My so-called fabulous Steemhunt'ed weekend #2

On weekends, I sometimes do stuff with the great products found on @steemhunt. Usually they are hunts outside the Top 10 ... unless they're not* ;-)



This past weekend I house-sat for my crazy aunt Randi. She has a big house on 30 hilly acres, so it was a nice country getaway for me to escape the reminders of a bad breakup. My aunt hadn't gone away on vacation in 6 years because the last time she went away for more than 2 nights, she came home to find her closet flooded and 3 decades of vintage clothes ruined from tens of gallons of water that had caved in from the ceiling when the upstairs toilet pipe burst. Since then, she's been neurotic about leaving her home. That, and she was afraid to leave her goats. She'd had 5 Nigerian goats living on her property but 2 died and another 2 got taken by coyotes. Now Ifa was the only remaining goat and she didn't want to leave him, not to any untrusted, incompetent goat sitter.

No one could convince her to take that much-needed vacation at the beach house until I finally gave her 2 solutions to her 2 biggest fears: first, I installed the Roost Detector app (hunted by @veenang here) which detects pipe leaks, and second, I put the Cow Collar (hunted by @mittymartz here) around Ifa's neck so she could always see where Ifa was and if he was moving around. TBH I'm not sure if Ifa is a boy or a girl. Anyway, the Cow Collar is a collar for tracking the whereabouts of large animals. So now Ifa has to wear a big bell and a collar. Randi was worried -- as old people usually are -- that Ifa would get electrocuted by such an electronic thing attached to its neck but I informed her that the manufacturers claimed that no such thing could happen.

Randi has a lot of valuable art (and old junk) in her house. A few hours after I unpacked, some random guy knocked on the door. He said he was going to take some measurements outside. Ok, I said, and I pretended to check my phone for a text when instead, I secretly used the Secret Cam (hunted by @mariejoyacajes here to snap a picture of his face while he was talking to me. Unbeknownst to him, of course.

You knew I was OPP from the start.

Randi is weird. She has 30 acres of farmland and yet she chooses to grow a hydroponic herb garden over the toilet in one of the spare bathrooms. Guess that makes sense if you have 3 extra bathrooms that you don't use and a fear of toilets leaking. This hydroponic garden is the EcoQube Sprout (hunted by @steemit.lover2 here.

After suspicious measuring guy left, I went to take some pics of Ifa outside. And to see if I could disambiguate its gender. Since it was starting to rain and I underestimated how rocky it was out there, I didn't want to fall down the hillside just because I was too preoccupied with fighting the uncooperative controls on my phone to make it. Take. The pictures. That I want and will have. So, I used the Just Mobile Shutter Grip (hunted by @acdevan here to get the shots I wanted, with less fingerwork.

Seeing that Mr. Ifa was fine, I headed back inside the house, thinking about how Drake changed the game. How he turned vulnerability into money and paved the way for other black/brown male artists to do what white country male singers have been doing forever, without being called gay or weak. (You can talk shit about Drake but he keeps putting up those hits.)

I decided to surprise Randi by setting up a Garden Igloo for her (hunted by @elsiekjay here), right next to the goat shed. Then I hung out in that portable, rust-resistant, waterproof greenhouse, thinking about those guys who actually show you the signs of the end, from the very start.

See you guys next weekend! Maybe I'll even have enough time to make a cover image and add some images to the body.
*Why would anyone have beef with the veggie burger that was in the #6 spot of Steemhunt? :-))

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