The Monster's Little Angel



Archer stared lovingly at his beautiful wife, Monica, as she sat in the study, fascinated with the book in her hands. He couldn't help but smile at her.

To him, she was perfect.

Short and straight, golden blonde hair. Cute button nose. Plush and pink lips. Big and cheerful grey eyes. Small and slim little body. And best of all...

Her big, round tummy that was carrying his baby. She was already 8 months and 2 weeks pregnant and soon to be nine.

"Are you planning on staring at me the whole day, Arch?" she teasingly asked as his gaze shifted to her face, that was staring at him with a joyful smile.
"I wish I could," he sighed, mocking disappointment as he walked over to her,"but sadly, I have to go and collect money from some asshole."

He walked behind her and leaned down, softly kissing her cheek.

"Okay, have fun. But this time, try not to come home with blood all over your suit," she whined, turning to face him with a pleading expression.

"I'll try my best, my love, but it's an occupational hazard," he smirked, giving her lips a quick peck before heading out of the study.

He quickly halted his movement and turned to her. "Don't forget, Monica, you have an appointment with Liam in half an hour."

She shook her head at him and sighed. "Liam will come fetch me. He is your personal doctor after all."

"But still, I want results when I get back." he warned and she playfully glared at him.

"Understood, daddy, now go before that guy dies from old age from you just standing here." she teased, shooing him with her hands.

"Whatever. I love you, bye."

"Love you too, bye." she called as he walked out and drove off with some of his men.

While Archer drove off, Monica stayed seated in the study, reading her book.

Her enjoyable reading was interrupted when a small kick bashed inside her tummy.

She placed the book on the small table next to her and began rubbing her tummy, making her baby kick more.

"Calm yourself. You ain't on the soccer team yet." she giggled as she softly stroked her big baby bump.

A knock came to the door and she called, "Come in."
The door silently squeaked open and Liam strutted in.
"I just came to tell you that your appointment is in twenty minutes." he said, seating himself on the comfy chair across from her.

"Thank you, Liam."

Monica went back to rubbing her tummy and Liam smiled at the scene.

"You are going to be a wonderful mother." he stated and she giggled.

"Thank you, Liam. That was-" her words were cut off as guards yelled from outside the house and gunshots rang through the building.
"Stay here." Liam commanded and rushed towards the study doors.

He was about to reach for the doors' handle when they slammed open, making him stumble back and fall to the floor.

Unfamiliar men walked in and the one - who both Monica and Liam assumed was the leader - nodded towards Liam. As he did, three men dragged Liam to a bookshelf, tying him up next to it.

As they were busy restraining poor Liam, the leader turned to face Monica - who was completely calm about the situation.
He smirked evily at her, then strutted his way towards her. He halted in front of her and they kept eye contact.

"Hello, may I help you?" she asked calmly and he chuckled at her.

"Hello madam. Am I to assume you're Monica Reed, wife of Archer Reed?" the man asked politely.
She nodded. "You assume correct. And who may you be?"

"Forgive me for not introducing myself sooner. I'm Edward Hayes."

The men that were restraining Liam, finished their job and walked back to stand by Edward's side.

"Well Edward, is there a reason you barged into my house, tied up my doctor and shot bullets outside?" she asked, her tone still calm and gentle.

"Yes, there is. You see, your husband is an old enemy of mine. He took something from me so," he took a step closer to her,"I'm here to return the favour."
As soon as his words ended, he swung his arm back and slammed his clenched fist hard into Monica's cheek. Her head whipped harshly to the side and she sat there shocked.

"Oh, I see." she stated calmly as she turned her head back to face him, her expression unchanging and her eyes holding no tears.

"But there is a way you can avoid my wrath and your death." he explained and she stared at him.

"And what would I need to do?"

He smirked and slightly crouched down, softly stroking the cheek that he had harmed. "If you say you'll be mine and let me raise Archer's child, I won't kill you right here, right now."
She carefully pulled his hand away from her cheek and glared at him.

"I'd rather sell my soul to the devil and eat my own vomit, than allow myself to be by your side and allow you to even touch my baby." she spat bluntly, giving him an innocent smile at the end.

Liam's muffled cries were in the background as he rapidly shook his head, pleading with her not to say anything.

"Is that your final answer, beautiful?" Edward asked, raising an eyebrow and standing straight up.

"Yes, it is my final answer, pig." she spat.
He then glared and slammed his fist against her cheek again, making her topple off the chair, landing on the floor, on her back.

She yelped in pain as her one hand immediately went over her stomach.

Edward walked to her and bent down, smirking at her. "Such a shame to lose something so beautiful."

She spat in his face and he wiped it away, seeing a red liquid instead of a transparent one. She smirked at him and he darkly chuckled. He stood up and reached into his suit pocket, pulling out a handgun. He aimed it at her head, as she kept smirking at him.
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*Bang! *

The bullet pierced through Monica's forehead and her head jerked back from the force. A blank expression was on her face and her once cheerful grey eyes faded into bleakness as they closed and would never open up again.

Edward nodded and, him and all his men left the house and drove away.
Liam struggled in his restraints and they finally loosened. He pulled the ropes off his wrists before undoing the ones on his ankles and then removing the rag from around his mouth.

He then shot up, running to Monica's lifeless and limp body. He checked her pulse and just as he feared but expected, she was dead.

He then began to check her stomach and felt a faint kick. He gasped and stared intently at her stomach.

"There's still hope."

Archer arrived home, not being able to wait any longer to cuddle his beautiful wife in his arms.
But, once he stepped out of the car, his happiness disappeared and was replaced with confusion.

Blood stained the outside path and guards were being treated by his other doctors, for bullet wounds.

He rushed into the house and to the study. His heart stopped when a small pool of blood was near Monica's fallen comfy chair.

He began to panic as he raced to Liam's surgery room and his heart nearly stopped completely at what he saw.

His beautiful and loving wife, was on the surgery table with a bullet wound in her head, her body lifeless and her stomach flat.
He rushed to her side and tightly gripped her cold, dead hand. Tears streamed down his face as he stared at her.

"Monica." he whispered as if it would make her wake up from her eternal slumber but she remained still and unmoving.

He shook his head in disbelief as a firm hand gently and carefully gripped his shoulder.

Archer looked over to see Liam, who appeared to have been crying.

"I'm sorry, sir but it was too late to save Monica." Liam softly explained and all Archer could do was nod.
"But I was able to save someone else." he slightly smiled, carefully leading Archer away from his dead wife and over to an incubator.

Inside, was a beautiful and adorable little baby. It had slight tufts of dark brown hair, like Archer, but had soft lips, a small body and a cute button nose like Monica.

"Archer, this is your daughter." Liam softly explained.

Archer stared at the tiny baby and it started to shift. Soon, her eyes opened to reveal beautiful, gleaming grey orbs.

Archer gasped with joy and sadness as their eyes made contact and she gave him a toothless smile.
"She has Monica's eyes." he smiled.

He picked up his little girl, making sure the blanket was securely around her before holding her close to his chest.

"What is the baby's name? I need to fill out her birth certificate." Liam explained, ready to write.

Archer thought back to what Monica wanted and replied,"Quinn Angel Reed."

Liam nodded and wrote it down.
Archer looked down at his little girl, who was still smiling at him.
He smiled as well.
"My little Quinny." he mumbled, kissing her forehead gently.
"My little angel."

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