Battle for life (Living Dead, Part 2)


Read Part 1

Now it's time to decide. Do or Die; we need to pick one. If we don't kill them, they will slaughter us. They are not human now. Not for me atleast. Our opportunity is less yet work more. The work of saving our lives.

And we took up arms in hand. Let's kill them - I shouted. And without waiting for a second, we attacked them. After the fight, I realised it was not easy to kill them. Not like a filmy one. We killed them all, but we are not spared from injury. We killed them but we could not escape injury. - My neighbour replied. What happened - I asked nervously. He pointed his finger to my father. I immediately looked to my father. He was bleeding from the head. Are you ok dad? Let's go home. We will take the food later. - I said. No need to worry I am fine. I will go by myself. Both of you take the food to our room. - My father replied.

My neighbour and I entered his room as fast as we can and took all the food to upper floor as fast as we can. I never worked that faster. Never in my entire life. Am I a robot? No, I don't think so.

That time I had only one thing in my mind that I should be with my family. Now we do not want anything more than each other. I entered our home. My mom was crying for my father's injury. No need to cry, mother. He is okay. We should be strong now. - I said to my mother.

Now we have food for at least 12 days, but that will not be enough. If we stay here doing nothing we will not live long. We have to do something. We all have to do something. - I said. And I looked at my family member's face. Their eyes said Yes.

I reached our main room and turned on the TV. But the only thing I found was blank tv screen. The brain-dead's are the reason behind this - I realised. I turned my internet on and opened Facebook. My timeline was filled with photos and stories of Brain-deads. But it was not the time to post photos in social media. I immediately called my uncle. He is a Police officer. He received my call at the first ring. As he was waiting to receive my call.

Hello, Uncle. Are you all right? - I said

I am fine. How are you, my cousin? Are your parents fine? Did you saw the zombie's? - He asked eagerly.

Yes uncle we are all fine. Yes, we saw them even we killed ten of them. But I don't think we will be alive for many days. Do something. - I replied.

They are not human anymore. Now they don't follow any law. We are all the same in front of them. But don't worry and keep calm I will take you all from there to a safer place as soon as possible. Just take care of your family. - He said.

Ok Uncle. You too take care of yourself. - And I disconnected the call.

I reached my sister's room where everybody was waiting. I called my uncle. And told him to take us from here. - I said. What he said? Is he coming now? - My father asked.

No, not now. But he will come to take us as soon as possible. - I replied.

But we should not wait for him. We don't know what is happening with him. He is a police officer, and he has many things to do. His duty is his first preference. We should try to go near him rather than waiting for him to come to us. Many brain-deads are roaming around our area. Today only 10 of them came to attack us. And I know how difficult it was to kill them. What will we do when 50 of them will come to attack us? Will we defend ourselves? - I asked in a flaming voice.

Then what should we do now? Run in front of them? - My neighbour replied.

We should run but not in front of them. We will wait for them to go from this area. Then we will take as many weapons we can with us and start our journey at midnight. - I suggested.

This is a good idea. - My neighbour replied.

We discussed our plan. Everybody agreed to my plan. We took our weapons and some foods. Sadly no guns. We decided our destination which was our old guest house(5 km from our house). I called my Uncle again.

Uncle we are going to our old guest house. Pick up us from there. - I said to my Uncle.

Ok. - Replied my Uncle.

Phone Disconnected...

Find Out What happened to them in the next part...

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