Dinda's story


The atmosphere was cool blanket-covered morning. The shady air of the trees after warding off the dew broadcasts the characteristic fragrance of pepagian. Beginning of the day starts walking. The life has written the story again.

I walked down the school corridor. The atmosphere seemed quiet. How strange, I thought. Is not unusual as usual this morning. I glanced at my watch. It was half past seven, while the bell came at seven exactly. The condition of the school should have been half as crowded with students who had just arrived.

I walked one by one the classrooms that I passed. Nothing is odd when I see it. But my feelings are still enveloped in something strange. "What is it?", I asked myself. Out of nowhere the voice buzzing in my head seemed to indicate that what I saw, realized, and experienced right now was not real.

Yeah right, "maybe I didn't sleep well last night", I said inaudibly. Maybe the limited sleep time last night made me feel like a confused person in the morning. But, again something came up.

I stopped in front of a class. My eyes saw that there were five people inside. Some of them I know because I had one school and one class in middle school. I tried to look through the small open window.

I saw Dina sitting in the front corner while writing. Definitely copying PR, I tried to guess what he was doing. In the last row, four boys are chatting. One of them is Radit, a person sitting on the edge of a table. My eyes met his eyes. And I felt something different again.

I looked away from him as soon as I saw the blackboard stuck to the front wall of the class. This is class XII, I see the writings on the lesson have not been cleaned from the blackboard. Some writings I know vaguely if it is the work of Mr. Diman, my math teacher. "Pak Diman, yesterday in this class", I told myself. Back the atmosphere changed.

I continued my path and this time passed through the UKS room. I glanced briefly, there was a student there. He was fixing something hanging on the wall. From the back of his body I seemed to know him. I returned to remember who he was. ‘Oh yeah, that's Reni, why are you in the morning early in the morning, I said softly.

Reni, my junior I knew him when he first entered this school. During the orientation period, he asked me to sign his MOS book. At first I refused because I was not part of the school committee or student council, but he still forced me. He said someone else told him to ask for my autograph. The person said to Reni, "You have to know him, he will be your friend and your good brother here". I myself don't understand why he said that to Reni. Vice versa, Reni did not understand.

I see it still busy. I just let him with his activities at UKS. I returned to my class. My class is at the end of this corridor. When I arrived in front of the class, I saw someone standing outside the window. Nine meters in front of me. He stood leaning against the wall between the partially open windows. "What is he doing here," I murmured blanketed in curiosity.

I approached him. "Tar, what are you doing here, not going to class? Maybe Dinda already arrived "I asked suddenly. He turned to me and smiled. "No Ar, I'm not looking for Dinda," he added. This time he moved away from the window and sat on the bench in front of my class. I followed him and immediately sat next to him. "Not looking for Dinda, tumben, what is going on?", My curiosity returned to land. Dance here does not mean to meet Dinda, his best friend. Usually every time before the bell enters or breaks, he comes here to meet Dinda to just spend time chatting. Before continuing the conversation, I stood up and looked through the window, whether Dinda was in the class. My eyes wiped every corner and could not find it. It is clear that Tari is indeed not looking for him. But isn't Tari and Dinda always leaving and going home together. So if Tari has arrived at school Dinda should be here.

I sat back near him. "How come Dinda hasn't come yet, usually with you all the time. Didn't he leave together? "I asked again. Even though it's none of my business asking about Dance and Dinda, but a small irregularity is enough to start the conversation.

"No, I left alone. When I went to his house Dinda was not there. Her grandmother said from last night she was in the hospital because her mother was sick. I myself forgot that yesterday afternoon I was the one who drove her to visit her mother. Maybe he stayed there and his permission didn't go in today, "he explained.

Tari looked at me and her hands moved to my palm. "Ar may I say something to you", his voice soft and my mind moved from my body at this time. Something flew instantly when I saw the gaze coming from his eyes. A look that I often saw at that time. I sighed and returned his grasp. This time I reacted harder. I squeezed tightly but gently on his hand.

I caught the thought that had escaped. This time it was carried by a memory that had long been stored I try to remember again. I'm still speechless. "Yes, what do you want to talk about," I replied to him.

A silence enveloped us. Time seems to stop. Nature seemed to give a pause between me and Tari. I care about the situation outside. I just want to remember that time. And right now I really want it.

I run my motorbike at full speed. Heavy rain did not stop to break through the streets. My helmet was repeatedly wet with drops of water and blurred my vision. But I am swift and I immediately get rid of the falling water blasting my helmet glass. The atmosphere was quiet. The sound of lightning sounded friendly. I don't care what's happening with nature right now. I only have one goal. And I have to do it right now.

A car suddenly turns fifty meters in front of me. The lights immediately made me realize. Fortunately, this road can be passed by two cars so immediately I drove slightly to the edge. The car is too far to the middle of the road. Almost, fortunately quickly avoiding, I complained about the incident just now. Very dangerous. Fortunately, the car turned on the lights.

