My love sank into the arms of another woman

I heard the news that my past people were about to go to the altar, it really felt like I was thrown in 1000 encyclopedia books, pain was unbearable. The next day after I heard the news, the red invitation was already on my desk, tears flowing unbearably, I don't know why. Oh my god what else will happen in my life? I feel like I've forgotten it, but why am I sad to hear that happy news?
Saturday, July 7, this evening the reception arrived, for some reason it was difficult to step toward the white cloth building. Tears keep rolling down these cheeks, making the makeup fade and fall apart, this heart is like crumbling to pieces. Finally I decided to stay quiet in my favorite place, a place where me and the June man built a story, I hope when I arrived there, I met the figure that I missed for this month.
Tonight the weather is not so dark, the stars are dotted with blue sky. In a few minutes, I arrived at that place, hope is only hope, whether or not it is a powerful will, really tonight's condition is not what I expected, very disappointing.
In the corner of the room, I was silent, staring at the stars above. My joints are locked, my mouth is speechless, the muscles attached to my body seem to contract. In the night noise, only screams of heart and the sound of tears. Oh God where did the man you gave me? why he left, I need him right now. Time is rolling so fast, as fast as these eyes are looking at nature.
that voice, a voice that is not foreign to me, there it is, yes he is, the person I've been missing all this time. Am I dreaming? God if I dream, I beg of you, I don't want to wake up from this dream, let it be for a moment, I let go of my longing with him, even though I can't meet.

"Hey, why are you silent" the
voice made me believe even more, I didn't Dream, It's real not a dream. Before long, the sound of footsteps rang in my ears, the sound approaching toward me. This is right, he is back. I looked away, staring at the person.
"You, is this really you?"
"You think?"


God is right him, I can feel his breath, the smell of his clothes. After a while the man's hand pulled my fingers, he led me to a cubicle with a table and two chairs. Many questions I want to ask, but this mouth can not say it, I was so stunned to see his face, all I can say is "where have you been?" in a low voice I express curious about my heart. He just turned his face to the sky, he pointed at the two stars side by side, and showed one star in the corner of the sky without friends. I don't understand what all this means, I can only read his eyes, which are filled with a thousand secrets.
Not felt 1 hour I passed with him without a sound. I could not stay like this, I'm afraid he left again before knowing the contents of my heart, I began to talk.
"Misael, do you know that I miss you?"
He didn't react in the slightest, he just stared into my eyes deeply, as if he were looking for clues so he could explain everything to me.
"Misael, do you know that I want you to always stay by my side?" Only the tip of the index finger he gave above my lips.
"Shhh, you don't need to ask me anything, all your questions are my questions."
"If he feels the same, why did you leave me?"
"I just want to know how deep your heart is, what you gave me. Is there an empty space for me to replace him in your heart? "
"Without you asking, my heart has been fulfilled by your figure"
Tonight, July 7th, is a night that my brain won't erase. Misael has revealed his heart to me, curious my heart has been answered with his words.
God I'm ready to come back to you, I don't want my illness to ruin his future, I don't want the love he gave me to be too deep, I don't want when I go he can't find another love, his life is too valuable if given to me completely.
"Misael, I really love you. Take care of yourself, not much I gave you, I just want to say thank you "my last breath has blown over his shoulder.
God, thank you for the figure of Misael that you have given me, thank you for the love that accompanied the rest of my life. Please take care of him. For you to cut my heart, congratulations on your happiness tonight, I do not hate you, I forgive you, just my door, keep the lover of your choice carefully, do not ever throw him away, because he is your ribs that were once lost and now have returned.
From me, the person who loves you

  • Shafira -
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