Horseville Village

My first cry was heard in Horseville Village. As the name implies, this village is filled with horses, although the population is more, anyway. Almost all the residents of my village have horses. To the right of each house is a stable of horses. Why in this village is a lot of horses? It is said that once the village was ruled by a general from the land of the middle of nowhere (we do not know) who loves horses. He thought, horse is a lucky animal. Therefore, he ordered the whole community to keep the horse. They are taught how to ride horses, feed, and a few other things. Since the death of this general, the residents recalled his departure by keeping the horse until the end of the village's life.

Do you know? I also really like horses! This animal is like my best friend. When in fact I have a human friend, but I think horses are more fun than those who are a bit annoying.
My horse is called Pony, which is banged, but quite large. It was white as white as snow, to the extent that I was bothered to cleanse his body just because of a speck of mud. But I still love him, you know, like your best friend.

My father and mother also have horses, their horses are big and handsome. My father's horse was named Albert and dark black, while my mother's horse was Roberta and was dark brown. Actually, I really like my mother's horse haircut. Her hair was long and wavy naturally. Unlike Pony, he has blond hair that is braided every part of it. I wanted to change the hairstyle, but my best friend forbade me because the pony would not be good with a hairstyle like Roberta. Ah, bullshit. But what can I do, I must obey because otherwise he will complain to his father who is a village chief. Later the village chief will scold my parents, and I will be subjected to their denial. See it? That man is a bitch.

Every day I go around with the Pony, to the meadow, to the deserted streets in the afternoons, to the edge of the forest, to the fields, often down the river, or to walk under the shady and cool trees, to arrest the apples which is ripe. Pony also looks very happy when I remove it from the cage to walk. True, really, as a child not a horse expert I know that Pony is very happy.

Sometimes there are also sad memories, like when Pony limped, because his legs bitten by a tiger in the forest. At that time I told him to eat grass in my uncle's field. But suddenly the sky turns cloudy and lightning repeats. Pony was terrified and ran off indefinitely. I wanted to go after him, but my father forbade me. He promised Pony would come back. Pony ran into the forest, then he was attacked by a tiger. Because Pony kept fighting, the tiger bit his leg. That's about the story of a hunter who found Pony. As soon as he saw the wailing Pony, he immediately sedated the tiger. He peed Pony's leg and carried him to the village, guiding him with difficulty as Pony's leg was hurt.

When I got to the village, I was very panicked by the situation. But I am also very grateful to the hunter. Likewise, Father and Mother, they are very grateful and want to give the hunter a reward. But the hunter refused and said, "I got the reward." He showed me a sack with something in it. It was the tiger he had drugged! The hunter said, "I was exhausted chasing the tiger from morning to evening, but the animal did not show up. And now, I get it for finding a pony struggling in a conflict (fight / war)! "Apparently, kindness is rewarded. The hunter is a kind man.

