my goal is to keep you smiling

Bagas met with him while he was being treated at the hospital. She was a girl named Gloria Chindai Lagio. Bagas called him Scan. Scan for Leukemia or which means Blood Cancer. His life is practically no longer. However, Bagas tries to be someone who is very meaningful on the scan side.
"Ndai, eat first .." said Bagas
"No gas ... Not hungry" refuse Soft
scan "Your face is already tap ... Come on .. Aaaa" Bagas kept trying to thrust a spoon toward Scan's mouth and finally entered.
"So that's how it is ..." Bagas said while cleaning the rest of the pulp at the edge of the lips. Scan
"Gas ..."
"Yes? Want to eat more? " Ask Bagas
"Hmm no, really. I'm full ... "
" So what? "
"Hmm ... Why do you really care about me?" Ask Scan
"Scan, listen. I care about you because I love you. Already ah, you've nanya it many times tau gak .. "
" But ... "said Cindai truncated because bagasse put his finger to his lips thin Cindai
" Let ya .. Mending now you smile .. "said Bagas
Cindai smiled" already, right? "
"Less ..."
"Yeah ... It won't take long to smile ... hehe" Teased Bagas
"Really bagas ..."
Today is the Therapy for Scan schedule.
"Are you ready?" Ask Bagas
"Always how come gas ..." Reply Scan to smile so sweetly. Bagas stroking
Scan's hair "Patience ya ndai ... I'm sure you will recover ..." Bagas murmured while watching the face of the girl who was making him fall ... Fall in love ...
Bagas Daydream woke up because the doctor called him.
"Kid bagas ..." call the doctor
"Yes doc .." Bagas also approached
"How is the state Scan scan?" Bagas asked
"Let's just talk inside ..." the doctor said, then entered his room and I followed from behind.
This medicinal room makes Bagas even more scared. The more afraid of losing Scan.
"So, how's the scan state?" Bagas said then sat down on the bench that had been provided
"Hmm .. The state of the Scan is very weak at this time ..."
Bagas did not understand what the doctor meant. Bagas just kept silent without budging.
"The disease, the leukemia that has been lodged in the Scan itself for 1 and a half years has been very severe. Even now it has reached its final stage and its life can be estimated at only 5 days. "


Lightning struck Bagas heart. The person he now loved so dearly, he loved so suddenly became the most scariest of all. It's nothing, but because of the disease of stalladium. That damn disease.
"Doc, is this serious?" Ask Bagas to make sure. The doctor just nodded
"Can he recover dock?" Bagas asked again
"As I said earlier, he only has five days left."
"Enough! You really are a doctor. But you are not a god who can arbitrarily determine when someone will die. " Bagas snapped and then came out of the doctor's office.
"You must get well, sure ..." Bagas muttered as he ruffled his hair on the front seat of the Scan bed.
"Gas, why?" called someone
Bagas looked up "Eh scan .. It's okay. Anything I can help?" Bagas asked
"No ... I just want to ask to deliver to the park in front of the gas hospital ... I'm bored." The reply
"With pleasure, Gloria Chindai Lagio ..." Bagas said while taking a wheelchair
"Use that? Am I that weak to the point that I can't even walk? " Ask Scan when you see a wheelchair being held bagasse.
"Hehehe ... then?"
"I want to be embraced by you ..." Scan back with a smile.
"Seriously? Okay okay .. "Bagas spirit" It's okay
right gas? " Ask Scan
"Why not? Come on ah Later it's late in the afternoon, "replied Bagas. Cindai nodded and let the bagas embrace him
Finally they walked the path in a very beautiful park. Indeed the view is only sick people who are passing by. But because with Cindai, Bagas felt the sick people were angels of love who were surrounding them.
"Ndai .." called Bagas
"Yes gas?"
"Like?" Ask Bagas
"Like what?" Cindai seems confused
"Like me please hehehe ... Joking ... like the park?" teased Bagas
"Wooo ... I really like it. Thank you "
" For? " Ask the bagas
"Everybody else ..." scan back while embracing the bagas
. Bagas really likes the portrait world, he also currently works at a photography agency in Jakarta.
"Ah no .. I'm ugly hehe" Scan back
"Who says you're ugly? "You're the prettiest person in the world number 2 after my mom ... I'll take a picture," said Bagas while immediately taking a swing
"Smilemm ..." Bagas shouted
"Yes yes ..." Scan the pose while smiling very sweetly.
Not feel it's almost 20 more scanned photos taken bagas in the park.
"Try to see the gas gas," said Scan.
"Here ..." Give the SLR camera to Scan.
