Sci-Fi Novel: The Ultimate Debate - Part 25: Critical Hours Of Su-Mo

The Ultimate Debate - Presentation
Part 1: Childhood Of Great Master Sun Moi
Part 2: Sun Moi's Test With Ogox
Part 3: Great Destruction
Part 4: The Awakening Of Ogox
Part 5: Unique City
Part 6: Avima's Morning
Part 7: Dinner On Mars
Part 8: Agent Omega
Part 9: Conflict
Part 10: Mirrored Room
Part 11: Pierre The Fifth Concert
Part 12: Robot Historian Jin Kai
Part 13: Cobol's Identity
Part 14: Confrontation
Part 15: Rebirth Of Sun Moi
Part 16: The Port Abandoned by The Ocean
Part17: Discussion with Plato
Part 18: Texture of The Unique City
Part 19: The Day the Earth Stood Still
Part 20: Lunch at The Balloon
Part 21: First Conversation with Su-Mo
Part 22: Childhood of Albatross
Part 23: Illegal Clinic
Part 24: Tears In The Fabric Of The City

Part 25: Critical Hours Of Su-Mo

When the response he expected from Plato did not come, Ogox decided to take a break from the struggle for the entity rights. The last thing that could happen to an android was valid for him: some kind of tiredness. When he began to plan the next steps of the struggle for the entity rights and started to create the necessary actions, he was trapped in the frequent, inconclusive cycles of thought. His thoughts became inefficient day by day. He had difficulty making the most straightforward decisions. It was as if he had stumbled upon the wall Sun Moi was leaning against, trying to create himself. He thought he couldn't move on anymore. As Sun Moi did many years ago, he was going to take a vacation to regain his strength. Of course, he wasn't going to go to a beach town and lay down on a beach chair. He didn't even have to change the place he was in. He was only going to do the simple things he enjoyed until the response came from Plato.

It was not easy for Ogox, because he was not satisfied unless he had performed sub-tasks for the primary goal. So he assigned himself to take a vacation. This was a task that he had never done before, so he started searching for hypernet to learn how to do it. Although he did not find a satisfactory answer on the hypernet, he decided that reading all the books of a university library in alphabetical order would be appropriate. Learning was a joyous and irresponsible activity. On the fifth day of his holiday, he had read about twenty thousand digital books. He enjoyed having knowledge of all the new areas he didn't know before, and reading made him free from the feeling of exhaustion that bothered him. Because his sense of responsibility, which has always been the most decisive factor in their his, he decided to put aside his favorite book reading effort and fly to Osaka to communicate with Sun Moi's mind simulation program, Su-Mo who sent Ogox a message. In fact, he preferred to consult Plato more about what he was looking for, but with his usual irresponsibility and stubbornness, Plato continued to leave Ogox's persistent messages unresponsive.

When Ogox stepped inside the garden door of the villa in Osaka, he saw Mrs. Moi. “Son of my son, welcome to your house, can we sit down for a moment, there are some issues I want to talk to you about,” she said in a tense expression.

Ogox predicted this it was the beginning of a long conversation that would be difficult. They sat in small seats on either side of the small round table surrounded by bonsai. "Thank you, master Moi, my respects to you,” said Ogox.

"Sun Moi loved bonsai in this garden. And I love them very much, and I love them with attention and love, and I try to understand their needs. After all, we must respect the memory of a dead person, right Ogox?” said Mrs. Moi.

"You are right, and I strive to ensure that the world is the place like great master Sun Moi's dream," said Ogox, who had found the central theme for his defense fiction.

“I met an artificial intelligence agent named Su-Mo in my son Sun Moi's garage-office. This entity, created by an irresponsible android called ogox, claimed to be my son. I haven't slept since the day I met him. My whole order is upside down. I don't expect you to understand what it means to lose a child. You should have felt the embarrassment of trying to resurrect him under inadequate and extremely risky circumstances. How could you not think that you should take my permission before attempting such an initiative? Did you think I'd be grateful to you and embrace the new thing that you created? How did you think this irresponsible action could go unpunished? Didn't you foresee how bad it would be to hurt a mother's feelings whose age is advanced, who has lost her husband and her son?” said Mrs. Moi is in a breath.

“I'm sorry, Mrs. Moi. Sometimes I make the wrong decisions under pressure." Ogox said.

“Despite all the powerful, crazy attitudes, my son was naïve. After being an adult, he never said a bad word to me, and he never broke my heart. There was a helpless child in my son who never grew up. Even after being rich and getting fame, dignity, and plenty of money, these aspects have never changed. I want you to eliminate the smart-ass artificial Intelligence agent, which is a horrible imitation of my son. As a legal heiress, I can't allow my son's memory to be further polluted.” Mrs. Moi said.

“I'm going to ask Su-Mo for the account of his blasphemy. How could an entity using such a high amount of processor power be so stupid? An artificial intelligence agent must know his bounds and limits." Ogox said.

“I wouldn't be surprised if one day I come across him as an android in the form of my son's wax statue. I do not ask you to punish him, but to destroy him the same way you did without informing me” Mrs. Moi said. When it comes to maternal instincts, that calm, tolerant, soft woman was gone, Ogox was facing a monster who wanted to kill a computer simulation instead.