never too, I followed the racetrack children in the field Horseshoe. Street to race really form a Horseshoe (Horseshoe). we will race down the road with fence limit pasture in the middle. in fact, i'm not too good in the control of horses in horse racing. pony also not very talented in this game. but I really like to see people horse riding that ran as tight as possible. sound of the foot of the horse ran also very good to be heard. keteplak-keteplok .. because miss like, I was forced to participate. finally my parents give up then gave me equipment simple specifically for the people village, hats protector, protective elbow, and protector of the knee. first, I feel very excited. father also have to register myself in this game. I and pony was already exercise as hard as possible, a Bolt for in the path in the afternoon. but, spirit start decreased when I saw the news that race this time most participants are professional and practice months. try compare with me, the new practice for two weeks. it is impossible i'm going to win. my heart began shrouded in fear and anxiety. wait, another one, what if I left behind and, of all the villagers will be watching me, then I will ..., ridiculed! that day came. I was standing in this field. I was wearing a hat protector, protective elbow, and pelingdung knee. I .., very fear. father menyemangatiku. mother did so. I am the sad only see them. I don't know, I know I will not be won this. but, I don't want to disappoint them. then, I was trying to confident when relies on Stirrup, to sit in the saddle pony. I mengelusnya slowly. I said, "we will not be won this, pony. but at least we tried to." pony nodded as understand what I said. finally, race has got a matter of command. "three .., two .., sa .., that!" our horses speeding in the field. I leaned forward, trying to make the pony outrun. but it didn't work out. leaned forward it there technique. not just a lean only. then body pony was carried away-take horse other participants because he could not run faster. finally was time in which I had to feel it. I left behind and hear laughter hard citizens! bad boys melempariku with grass-roots. their usual plucking grass to its roots to throw children embarrassing. they really children evil! I tears. in fact I didn't temper tangisanku, but it looks like people can hear Isak tears. suddenly I feel some approached me. last two held me with loving. others patting my shoulder and merangkulku. whom they? impossible man! definitely Angel, or Angel, which sorry to me. but I wrong. these two are father and mother, while others are some of the villagers. I cast a smile on them both. new this time I am aware, human not as bad as it. I return to defeat but with happiness. mother and father did not care about I win or not. they are still merangkulku to arrive at home. pony that had been seen incident was follow US from behind. smile sneaky also poking in my face due to hear the parents of children evil scold them and menjewer them out loud. feel that, human evil! three years. i've been considerable. pony was so. wish I will know one of memories with a boy? maybe you a little confused, but the boy's pretty good, although a bit annoying. he was not very handsome, hair also messy, perhaps because often horse riding to go there-here to take the cake sold his mother. Yes, he was a seller, maybe more precisely introduction, such as the introduction pizza. but this is different. introduction pizza take with Motor, while this with horse. he is very easy-friendly horse. horses have an interest in him. even he ever, not, always, horse riding bareback, and other tools that wind-coil neck horse. well, like this story. the time I and pony play in the grass wide. he continued to run, so I can feel his back that "-". bit of pain, but very Pleasant. because too happy, I didn't realize there is a large Stone sharp in front. pony stumble so I come fall. head hit the ground. sick all. it I want to pass out, but not so. with the head of a very dizziness, I help pony up again. but his feet scratched Stone. Ah, there is always just happened to the foot of her tiny. head start twirling not known, but I am trying to rise. nil. I was dropped and do not feel anything, just Sky slowly to close. darkness.

Slowly my eyes open. I saw someone there. Someone in a cowboy hat, and, Pony! I sat down straight and stroked Pony and saw his legs. She lifted her legs as soon as I touched her. It still seems sick. My head turned toward that person. A shaggy boy with disheveled hair, a dusty face, and something in his hand. A basket full of cakes!

"Who are you? What are you doing here? "I asked as mature as possible.
"I see from a distance there is a horse and his employer lying lethargic. Quickly I approached you with my horse, "Tetiba sounded a horse shriek from far away. I looked. It turned out to be his horse, white-spotted black, almost the same as my horse. "Yes, after seeing you, I know you just fainted, and will surely wake up in a minute. I saw your horse looking painful, then checked all the limbs. It turned out to be his leg. So I tried to encourage her and help her up. "The boy stroked Pony's neck and it looked as if Pony was excited.
I nodded slowly. Kinda jealous of seeing them.

"Um, what's your name?" I asked.
"Das Lexio. You?"
"Des Laverda. I'm very grateful for your help, "Das Lexio smiled. I glanced back at the basket full of his cookies. "What's that, Lexio?"

In our village everyone has the same long name. Das for boys, while Des for girls. Actually this mandatory name can mean "master" or "madam." But sometimes we like to call her last name only, which seems to be shorter as a nickname, and more familiar. Unless you know, for an older person or a respectable person, we should call him at once with his DasDesDos.

"You do not know what it is!"
"Yes, I know it's a cake. But for whom? "
"My mother is a pastry seller. He helped my father earn a living. I sent him to deliver the cakes to the orderer, "he said, stroking her neck again. Make me jealous. Pony, really, can be very close to the person he has just met. "This horse is so funny. What is her name?"
"So you're a deliver?" I say trying to change the flow of conversation. Do not let Pony be hers. Lexio seems to understand why I did not answer him. He nodded.
I glanced at his grazing horse. I did not pay much attention to her. But now I just found out that his horse is not wearing any equipment.

