Kate learns to apologize

Kate a beautiful young girl, lived with her mother, father and two sisters. They were Lucy and Cari They were very close. They lived in a small town near the beach. The three girls loved each other so much. They used to do everything together , they loved playing in the garden. They will put up a shop and buy from each other milk, cookies, sweets anything they could thought of. 

Time went by and and they grew up each with their own interests in life. Lucy who was the oldest loved drawing and being creative. Lucy wanted to become an art designer and start her own business.She was a loving gently young woman, she knew what she wanted in life. People loved her and wanted to be her friend and always wanted to be around her.


Kate was the middle sister she wanted to become a Doctor. All her life she wanted to help people, most of all she loved children. She was a bit different than Lucy. She had a few close friends but the one thing about her was that she was very straightforward and she would tell you exactly what she thinks of you, that made that people didn't like her so much. Except for this she had the looks of a model. 


Cari wanted to go in to woman's ministry. Since she has been in high school she started to help young girls who couldn't afford matrix farewell dresses to get a sponsor for them. She had a giving and caring heart. She had a gentleness that words couldn't describe. Every one was fond of her, if you were her friend she did everything for you. 


The three of them still lived with there parents although they started to study there life long dreams. One should think that all was well in their house, that was what everyone was thinking because that was the appearance that they showed to the outside world. But in the mean time all was not well. Kate had a very strong character and she knew it. She said what she wanted to who she wanted and will always brag of how she is the one with the looks and the other two will never be so beautiful like she is.  She didn't realize what this did to her sisters and even her parents. She and her mom disagreed all the time and Kate feld that her parents were just picking on her. She wasn't at fault here, she thought to herself. 

Her relationship with her sisters started to fall apart and she just couldn't understand why. She never listened to anyone but to herself. Till one day she was sitting in one of the university's garden. She was busy going through her work that she had done that morning. But her head wasn't in the study she was thinking of the difficult week it has been with her parents and sisters. And what she must do about it especially when she feels she's not at fault. When she looked up their was a young man standing in front of her. He asked if he could sit with her. She nodded yes. He introduced himself and she knew she had seen him before but just couldn't place were she had seen him.  

"My name is Ben, I've been watching you for awhile now, whats your name?"

"My name is Kate, why are you watching me?" she asked

" There is something about you that draws me to you. Why are you sitting here by yourself, where's your friends?" Ben asked

" I'm busy studying, and my friends well I'm not sure." Kate said and just smiled. 

" You look sad, is everything okay" Ben said after a short pause. 

" What do you mean?"   Kate was troubled that he could see she was sad, he doesn't even know her. 

" Your eyes are sad and for some reason I felt led to come and talk to you". Ben felt a little uncomfortable

There was silence for a few minutes . Kate broke the silence.

"Well you are right there is something, maybe you were sent to help me, so here it is. Me and my parents just fight all the time and I feel they are unfair end only think of themselves and my two sisters and doesn't even hear my heart." She told him what had happend that week.

" Have you asked them about why they feel like this? Or have you told them that you feel like this? Just maybe they will explain to you their feelings as well."   Ben said. 

Kate thought of this. Maybe Ben is right I must approach this differently. After this she and Ben talked about other stuff and her studies. He excused himself after awhile. Kate thought to herself that this was just weird. A random guy coming to her ask her this questions then leave.  

That night she went home and told her family they need to talk. She explained that this whole situation is making her sad because they used to be close and did everything together and now they are just fighting. 

Mom and dad went to sit with her.

" Kate we hear how you feel and we feel exactly the same. The problem we have is that you think you have the right to say what ever you want but in this you don't realize that your words are hurting us. It makes it difficult to spend time with you and to hear the whole time how you are more beautiful than your sisters. Don't you think this hurts them to?' Mom said. 

" This is very difficult to tell you this Kate because you don't give us time to talk to you or to listen to us, you never consider other people's feelings" dad said with a kind loving voice. 

Kate stared to cry, she never thought of this, she never realized that her words could hurt anyone, she always though to speak your mind is the good thing to do but never thought it could brake relationships. For the first time she realized that that's the reason why she is alone. She is not just hurting her family but friends as well. 

She asked them to forgive her and to help her to be more sensitive to their feelings. She realized that beauty  isn't just from the outside but also from the inside. You could have the looks but never have friends. 

A few weeks past and she was again in that same garden. When she looked up she saw Ben again. He came to greet her. They started talking and he looked at her. " You look different Kate, what happened?" 

" Ben after our talk the other day you made me realize that I need to talk to my family" Kate told him everything that happened that day and that she is so thankful that he came to talk to her that day.

Kate was lucky to realize this while she is still young, some of us realize this to late in live, when relationships are so damaged that we think its   to late to fix it. It's never to late to make peace. We always need to consider other people's feelings before we speak our mind. 


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