Wanted Dead or Alive: Questioning The Photographers

The Famous Friday Market was where Sheriff Pinkerton was headed on Sunday morning. The lovely store owner @dswigle knew what was happening in all the stores in Steemit City. She was a good person to ask about the whereabouts of criminal mastermind @marxrab (Marx the rabbit) who had gone into hiding after breaking into Frizzy Head Inc. to free all the animals used for product testing.

Catch up with Part 1 and Part 2 to read about @marxrab's crimes

As the sheriff entered the market, Dswigle sat behind the counter making a collage of Steemit City markets to show off all the great shopping locations in the city. Pinkerton winked at her in a flirtatious manner and inquired if she'd heard any interesting gossip. Dswingle, unimpressed with the Sheriff who hadn't bathed in days, told him she'd share some gossip if he did some shopping in her store first.

Buying a bouquet of lovely pink flowers and a book of poetry, Sheriff Pinkerton asked again for gossip. Dswigle said she'd heard rumors @marxrab was hiding around Steem York Street and Steem Jersey Street. Her good friends @maruharraca, @tattoodjay, and @dijana969 worked for a photography studio around those parts. It was a favorite haunt of Marx who loved having pictures taken of her beautiful rabbit body.

Walking down Steem York Street and Steem Jersey Street the streets were covered in art. Billboards featured photographs and building walls were covered in murals and graffiti. Entering the only photography studio in the area, Sheriff Pinkerton didn't have any trouble finding @maruharraca....


Confronting her, the sheriff demanded to know why maruharraca had pictures of Marx all over the walls. Unaffected by the sheriff's gruff demeanor maruharraca casually told him they were taken a month ago before the crime happened. They were from when Marx visited for a nature photo-shoot. She claimed she hadn't seen or talked to the rabbit since. Telling Pinkerton to try @tattodjay in the basement, maruharraca indicated she was done talking.

@tattoodjay was found taking pictures of graffiti art that had been painted in the basement. When asked for information about @marxrab the photographer hesitated before denying knowing any information about the whereabouts of the criminal. The sheriff was suspicious and threatened him with arrest if he didn't talk. Looking guilty, tattoodjay backed up against the wall as the sheriff walked menacingly towards him.

Suddenly, there was a loud crash and screaming upstairs. Sheriff Pinkerton told tattoodjay to stay there and they'd speak in a moment. Running back upstairs the sheriff went to find the cause of the crash. Looking out the window he saw that outside the building his car was in flames. He had just retrieved his car that had been stolen this morning!!! @dijana969 was standing outside watching the fire with glee. She pulled out a camera and start snapping pictures of the fire with an excited look on her face.

As Sheriff Pinkerton ran out of the building he saw a flash of black and white running around a corner on the other side of the street! @marxrab!!! Running as fast as he could around the blazing car Sheriff Pinkerton chased after the rabbit. Easily catching up to the bunny he tackled her to the ground. Turning her to face him, Pinkerton then realized it wasn't the rabbit he was looking for that he had captured. It was another good friend of @marxrab's and local troublemaker @cecicastor wearing a dutch rabbit costume.

Tired of the rabbit's friends helping her escape, Sheriff Pinkerton decided he was going to drag everyone downtown for questioning. He was able to handcuff @cecicastor but when he returned to the photography studio the doors were locked and all three photographers were gone. Cecicastor was extremely pleased as the sheriff led her downtown to spend a night in jail for questioning. Of course she denied involvement with helping the rabbit or setting the sheriff's car on fire.

Later that night, as Sheriff Pinkerton sat at his desk he thought about how much he hated his job. As he prepared to go home he was surprised by a knock at the door. @alaskahippie stood at the door with Marx the rabbit's wanted poster in hand.


"Marx the rabbit is in the north. My family caught her on our land in a rabbit trap. We have her locked in a cage. She so darn adorable we wanted to keep her as a pet!!! But that $5,000 reward for her capture is even more adorable."

Sheriff Pinkerton smiled...one short trip to the north and @Marx would finally be in his custody...

To be continued...


Has Marx the rabbit been captured or is this another trick to get the sheriff off her trail? Have you seen marxrab?

Have you seen this rabbit? A $5,000 reward has been offered by Frizzy Headed Inc. for anyone who can catch her. It is believed she is in hiding somewhere in Steemit City. She maybe laying low until the threat of arrest dies down. Leave a comment if you have seen her to help Sheriff Pinkerton locate the criminal rabbit.

Special Note: No real money will change hands for the capture of Marx but any reporting of tips leading to her capture in the comments section could get you written into the next installment. The author loves writing others into her adventures so take a chance and report a tip to see if you pop up as a character.

Included in the story as a character? Feel free to write your own story from your character's perspective. Share a link in my comments section so I can read it and resteem!

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