The story of how goat became domesticated.

Goat and tortise.jpg
Picture designed by me with photoshop CS4

Far back in animal kingdom came a depression that was so unprecedented, that no one could virtually lay hand on nothing called food, Goat and Tortoise were very good friends at that time that non does things without consulting the other.

There is another man that was expelled by his community, this man found no other place to live, and his desperation pushed him to go and live with animals in their kingdom. This same man was a farmer that specialized on palm wine making and other related palm tree products.

He’s always rich with palm oil and palm fruits at his farm which led goat and his good friend the tortoise to conspire on how to break that man’s farm and steal his farm produce to salvage their hunger.

They concluded to break the farm in the morning of their market day, so on that fateful morning went the farmer to sale some of his palm nuts in the market, so, that early morning when it’s still hard to recognize faces, the two friend sneaked in to the farm, at their arrival at the gate, they noticed that the gate is at lock and keys, looking around for options to penetrate the farm, they saw a tiny hole on the fence wall which the farmer made for his chickens to have free access in and out the premises.

They joyfully entered through the hole into the farm, they saw many ripped palm heads banked inside that farm by the owner who went to market, they started helping their selves immediately; eating as much as they could, at least to gain some strength before they can now plan on taking others away.

Funny enough, tortoise as a wise one, he continued gagging his tummy to know when it becomes too big to pass through the access hole, therefore he'll eats small quantity and check, he continued that way, when the goat noticed the frequent movement and practicals being carried out by his friend the tortoise, he asked him what warrants his actions, his friend tortoise friend told him that he goes out to clean some of the oil flocking his mount and nostrils.

As they were busy eating the palm-fruits, and the farmer returned from the market, the two friends picked run toward the escape hole from the backyard where they came from, the tortoise ran out the fence easily while the goat was stocked between the hole due to his unchecked big tummy.

The farmer approached the goat and tied rope around his neck to avoid him escaping the trial.

After many questions and answers from the farmer and the goat, the farmer noticed that it was hunger that pushed the goat toward such an ugly act, he had mercy on him and decided to help him throughout the period of depression in the kingdom.

After the famine, goat didn’t found any reason why he should return to his house since there was mutual understanding between him and humans. That was how goat became a domestic animal that lives with human till today.

Thanks for reading through.

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