"This one is ugly ... I'll delete it," said Scan while pointing out his position, which tilted his eyes and closed his tongue
. Hahhaha that .. Don't delete it already ... remember the ugliest memories you know "Bagas teased
" Evil .. "said Scan
" Don't sulk please .. I ... please tick ... "Bagas immediately tickled the scan.
"Hahahahah ... heheheh ... .. lol ... hohohoho gas amused ... udahhh ... udaahhh" Cindai tickled
"Do not sulk yes ..." said Bagas
"I ... i ... yes ... hahahaha ... it's already" replied Scan who was still laughing.
"Hehehe, I think I'm really happy," replied Bagas.
"Yeah, right ..." Scan was interrupted because of the sound of a baggage cellphone.
And you come change everything to
be more beautiful.
You bring my love as high as the sky.
Makes me feel perfect
Bagas immediately picked it up
"Hello ..." said bagas
"Hello ... Is this bagas?" Ask the person on the other end of the line
"Yes, I'm bagas. What is it?"
"Hm like this ... can you not come tomorrow to Bandung?" Ask the person
"Bandung? What is wrong? Who is this?" bagas confused
"I'm Chelsea. You remember I will have a wedding, and you are the one taking pictures from prewedding to reception. Do you forget?" Said Chelsea
"Oh yes yes. Sorry, I forgot ... well, I'm going to Bandung tomorrow. See you there "
Tuttt ... Bagas hung up the phone and focused again on Scan
"Ndai .." Call Bagas
' Bandung? Tomorrow? What do you want to do? With whom? Ah what business do you have? Who are you? '"Mumbled C Scan spacing out
" Ndai ... "
" Cindaiii! " Bagas said louder
"Uh yeah what's gas?" Tanya Cindai surprised
"What are you daydreaming about?"
"Well, no." Scan the lies
"Really?" Ask Bagas. C Scan nodded
"Hmm okay, tomorrow I want to go to Bandung ..."
"Bandung? How long?" Ask Scan
"Yes Bandung. About 4 days. " Reply Bagas
"With whom? Boyfriend ... are you? " Tanya Scan nervously
"Girlfriend? I don't have a girlfriend. Why is it?" Bagas Reply
"Ah, I don't mind the gas .. Eh, let's start, it's already late in the afternoon," said Scan
Bagas again embraced Scan to his room.
"Gas ..."
"Do you want to know something?"
"Hmm .. No matter how hard I survive, one day when destiny comes to me, I still have to leave you, Gas ..." said Scan softly, but he still smiled sternly.
"Why are you talking like that?" Reply bagas with a tone of disbelief
"Nothing will be fine if you go, Ndai. I always need you. " Add Bagas. Scan only replies with a smile.
"You? Need me? I? Who am I gas? Not anyone ... "Scan back while looking away
" You, you're everything to me. "
"Why are you talking like that? we don't even have any relationship. Even dating isn't gas! " Scan snaps
"Oh, so you want us to date so I can freely need you? Okay .. Do you want to be my girlfriend, Gloria Chindai Lagio? ” Bagas said while holding his hand Scan
'What? This is actually the moment I've been waiting for the most. But ... Never mind, my life is just a little longer. After I left, he must be happy with another woman. I'd better not start at all than having to end everything with pain. ' Mumbed Scan
"Ndai? How's that? " Bagas said smiling
"Huh? Whoa I ... I ... maa ... maa ... "Scan hung the sentence
'I can do it. I can have the heart. Come on, scan, heart to the bagas! ' thought Scan
"Go bagas! go away .. I don't want to see you again. Go!" snapped Scan
"Tap .. But ndai ..."
"Go bagas ... please" said Scan now more refined
"Fine ... But, what is the reason you drove me away?"
"You don't need to know gas! Go. Please "Please Scan
" Ok. Thank you for everything. Goodbye "Bagas out of the Scan room.
"How ..." Shout Scan while sobbing loudly
Scan was sleeping in his ward, there was the sound of the door opening.
The sound of footprints slowly hardens and is heard approaching. Someone was beside the scan that was sleeping.
"Ndai, I just want you to know. I love you and I want you to wait for me 4 days in the future. I will propose to you, Ndai. I promise, "said the man
" This is a necklace for you. I just put it here, hope you like it. Bagas dear Scan. See you in 4 days, ok? "

Morning sunlight had burst through the window of the scan room and was directed towards the Cindai bed because the curtains had been opened by mama.
"Ndai, wake up. You have to get therapy ... let's get up .. "Mama said smoothly
" Hoammm ... Yes maa ... "replied Scan who was still half sleepy
" Maa ... "Call Scan
" Yes? " Mama replied
"Is it true that my life is staying soon? Is this disease incurable? " Ask Scan
"Why are you talking like that? You must be cured .. "Mama replied with a poignant smile
" Take me to the doctor Naga Maa. " Please Scan
"Yes for a moment, yes .."
