A Turn of the Key- Prologue


Click clack whirr

The figure shuddered gently as the creator tweaked a screw here, tightened a bolt there.

Click clack whirr

Its gentle shudderings began to slow as, bit by bit, the gears and cogs within it fell more and more into place.

Click clack whirr

Click clack whirr

To his right, the infant girl slept on, undisturbed the the creature's machinations or its creator's tinkering. The creator looked over at her with a gaze full of love and fatherly care.

Daddy's. Little. Girl.

Click clack whirr

Click clack whirr

A tiny smile appeared on the girl's face, and the creator smiled back, reaching out to gently caress her cheek.

Click clack

His hand stopped, a cold vice encircling his wrist.

His gaze, starting out as elation, quickly turned to disbelief, then horror, as the hand pulled him about, forcing him to look his creation in the face.


Two orange orbs blinked, and before his mouth could utter a single sound,


Oblivious to all, the little girl slept on, even as her father's hand lay gently on her cheek. A brief wrinkle, an unpleasant thought, shot through her dreaming mind, and she squirmed uncomfortably, causing her father's hand to slide down her face before reaching its final rest on the floor below.

Whirr. Whirr. Whirr.

The key turned thrice, and life went on.


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