Ah, I realized, I was wrong too. I myself did not turn on the lights. So in very heavy rain like this the risk of accidents is very high and turning on the lights is one way to avoid it. At least the atmosphere of the light under the drops of water and the atmosphere of the dark little aware of the drivers if the road is not really quiet.

I turned through a sharp bend. The sound of the creaking of a tire being held back by the brakes surprised me. Instantly I felt the water wet my forehead. Fall off and hit my eyes. My hands are still conscious holding the motorcycle handlebar. I'm sure nothing happened. The rear wheels don't move, my bike stops.

A few moments later I turned to the right side. I don't know where I am right now. I know it's not a motorcycle or a car. I'm not sure where I am right now. Is not after turning earlier should a straight road. But why are there many moving lights on either side of the road. My eyes still ached with water. I blinked repeatedly. My head feels cold. Looks like rain has entered my hair and is now spreading toward my back through the gaps in my jacket. Cold water also feels in my left hand. I didn't feel the gloves I was using. Droplets of water like small pebbles falling on my palm. Wait a minute, palms, I called panic.

"It's not necessary to be sad, all is well". I reached out to give Reni a tissue. "But Sis, what if the book is not found. The book is very valuable to me, "sobs returned from his mouth. "Yes already, the important thing is you are okay. About the book later thought about again, now I'm taking you home ", I said to calm him.

I took Reni to the motorcycle parking lot. I gave the helmet. I immediately drove Reni back to his house. That's all I can do. At least he can go home safely.

A sunny morning I walked into my classroom. When passing through the UKS room, I saw Reni sitting there quietly. Immediately I approached him. Reni immediately realized my presence. And he immediately got up and left the room.

"Still sad", I asked him. He answered with a head shake. I saw a grim look on his face. "Come on smile, there is a surprise for you", I lifted her bowed chin. Our eyes met. He smiled a little. "A gift for a beautiful princess," I said, teasing that was greeted with a small laugh suddenly from her lips. "So that's it, this is for you". I gave the green-wrapped box to him. He was shocked and unaware of what he was seeing. Reni hesitantly grabbed the package in my hand. He tore the cover and pulled out the contents inside. His eyes widened when he knew what he had received.

"Thank you very much Sis, thank you, thank you, thank you". He said while bending down like a Japanese greeting. "Already, already, no need to overdo it," I immediately calmed him. "You deserve it, so don't be sad anymore, okay," I exclaimed cheerfully. "Yes, I will go to class first, keep smiling," I said while moving away from him. And he returned me with a wave of enthusiasm.

I continued to walk and arrived in front of the class. "Ar, just arrived, I've been waiting for Dinda," Tari surprised me from behind the door. He went out then went back to his class. I went in and saw someone sitting in the second row near the wall. "Dinda", I said softly. Our eyes met. He smiled and moved from his chair. I, who was still standing stunned at the door, immediately realized what was happening. I replied his smile.

"Ar, I want to talk to you", he said when standing right in front of me. "Yes, what do you want to say", I replied instantly. "About yesterday I was sorry, I didn't mean to make Reni like that, once again I'm sorry", he said regretfully. "I know, I don't need to bother anymore, everything is settled now, forget it. Oh yeah, this afternoon, right? We haven't been together for a long time. You want it right? ", I said in return.

I put down my bag and immediately approached him. "Come to the canteen, you must not have breakfast yet," I said. I immediately grabbed his hand and pulled out of the classroom. We walked together to the canteen. Dinda smiled. He could not hide his feelings this time. And I'm the one who always makes him smile in the morning.

"Sis, what are you doing here," someone patted Tari's shoulder from behind. Blinking Tari was surprised and looked back. He saw Reni standing and staring at him in surprise. "Sis what are you doing sitting here?" Reni repeated the question. He was rather surprised to see the response of the speaker. But it seems like Tari is still surprised that she is nearby.

"Um ... that ... um ... what", Tari stuttered out of nowhere where she had to start the conversation answering Reni's question. "Why Sis, something is weird", Reni added to his annoyance with Tari's behavior this time. He could not understand that he had seen Tari sitting here daydreaming. But before approaching him, he heard Tari say something before returning to his reverie.

"Forgive Reni Sis, I'm already wondering, but I saw Sis Tari was daydreaming about herself here so I was just waiting. I think Sis is thinking about something, "he asked curiously. Silent dance. He tried to restore his awareness that has drifted far away. His mind blurred. I wonder what happened just now seems like he just woke up from a dream.

"That was just after I had a chat with Arya, you really didn't see him," Tari said, trying to give an explanation of what had just happened. "Sis Arya, that is to say, Sis Tari was just after chatting ma Sis Arya", this time Reni was surprised by Tari's explanation. What happened to the upperclassman who was acting strangely in front of him. Reni immediately replied. "Sis Tari sure", Reni said solemnly. He has to make sure to Tari about what happened to him.