"You know? Why did your horse not wear .. "
"I'm not accustomed to putting on the equipment. It's very troublesome. Usually my mother always tells me to use the saddle at least, but I often take it off when I'm away from home. "I gawked.
"Can you do that? No fear of harm? "
Lexio shrugged his shoulders. "It is common."
I smile. There is a hidden purpose behind my smile. I intend to be taught to ride. And Lexio seems to understand, again. He's really a mind reader!

"Can not now! I have to deliver this cake to Das Alerando and his family. Almost forgot. Good thing they're a good family. "
"Well, I might as well ride your horse. Yes, for the experience. It would be fun to ride horses without equipment, "Lexio cocked his head in surprise. "Pony I'll live here. Please, come on. "I stroked Pony.
"Are you sure? You look unskilled, "he said smugly. I folded my arms across my chest. Trying to make an idea for her to allow me.
"Oh, I know. You must be embarrassed to take the girl on horseback with you ?! Hahaha .. Coward! "Lexio's face changed. I did it, my idea was also cemerang. He immediately stood and aimed his hand at me with a sly smile.
"All right, Des Laverda."
Oh, this will be fun!
Instead of the word.
This hurts!

The horse's backbone ran through my body. Very painful, I keep telling Lexio to stop his horse, but he gets faster. Ah, I'm stuck in this state. I hope Das Alerando's house gets closer!
"Please, stop! Waaa !!! "
"Soon until the goal, really!"
Absolutely ignorant of this Lexio. I had to endure the pain for more than five minutes, which he said he said "briefly" it! Yeah, actually I'm really sorry to ride with him. In fact I did not have time to talk to him because he was too busy screaming. Huh ..

Three minutes passed, a miracle happened. I'm not so sick anymore! Yes, I started to think that this horse's backbone is a pillow, meaning I'm getting used to it. Finally my mouth is open. I opened the topic.
We talked briefly. Nothing passed.

"Finally up! How, kapok? "
I shook my head. Lexio frowned.
"Up to you. Bizarre kid. "He exclaimed in surprise and knocked on Das Alenardo's door. A woman's voice seemed to tell her husband to open the door. A famous Das Alerando comes along with his three-inch beard. I do not know what's in it so he always caresses it.
A long conversation took place, then after Das Alenardo took the cake, we returned to where Lexio's horse was. We went back to the prairie. Pony awaits my arrival there. He was grazing.

"To. Please take your horse back, "I went down and thanked him. "You are welcome. Please answer my question."
I looked into her eyes deeply.
"What's your horse's name?"
"Pony." I say loose. No negative thoughts that deny me to say it.
"My horse, Dessert." I stroked the dessert slowly. He's a big horse, I'm afraid he'll attack me. "You know, you're getting used to riding horses without equipment. It's too soon for a spoiled girl like you! "
"I'm not spoiled!" I say and grunt. He giggled.

After waving, I came home guiding Pony with his half-limbed legs. Waving once more, then saying something very strange and I regretted, what happened in my mind?
"Hey, Das Lexio! You're okay too! "Then ran thoughtlessly. Oh, stupid me! I'm sure he's dumbfounded at the moment. Strangely, since then, every time I see her, she must always be a bit awkward. Stammering when talking, then occasionally I see her cheeks flushed when I laugh. This man is really weird.

Time is always turning. Now I'm a teenager. But me and Pony stay even always, friendly. His body is no longer upright, but he can still run, accompany me around the village to enjoy the day. I'll tell you a memory Well, this is my story in Horseville Village, a village full of horses and people of different characters. I do not tell them all, these mixed memories, but I'm sure you can take something in them.

Pony and I stood transfixed on the shores of Blue Lake Sheen, staring at the jumping fish. The sound of birds chirping more and more reconcile today. The sound of droplets sounded so loud in the ear. A breeze is enough to fly my hair and Pony. My heart was beating calmly in the chest. Typical morning atmosphere and calm.

Just for fun, I leaned over my body and Pony, and we saw our reflection together. Only two words can be spoken.

We are friends!

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