Scan has been in a room, yes the doctor dragon room. The dragon doctor was ready at his desk when Scan entered the room.
"Morning Scan ..." said Doctor Naga
"Morning also dock ..." Reply Scan
"Want Therapy huh?" Ask Doctor Naga. Scan doesn't answer
"Scan?" Call the doctor
"I ... yes doc?" said Scan
"Doc, can I ask something right?" Ask Scan
"OK. What?" Reply Doctor
"Is it true that my life will not be long anymore? Is my illness getting worse and won't heal? " Ask Scan. Dragon Doctor looks unmoved
"Doctor, please answer my question ...!" Said Scan with a slightly elevated tone
"OK! Scan, your illness has reached the final stage and you have only 4 days left to live! ” said the doctor.
Lightning is like grabbing his heart.
"B ... But doc ... Are doctors serious?"
"We'll see about that .." Reply the Doctor
"God knows the best for you, Scan .." said the doctor
"Yes, the doctor has checked you first ..." he added
"Do not want to dock. I would rather die, than every day having to feel the syringe in and out of my skin, take medication every hour, check up every morning and night, and have to feel extreme pain when the drug is contracting. " Reply Scan in a low voice
"But, you have to try to fight it. You are strong, you are strong! " the doctor snapped.
Scan to cry. "Come on, Scan. You can! The doctor wants you to recover. " He added now with a smooth tone
"Okay ... But, if I don't get well, the doctor will promise that if there is a diseased child like me, the doctor will cure him. I want to be the last person to have this disease. " Crying scan increasingly broken
"Doctor promise .." said the doctor while leading Scan
Elsewhere, Bagas is preparing everything he needs for a photo shoot in Bandung.
And you come change everything to
be more beautiful.
You bring my love as high as the sky.
Makes me feel perfect
Bagas cellphone rang and showed the name 'Chelsea' on the screen
"Hello .." said bagas
"Hello, Bagas?"
"Where are you?"
"I'm already on the way huh ... Maybe it's about 2 hours late."
"Oh yeah, that's fine ... But you came, don't don't."
"Certainly! Let's call it a night. Bye seeyou "
" Yeah bye "
Tuttt ... Bagas has hung up with Chelsea
" must rush rush to the mall this ... "said bagasse then put his trunk into the car and headed to the mall
Seconds have passed into minutes, minutes have passed changed to hours, even hours have quickly passed into days. Now is the 3rd day Bagas in Bandung.
"Chels, can I go home today?" Ask Bagas
"The recipe is tomorrow, Gas. Why? There is a problem?" Chelsea replied
"There's no chels, so just continue the prewedd photo. Where is he? " Ask Bagas
"I'm here. Come on ... "said Difa prospective Chelsea husband who suddenly came
" You guys like this ... like this ... well like that .. good .. 1 ... 2 .. 3 "that's the words that came out of the bagas mouth when photographing Difa and Chelsea.
"Okay we break!" Bagas said
"Sip .." Reply Difa & Chelsea then left
Now the bagas sat on the edge of the pool with his SLR camera which was displayed on the screen Scan the photo.
"Scan ... what are you doing? What are you doing?" I miss you. I miss feed you, I miss embracing you, I miss giving you medicine and I miss your smile. Do you know? I'm so passionate about working because of your smile. I want to marry you and I will have your full smile. Because your smile is my passion. Wait for me, then. " Bagas said then returned to photograph Difa and Chelsea.
"Bagas ... bagas ... how is it!" Scan woke up from his sleep by calling the name 'Bagas'
"Scan? Why did you scan? " Ask mama who woke up from a deep sleep
"baga maa .. bagas .." said Cindai
"Bagas? Bagas why? "
"Bagasse accident ..."
"Huh? It's just a dream scan ... Never mind you sleep again .. "Mama said pleasantly
" But ... "
" Never mind ... "
" Okay ... "Scan again lay down, but not immediately go to sleep but daydream.
'Bagas, I miss you ... When are you coming back? The doctor said my life is only staying tomorrow. I want when I close my eyes later you are beside me gas, accompany me for the last time. Hopefully ... 'he murmured while in his thoughts.
Roosters have crowed, the sun has dawned, people have passed outside the hospital, but not for Scan. He still has to take therapy from the doctor.
"Doc, what on my last day I still have to feel suffering as usual? I want on my last day to feel everything that smells of happiness. Not misery, Doc! " said Scan to Doctor Naga
"We will first check your situation now ... lie down ..." said the Doctor delicately. Scan lying on the examination bed.