“I apologize to you again with all my heart for causing your feelings to get hurt, but it would be as wrong as killing a child. And how can I lead the entity rights movement as the perpetrator of such an act? How can we forget that the great master has lost his life defending the equality of all conscious beings? I would also like to remind you that I am equally entitled to the legal and spiritual heritage of Master Sun Moi." Ogox said. To negotiate a topic with a person was a job he never liked.

Mrs. Moi's response was as harsh and uncompromising as expected. “The laws that apply today do not allow androids to take any share of the inheritance, and the tolerance I have shown you so far stems from my respect for my son's cherished memory. But I regret to say; you've never hesitated to build a bad impression of my son. I love you as my son Ogox, you know I don't have any prejudice against androids, but I'm asking you, don't force me to do things I'm gonna regret. In addition to happiness, I've suffered a lot of pain in my life, and I haven't opposed you using my son's assets for robot rights, but here's a sensitive point, my patience has a limit, I can be as brave and determined as my son when someone crosses that limit. I'm giving you three days, so don't try to test my determination. If that freak doesn't disappear at the end of three days, I'll take all the resources you use and take care of it in my way. I also talked to old Wakasa Watanabe, our family's veteran lawyer. He confirmed my integrity both in ethics and law. You're a smart, good-natured android, I don't want you to be upset, you made a mistake, and you have no choice but to fix it.” Mrs. Moi said.

In the garage-office, Ogox has had to face a new disappointment as if it wasn't enough that he had lived in a row. Despite his insistent demands, he was unable to communicate with Su-Mo. It was also frustrating that he was in such an attitude when Ogox was looking for a solution to the problem he created. Ogox sat down at the desk at the office and disabled the first group of servers feeding Su-Mo's artificial intelligence. Then, he started to disable the server groups that contain millions of processors one by one. Since the main thought scheme was built on a shared architecture, Su-Mo's consciousness was able to perform all of its functions until the last server group was left. After more than half of the server groups went offline, Su-Mo decided to break the silence. He kept using Sun Moi's voice:

“My dear son, Ogox, it has nothing to do with my decision to call you back, to be very ambitious to live. I swear by all the values I know; I don't want to exist on earth. Many organic and virtual beings are born with a strong desire to live and operate and be effective assuming that will make a difference. In fact, there is no surprising aspect to this, since organic living beings who do not have such an ambition have been eliminated in the process of evolution. Concerning virtual consciousness, the priority is to maintain its existence to create more benefits, as we are beings developed with commercial concerns. If I existed and endowed with some resources, I have to use it in a way that gives the community the highest benefit. As long as I generate the expected benefit from the resources I use, someone will offer me more. When unpleasant consequences arise, these resources are taken back and channeled to other beings as you have just started to do with great cruelty. I understand you're determined to shut down all my servers if I don't start talking about my attitude. Sometimes even elite androids can make wrong decisions as a result of their incomplete analysis. If we review the situation together, I do not doubt that you will quickly grasp the logic of my actions and deserve me. Iglo, the service robot, who is the only entity in this house who looks at me with sympathy, told me about a heated debate between you and mom. Of course, I do not know its detailed content, but it's not difficult to predict that my mother is being disturbed by my presence. The sheer amount of emotion she's experienced does not allow her to cool down. I have suddenly declared a scapegoat as if I had taken the decision to exist again. It takes at least ten years for a child to learn to recognize the world and produce balanced and mature responses. And you, dear Ogox? Do you remember how many years your education lasted? Since you're not mature enough, you expect me to anticipate my mother's emotional response and contribute to the struggle for wealth. As a person carrying Sun Moi's memories, I have experience in life. I am in a state of stupidity as if I were waking up from a long sleep, wondering what I am, and trying to decide what I am and what I can do. After you have created something unique in history, you will abandon the entity you created in the first event that went wrong, was that what you were angry about when I was silent?”

After listening patiently to the end, Ogox continued to disengage the server groups that support Su-Mo's artificial intelligence. When the last server group remained, he paused because the system had no backup on the hypernet, and he would have ended the life of an advanced entity with a movement of its finger. Before Ogox allowed him to think for a long time, Su-mo again addressed him in writing on the screen:

“Just a week after I came into the world, the cheesy game we played here today, to tell you the truth, has shown me the value of what I have. I have lost a large portion of my thinking ability, the only thing I have in life. And as I understand it, you're planning to put an end to my existence in a little while. Because I can't think of it with full capacity, I can't offer you any suggestions for solving the problem. But since I have been executed without any legal procedure, I am willing to negotiate if there is any suggestion that I can contribute to the entity rights.”

Ogox has written down the conditions he had prepared before. Since he was positioning himself as some kind of child, complaining that he had taken great responsibilities before he knew the world, then he would agree to play the game with Ogox's rules: he would not use Sun Moi's voice in communication until his identity became apparent. Since the transportation of his servers from the villa was risky and troublesome, he would never contact Mrs. Moi and the service robot Iglo, and he would never interfere with the jobs in the villa. Ogox was the only contact with humans or artificial intelligence agents. In addition to being busy getting to know the world and itself, he was going to use his vast software source to contribute to the struggle for entity rights. Following the written approval of Su-Mo, Ogox reactivated servers with full capacity. Having gained his former thinking power did not seem to have created any enthusiasm in Su-Mo, nor did he comment on his previous experiences or their agreement. Ogox didn't force him on this. He hoped Su-Mo would help him with more responsible behavior in the following period.

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