"Really Ren, I'm not lying, I just said ma Arya, then suddenly you came to surprise, then .. then .. emm .. emm", Tari's words were interrupted. He seemed not to understand what had just happened. Tari sure something is strange. Something strange happened but he didn't know what it was.

"Did you not see Arya, Ren ?. I was chatting here with me earlier, "Tari said, trying hard to convince that what happened was not a dream. But an irregularity immediately landed him. "Where did he go, he was just here," he muttered unclearly.

"Sis, I've been seeing nobody but Kak Tari myself, I came here because I saw Kak Tari who was daydreaming alone". Reni's heart became alarmed. "Is it true Sis Arya was here. But why don't I see it ", he thought.

The second eye immediately swept around. Tari and Reni make sure that what he sees now is real. Tari wants to be aware of her situation and show Reni about Arya who was just here. While Reni tried to convince that he had only seen Tari and there was no one here.

"I'm sure if it was Arya, I still remember the grip of his hand. There's no mistaking it. My hand still feels that tight grip. " Instantly Dance was shocked by the sound of his cellphone. He saw there was written a message from Dinda. Tari immediately reads it. His eyes widened in disbelief. He quickly got up and moved away. "I'll go, Ren," he said hurriedly. "But Sis, the bell will come in soon," Reni exclaimed. But late Dance has disappeared from before him. Reni's mind is still raging. What message made Dance behave strangely and who sent it.

The sound of the bell made Reni aware. He turned and immediately headed to his class. One thing that hides in his mind is that he did not see Sis Arya this morning. Usually Arya will greet her every morning before going to class. But this time the voice of Sis Arya was not heard even the person was invisible at school.

What I remember is my hand holding rainwater falling from the sky. A bright light covered my mind and eyes. A warm atmosphere enveloped me. Strange, why all of a sudden everything becomes warm and completely white.

I haven't finished thinking about what happened. I thought of Dinda. Dinda where are you right now. Shouldn't I be at his house. I realized, was not I headed home Dinda. And it was raining heavily at that time. Right I remember now.

Dinda may I hold your hand right now. My heart is suddenly disturbed. Why does Dinda always fill my soul cavity. Not usually like this. It seems like all my soul, heart, and mind are fixed on him. Really I love him again. I do not know what is clear I will not understand where I am right now.

My forehead feels very warm. I felt a peaceful atmosphere but another atmosphere went with it. Anxiety and anomaly that is shrouded in peace. Isn't it weird for me to suddenly feel like I'm not in my own world?

Seriously, I've been able to feel what's going on. Isn't that real. Some refuse me to think weird. This is real, but why am I not one hundred percent sure. There's a small part missing and I don't know that.

Faintly came the sound of people calling. 'Arya, Arya, Arya'. Thats my name. But whoever calls me, seems familiar. Gosh, isn't that Dinda's voice. But why I did not see it. Why is only the white atmosphere that appears around me. "Dinda, where are you", I let go of my voice hoping he heard. "Dinda, Dinda, I'm here" and that voice vanished into silence.

A wet mound lay in front of Dinda. He knelt in front of the land. A sprinkling of flowers that began to wither makes the atmosphere increasingly gloomy. Overcast hanging at the horizon. A cool breeze blows through the skin. The atmosphere was quiet but kept screaming.

Dinda wiped the tears that flowed from the corner of her eyes. White handkerchief continues to seep every drop of tears. The sound of crying muffled from his mouth. "No, I can't cry," he screamed in his heart.

Yesterday afternoon Dinda was escorted by Tari to the hospital. At first he did not know why Tari suddenly invited him to the hospital. Tari argued that her mother was seriously ill these two days and she wanted to visit him. As a friend, I don't reject Tari's invitation.

But upon arrival there, not his mother Tari who was lying helplessly weak. Someone Dinda knows, even more than just know. He lay stiffly on the bed. Instantly Dinda was unconscious. He is still trying to reach his mind. Really what happened. What he saw wasn't wrong. Is it true that he is now seen lying dead. He always invites Dinda to eat breakfast in the cafeteria every morning. And now he has left her forever. He is the one who always makes him smile, even though he is always annoyed with Dinda's behavior all this time.

"He, is he really. The one lying there is Aryaku ", she screamed when she found out that Arya would no longer be with him starting today. Raindrops fall from the sky. Soft drops of water wet the earth. Rain seems to realize that, sadness occurs in one corner of the earth. Rain let himself become one with the sadness.

Someone came and approached Dinda. Drops of water no longer befall him. An umbrella prevents the drizzle from getting heavy. The person bends and grabs the shoulder dinda. Dinda's body moves upright. Without realizing it, a hand slipped softly and held his hand. "Din, let's go, let Arya rest in peace. He will always smile at you all the time. You are the person he loved so far ". Dinda turned to the source of the sound. "Thank you Radit", said Dinda softly.

Radit paid his last respects to his best friend. soon they both left the place. This time a clap of wind accompanied their departure. And a smile came from my lips.

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