The Crack History of the Universe Book 1 Ch.26 The End of the Dinosaurs

By the year 70’000’000 B.C.E. as the conflicts within the Heavenly Realms died down one more minor godly scandal would take place around the Time Avian known as: Tokitoki. Raised jointly by two candidates for the role of the Supreme Kai of Time two Shin-jins (aka Core People) their names were Chronoa and Demigra a Girl and a boy respectively.

Ever since the collapse of the Triat that showed how fragile the peace between the gods actually was in reality. Demigra began to think up a plan to secretly bring an end to the threat of the Battle of Revelation and the Battle of Armageddon. To this end he began to gather a following of mages and mystics in his own secret cult of personality that strove to find a way to stop the God Wars by manipulating time through his experiments and tests on Tokitoki to alter event to be more favorable to the stability of the new gods.

Overtime though with Tokitoki increaseingly damaged by these experiments and with the sudden presence of numerous minor singularities forming and damaging the space time continuum of reality Chronoa began to rightfully suspect her co-deity of foul play in regards to his rearing of Tokitoki…

Surely enough when Chronoa caught wind of Demigra’s plans to remake reality through his experiments on Tokitoki; Chronoa told several other gods of this plan and they were greatly angered and fearful of this upstart who would dare to begin to interfere with history to his own biased ends! Though mostly it was to protect their existences as they did not trust Demigra with the power to control time and alter and gatekeep the flow of time itself.

Thus the gods banished Demigra and his entire following to the Hellish Realms where they would hopefully be ripped and torn apart by the evils and unspeakable horrors that awaited them there.

For Chronoa’s bravery, honesty and truthfulness in her reveling of Demigra’s Cult, Chronoa was henceforth dubbed as the Supreme Kai of Time by the Gods and her fellow Kais and granted sole protection of Tokitoki for the rest of eternity!

Meanwhile in the Hellish Realms; Demigra and his followers would fight for their lives and become battle hardened killers and they would become corrupted during their time there to desire world domination and to bring about hell on earth and rule over all just like the demons they fought there as they slowly turned into demons themselves…

The Fall of the Earth.

As the godly conflicts and intrigued concluded the shockwaves sent throughout the universe and certain parts of the omniverse were colossal in scope! It also spelled doom for the Dinosaurs in the vast majority of possible universes in the greater omniverse at large.

The only miscellaneous events the Dinosaurs would experience before the end of the world as they knew it were only two in number: One was the diversification of multituberculates, and the other one being the creation of the Dinosaur Train a way for Dinosaurs to explore their distant past and learn from their long and storied histories. Primarily made by the Troodon Dinosaurs (Dinosaur Train {Show}).

A King Among the Dinos

The last and final Golden Age of the Dinosaurs was only a brief [by the standards of the Eras of the Dinosaurs] two million years before a new and greater threat to the existing order of life on Earth arose in the form of the mighty and feared: Tyrannosaurus Rex!

So feared was the T-Rex as the apex predator it was only spoken of in hushed tones and quiet whispers by those who could not dare to stand against it. Eventually a great army of Tyrannosauruses and their allies would create the first ever: Dinosaur Empire founded in 68’000’000 B.C.E.!

For two million more years the Dinosaur Empire fought and clashed with everyone on the planet Earth conquering tribe by tribe, killing Mi-Go’s and Yiths, slaughtering whole divisions of Laurasian Units! They almost couldn’t be stopped as war began to consume the Earth with its fire!

The Extinction Wars

By the year 66’000’000 B.C.E. a period of one million more years of chaos and misery would follow for the planet Earth as the Cretaceous-Paleogenic Extinction began! Brought about by the Dinosaur Emperor at the time another Tyrannosaurus Rex. This Emperor would enact plans to engineer his subjects directly into making them hardened war beasts and animals by forcing eugenics programs and species cleansing policies to create the greatest fighting force the world had ever seen!

In fear and despair at the hell on earth many sentients experienced many of the suffering masses turned to religion to give them safety and sanctuary from the misery that was the state of the world they lived in! Some of the most pious Dinosaurs would be taken by Demons and then they would become their pets in hell while they slowly fell to corruption and became other demons as well!

Other Dinosaurs and species though would refuse to go quietly and lie down to die and so several rebellions and warring factions emerged in a great coalition against the Dinosaur Empire spearheaded by the Dragons who began to oppose the Dinosaur Empire with the full force of their might!

The Earth’s Battle Lines During the Dinosaur’s Armageddon

The first half of the extinction wars was easily divided into those who supported the Dinosaur Empire and the free sentients of the Dragon’s Coalition that stood against the Empire. By the year 65’750’000 B.C.E. the dust settled into division between the two factions from the ashes of the old world with only vestiges and remnants of the Laurasians and the order of Cthulhu remaining as nearly powerless single province nations with only a handful of cities to govern with tenuous devotion to the old world and its faiths at best…

Ordinarily had the apocalypse never occurred this would be the beginning of a new age for the Dinosaurs. However the universe had other plans for the Earth…

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