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Last flower


I'm Baskoro ... greetings to all readers.
Every night I always remember the figure who always gives me more or less attention like my own mother. endless memories if I can write them all over this memory. The nuances that we always color in our own way. we also believe that if we are still together, we will definitely be able to continue to decorate shades with different and new colors. But, all of that was past ...
Let the clouds, the sky and the trees that were witnesses when we used to always create a nuance. nuances that we always miss. May he calm down there. Here I miss you dear
That's all I can do now to heed my loneliness. Every night I always try to talk to the moon and stars. But, again, no one can replace my beloved who has been called by the almighty. Well ... at that time he was very ill, actually he had long had breast cancer. But we were able to pass it together, at that moment I promised to always be by his side.
Her name is Eva, she is a woman who is able to work hard. Do not like to complain while still healthy and can be overcome alone. there is one thing that makes me captivated, namely his personality that always treats all those he loves as blood brothers. Since he knew that he was short-lived, he was only lying weakly in his bed and there were drugs and photographs of memories beside us. Every time he wants to sleep, he forgets to tell me to sing a favorite song for the two of us for his sleep.
Our parents' closeness was very good, so that their parents did not hesitate to tell me to sleep next to Eva who was sick at that time to look after her.
Every morning I had to hurry home, and Eva was still fast asleep on her bed.
Do not forget to also leave a message to her parents to tell Eva to take her medication regularly.
At that time I had to go to the garage to help my father work until dusk arrived. Night after sunset I took turns with her parents to keep Eva. Understandably, because Eva is their only child. "Assalamualaikum ma'am, sir ..." I was already in front of his house, and there happened to be a mbok sanah who opened the door. "Yes, son, just enter, non-eva are waiting for you," said mbok sanah told me to enter. "Yes Mbok, excuse me". I went straight into the eva room, he was deliberately not to sleep because he was waiting for me.
"Just a long time ago, I just came .. I was going to sleep".
"Sorry, dear, I had a lot of motorbikes in the repair shop that needed to be repaired, bye ... have you eaten the medicine?"
"It's a shame ... just calm".
"Well, good ... let's go to sleep, dear, it's late ... get some rest ... get fit first"
Eva immediately pulled the blanket and as usual she was ready to listen to her lullaby. The singing was getting fainter and the eva grip was tighter in my hand. I also felt confused .. with tears in my eyes staring at me.
"Why again dear? what else makes you cry? "
"It's okay, bro, it's okay ... eva is just afraid if eva sleeps ..."
"Brother is always beside Eva, Brother always take care of Eva ... unfortunately I have to rest so quickly get well".
"Eva will not recover anymore, Eva is scared ... these eyes will be closed forever .."
When I heard Eva's words, I could only hug her and let her lean on my shoulder. "Unfortunately, in this world nothing lasts forever ... All of that has been arranged by the Almighty, and we are the ones who have to change the storyline of this world stage. You also don't want to eva like this .. brother please, eva don't talk like that anymore ". The atmosphere of the night in the room when it was only silent, the sound of the clock seconds and eva small cries. Immediately I told Eva to go back to sleep because it was already 11:00.
"It's really late, honey, sleep ... let my brother sing the song again".
"Bang ..."
"Yes dear, what's up?"
"When will we be like before? When will Eva be healthy again? eva does not want to continue to spoil this disease ".
"Shhh, dear ... you know, you know, this is so tormenting eva. But for a while have to restore the condition first dear "
" bang ... eva miss our time long ago ... let eva for a moment to remember our past moments yes sir. Before ... when we bought ice cream, do you remember? I accidentally spilled my ice cream until I got my clothes, hehehe "
" Yeah ... then you also dirty my cheeks with ice cream, right? "
"Hehe yeah dear ... until we see people ..."
"hehhe, but at that time you were pouting at me because of jealousy ... there were girls who were smiling at me ... ciyee there were jealous ..."
"Hmmm, my eyes are naughty."
"Eitss, the girl why the lyrics first ... my eyes has been captured at heart hehe"
"hmmm start deh gombalnya dear ... hmmm, oh yes ... once did we ever buy red roses but forgets to pay hihi"
"Yes, we continue to hide because dikerjar same seller ... hihi really expensive .. basic stingy seller ".
"Yes, after that incident, we choose to buy somewhere else, hehe"
"Ohh yeah, speaking of roses, unfortunately, where do you put the roses? Lest it wither again ".
"Gosh, I forgot, sir, I kept the rose a week ago in the cupboard".
"Well, surely it has withered ... yes, tomorrow brother will replace it again with a new rose ... your favorite rose blooms dear .. hehe"
"Yes, dear, hmm, I guess you are starting to get sleepy ... you don't need to sing, honey. Brother just go to sleep ... because tomorrow will wake up early "
" Yes evaku ... good night huh ... I hope you get well soon ... love you ".
"Love you too bang"