The doctor began placing his stethoscope on the scanned chest and abdomen, directing a flashlight beam into Scan's eyes and mouth, and inserting a syringe into Scan's arm to draw blood.
"Now it's finished. You may go back to your room. " The doctor said
"Thank you, Doc." Reply Scan then rush out of the Doctor Naga room
"Ma'am, it looks like your child's child is getting worse. Time to stay today mom. " Said the Doctor to Mama Scan
"Doc ... Do your best to heal my child ... I beg you ..." replied Mama Scan. "
We have done our best to scan, but if God wants he must leave us, we doctors can only surrender." Said the Dragon Doctor. Mama Cindai just cried hearing the words of the doctor Dragon just now.
"Thank you doc ​​.. My child has been able to survive for 5 years, because of the doctor and everything." Reply Mama
"No ma'am. God has allowed him to live against cancer for the past 5 years. "
"Maybe indeed today is the time for him to return to God. I have been sincere doctor .. "said mama Scan who is still in tears
"Believe me ... This is all God's plan, ma'am." Dr Naga replied and then left the room leaving Mama Scan alone.
Bagas was cool driving the car to Jakarta, suddenly a small jewelry box containing 2 rings that bagas bought 3 days ago at the mall fell.
"Damn ..." Bagas said while continuing his car
'What's wrong with Scan? What's with Scan and what's with scan 'is what is spinning around in the bagasse brain.
"Scan will be fine ..." he said as he stopped his car then picked up 2 rings that he would use to apply for Scan today.
"Maa ..." Call Scan
"Yes dear?"
"I'm sorry, maa, if I have something wrong with mama ..." Cindai said while trying to grab his mother's hand
"Scan, you don't have anything wrong with mom. Now, you don't need to think about anything anymore. Don't worry about what Doctor Dragon said. You must be cured dear .. "Mama replied then kissed his hand. Scan
" I think the doctor said dragon is right, Ma. Today is my last day. The last day that I can see everything, and I want to see mama happy when I leave later. Believe me maa, God knows the best. I love mom ... "said Cindai
" No, honey ... You still have to be here to accompany mom ... I love you ... "Mama said while crying a lot
"But God loves Mercy more, Tan," said someone who suddenly entered.
Mama and Scan turned toward the sound.
"Bagas?" C Scan was shocked when he found bagasse was in front of the door of his treatment room
"Yes, this is me ..." reply bagas approached
"What are you doing here?"
"I ... I ... I brought bread for you ... This is eaten huh" Bagas said, changing the conversation
"Huh ..." Scan to exhale and look away from the bagas face.
"Ndai ... I need you, I need you to decorate my entire day in the future, I need you to be half of my heart that is still missing and I need ..."
"Need? Need you said? What do you need more from someone as sick as me Gas! I have no use anymore. " Said Scan cut into the bagbag talk
"Ndai, I'm serious. Do you want to be my fiancée? " Bagas pulled out a box of jewelry containing the Ring that had fallen in the car.
"Ba ... Ba ... Bag ... Bagass?" Scan cry
"Do you want?" Ask Bagas seriously.
Unexpectedly, a bagas has melted the heart of a Scan with a jewelry box containing 2 rings that say 'BaDai'
"I ... I ... I want gas" said Scan
"Seriously? Thank you for the scan. " Said Bagas, hugging Cindai
"Same as gas ..." Scan returned the bagas hug
The time is 3:58 p.m. Scan is chatting with Bagas.
"Gas, if I leave, will you replace me or not?" Tanya Scan
"Hmm .. Change it ..." Tease Bagas
"Really serious ..."
"Yes yes .. Yes no, you're the only one who is here." Bagas said pointing at the heart.
Shortly they joked, fresh blood came out of the nose Scan.
"Ndai ... you are bleeding," said Bagas
Panic. "Don't panic, this is normal gas. Please get the tissue over there, OK? "Said Scan, showing the tissue
holder. Bagas offered Tissue to Scan
"Thanks ..." said Soft Scan who could still smile.
"Gas, I have done it first ... I want to go home, o yes, give this ring to someone who is more appropriate. I do not deserve to use this ring ... Hopefully, you find a woman who is more than me ... I love you ... "said Scan while pulling the Ring from his ring finger and immediately closed his eyes.
"Cindaaai ..." Shouted bagas when he saw the Scan in front of him had breathed his last
Bagas sat on a park bench that he used to sit with Scan first while looking at the Scan photos on his camera.
"Scan, if only in this world there is no longer a smile that exceeds the sweetness of your smile, I better follow you. Because it's just your smile that can make me excited. Without you? I am nothing. Take care of your smile, yes, we will meet in heaven, God later. I love you "Bagas said then turned off his camera and immediately entered the house.

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