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"Mom!! Mom!! Help!! Mooommmm!!!  Help me!!!"
Alexa screamed as her voice echoed through  the darkness piercing through the door of her mom's room. Immediately her mom woke up and reached out for the light switch, she put on the light so as to see her way out of the room.
Immediately ran through the corridor, hit her foot by the shelf and fell down. Without wasting time, she stood up again and ran to Alexa's room. On reaching there, she barged in and ran to Alexa's side

"Shhhh shhhhh it's okay baby, mom's here now, it's just a nightmare.....its Okay, I'm right here".

Slowly Alexa began to regain consciousness as she opened her eyes gently and said...

"mom she was here again and this time it felt more real than it has ever been, I don't know what to do again.....I'm sick and tired of these nightmares mom.....I just want them to go away" as she breaks down into tears.
"It's okay baby, everything will be fine" her mom replied.

Alexa is a twelve year old girl who lives with her mom. Her dad abandoned them when she was 6years old. Her grandma lived with them during her last months of her life. She died on the sofa one Sunday night. Just before she died, she called Alexa to her side and told her to watch out for the demons, that they would be coming for her.

"Lexy, take this stone and keep it safely, don't ever misplace it". She instructed Alexa. As Lexy was the name only her grandma called her.

"But what am I supposed to do with it grandma?" Questioned Alexa.

"This stone is what has kept me till this very moment but now my time is up and it's your turn now", her grandma replied.
 "Your mom is going to guide you through the process and she'll tell you everything you need to know". As she turns to face Meda, Alexa's mom.
"Be sure to watch her every move and make sure she's not careless with the stone", she instructs Alexa's mom.

"And you Alexa, be a good girl at all times, listen to your mom and obey her always.....I will always be with you".

Alexa looks at the stone closely. It had a shape of a diamond. The surface was transparent. Deep within the oval shaped stone, she could see a tiny flickering light. As she stared deeply into the stone, oblivious to her surroundings, she suddenly felt as though she was in the middle of a desert. The sands of the desert swirling around her. Unable to move, she saw her grandma in the swirling wind ascending slowly.

"Goodbye Lexy, I love you" Her grandma whispered as her voice reflects over and over again.

Immediately, she snaps out of the day dream that seemed to be lasting forever. She looked at her grandma and she was gone.
She kissed her forehead.

The following week, Alexa started having these nightmares. Sometimes she would see someone in black and red passing through the house occasionally. But when she went looking, she would find no one. This continued for five consecutive days until her mom decided it all had to stop.


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