We fell into a deep sleep after our jokes and jokes while remembering the past moments when Eva was still in a healthy body. But after all, eva smile for me is a passion for myself and him.
Eva is still a strong woman figure and always struggles to face all the realities that exist today.
At exactly 6:00 I woke up ... that morning I had to hurry home and to the garage again. Do not forget before I left, I kissed Eva's forehead. and immediately say goodbye with eva's parents.
Arriving at the workshop, my father asked about the state of eva. I can only answer and tell the current situation, I do not want my parents to be alarmed by the situation that is getting worse. Until it doesn't feel like it's 5 pm, I say goodbye to Eva's house and don't forget to go to the flower shop to buy roses for Eva's pleasure.
Arriving at the flower shop, many who want to order roses. So that I can only have one stalk left. But it's okay, maybe it's not fortune yet.
When in the middle of the trip, my cellphone called me ... but I deliberately didn't answer it because it was definitely from his mother's eva ... because I don't usually get late to Eva's house. I immediately proceeded to his house without regard to the sound of the cellphone.
Actually, anxiety and discomfort crossed my mind as I wanted to get home to eva immediately. But what did I see and face at that time? the atmosphere where the green flag was displayed in front of Eva's house. My gaze was only fixed on the outside window of Eva's room. Eva's mother immediately came and said, "Son ... come inside. I know that we are not ready to face it, but once again you have to be strong, son. Without saying a word I immediately went inside with a feeling that I could not resist. Crushed, sad, feeling of loss. Bring a rose that I just bought. All eva families immediately approached me and patted my shoulder they could only say the word "patient pati koro". "Strong huh son".
I can not deny, this teardrop ran down my cheek while sitting next to the body of eva which has been covered by this white cloth.
"At 8 this morning we wanted to deliver breakfast. But, he was no longer breathing ".
"My eva, as soon as you leave brother ... brother is not very ready, however, what can only be done is prayer, I hope you calm down my dear .. sorry ... sorry ... if the happiness that you give cannot be eternal, and lastly ... thank you eva, for wanting and wanting to fill my heart and life. you are indeed an extraordinary woman "I could not hold back my tears while kissing his forehead. And close the white cloth again. I cried unceasingly while bowing my head before the deceased Eva. I was immediately taken into the room and comforted by several deceased families. I was told to rush to take ablution water and clean my body to go to the grave to deliver the body of eva.
This is the reality that I must now face and must be able to undergo. With a heavy heart, drove my lover's departure. felt once in every step of my way to the cemetery, the burden and tears that continue to flow must be overcome immediately, I'm afraid eva come sad if I'm still not willing to let go.
Arriving at the funeral, everyone has finished reading prayers. There was only me left at that time. I'm still lamenting the land that has become the eternal place of my late dear lover's house. It is bitter, indeed it is very difficult and not easy to forget the figure of a woman who has been accompanying my daily life.
"Eva ... my dear ... sincere brother ... sincere brother ... because it is the will of the owner dear ... brother still always remember eva ... let this rose that will accompany you every night. If we are able to start, we must be prepared to face an unexpected termination by the owner. Thank you dear for everything ... love you eva. Eva dwisaputri. Amazing woman. "
After speaking to myself in my mind ... I left the funeral. It's not easy to mengiklaskan someone who is very meaningful to our lives. But as we continue to study ... try it. keep learning. Learning sincerely.

Departure eva, now makes me stronger and stronger in dealing with problems. But until now ... there is one thing that I still believe ... God will never let someone go without a cause. Surely behind all this there is a silver lining.
And roses are not always symbolized by something that becomes love and happiness. But roses are more a feeling. Rose also has a soul ... and Eva is for me a very expensive rose to touch its thorns to me, and a rose that will always be faithful to its stem even though it has withered with thorns.

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