride and cunning.

Risako Tomozuna: (raising his glass) To war, my friends. A war they will regret starting!

The group clinks their glasses together, the sound echoing through the room, filled with fierce determination. The mad bitches giggle and cheer around them, sensing the intense energy of the men they surround.

LuLu leans back, his expression sharp and focused.

LuLu Biggs: (smirking) And let's make it clear to those boys at AAPW… We ain't just wrestlers, we're gangsters, and they just woke up the wrong damn crew.

The Titans nod, their resolve set, as the party continues around them. The music grows louder, the drinks flow more freely, and the air fills with an electric tension. The battle lines have been drawn, and the Terracotta Titans, guided by LuLu Biggs and Risako Tomozuna, are ready to make their next move.

As the fierce exchange of ideas and strategies climaxes, the energy in the room becomes almost palpable. The music thumps harder, vibrating through the walls, and the scantily clad women sense the shift in the mood. They move closer, giggling and whispering, their eyes gleaming with mischief and desire.

A blonde woman, barely covered by a sheer lace bodysuit, sidles up to Sun Hao and drapes herself across his shoulders, her hands resting on his chest.

Blonde Waitress: (playfully) You boys need a little break from all this serious talk.

Sun Hao smirks, his muscles tensing under her touch, but his eyes remain focused on the room's vibe. He catches a glance from Zhou Kai, surrounded by a pair of brunettes with seductive smiles.

Zhou Kai: (chuckling) We have been breakin' Russians, planning on breakin' some more bones… but maybe we could use a little… relaxation.

Risako Tomozuna watches the scene unfold with a knowing grin. He claps his hands loudly, causing the women to giggle louder and pull the men closer.

Risako Tomozuna: (laughing) Ah, yes, my boys! You are warriors, but even warriors need rest! Follow these lovely ladies. They will take care of your spirits… and maybe other things!

He winks lecherously, and the girls burst into laughter, a chorus of teasing giggles and sultry glances. LuLu Biggs sits back, his grin wide, enjoying the sight of his crew being doted on. A redhead with emerald eyes leans into him, pressing against his uninjured side, her lips near his ear.

Redhead Waitress: (whispering) And you, Big Man? Care to join us downstairs? I promise we'll make you forget all about that sling...

LuLu Biggs laughs, the sound deep and full of swagger. He winks at her, enjoying the attention, but remains seated, his eyes still sharp with thoughts of vengeance.

LuLu Biggs: (grinning) Oh, don't worry, sugar. I ain't forgetting 'bout nothing. But yeah, maybe I could use a lil' somethin' somethin' to take my mind off this damn sling…

He nods at Sun Hao and Zhou Kai, who are already pulled up by the women, their playful resistance fading into laughter.

Zhou Kai: (teasingly) Alright, don't drag too hard! I'm comin'!

Sun Hao: (smiling) We'll be back, LuLu. Don't wait up!

Risako Tomozuna is already surrounded by two more women. His arms are around their waists, whispering sweet nonsense in their ears as they giggle and blush. He turns to LuLu with a mock-serious look.

Risako Tomozuna: (mischievously) LuLu, a good coach, knows when his fighters need a break! This is for the training... of the soul!

LuLu waves his good hand dismissively, a grin stretching across his face.

LuLu Biggs: (laughing) Yeah, y'all go handle that "training." Just remember, we have got work to do tomorrow.

As the women lead the Titans and Risako toward a hidden door at the back of the lounge, the laughter and teasing continue, the atmosphere thick with anticipation. They disappear down a narrow staircase into the dimly lit underground basement of The Bigg House, where the real party awaits—away from prying eyes, in a world where rules don't apply.

The redhead leans closer to LuLu Biggs, brushing her lips against his ear.

Redhead Waitress: (whispering seductively) And for you, big guy… we've saved the best for last.

LuLu Biggs smirks, his mind momentarily drifting from the battles ahead to the present pleasures. He glances around the room one last time, ensuring his crew is in good spirits. He allows himself to be guided towards the door, ready to enjoy a brief respite from the storm.

As the door to the basement swings shut behind them, the camera pans back to the empty lounge. The music fades to a low, steady beat, and the lights dim, leaving an echo of laughter and promises of battle and pleasure.


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