High School - Chapter 1 - The Beginning

A lot of us would say that high school is the best years of our life as a student. This is where we meet true friends and most cases, true love.

This is the story of a young boy from the Philippines who transferred to the states to continue his senior years as a high school student. Will he find himself fit with a new environment and people? Will he find love? Here's his story...

A beautiful sunny morning for Ronald as he arrives at Longbeach high for his senior years. "I feel really nervous. I hope everything gotta be alright." He said to himself.


On the campus entrance, He saw a group of students hanging out and excited about this school year. They looked really lively. "The question is, would they accept me as one of them?" He again asked himself. Feeling nervous and out of place he walks pass by them straight to the schoolyard where he found a fierce looking Tiger statue in the middle of it. He went a bit closer to check it.


"You must be the new one? By the way, I'm Julie. Nice to meet you!!" He quickly turns his head and looks at the owner of that lovely voice. "Uhmm...Hi, I'm Ronald and nice to meet you too." He's full of excitement, "Finally, someone talks to me." He whispers to himself. Julie is a member of the homecoming committee, she is in charge of taking photos to put in the school's yearbook. "Would you mind standing beside the statue? I will take a photo of you for our yearbook." Without hesitation, Ronald stands close to the sculpture and gives a convincing smile. "Perfect" Julie said.

Eager to meet new friends, Ronald wants to talk to her a little it longer but found himself stock and cannot even speak even a single word as Julie is slowly walking away from him. "C'mon! this ain't the first time you've been in this situation. This is not your first time to be a transfer student." He talks to himself when finally realized that Julie is gone.


You look like a deer with headlights." Another voice coming from his opposite side as he hastily turns around and sees this lovely blonde girl smiling at him. Upon seeing her, his heart beats so fast. He feels like the whole world stops for a couple of hours and only her in his sight.

Ronald : Hey there! I'm just working through some first-day nerves.
Mary : I know how it feels, I almost hyperventilated on my first-day here last year. They actually made me go to the nurse's office. Anyway, I was wondering if maybe you could use a friend?
Ronald : Yeah, I guess I could. This place is 50 percent amazing and 50 percent overwhelming. I don't even know where my room is. 225B? How many rooms does this school have?
Mary : Wait... That's my homeroom too, come with me. Wouldn't want you to be late on your first day


Ronald and Mary make their way through the bustling hallways towards their classroom. "Here it is!" Mary said.

As they enter the room, they find most of the seats are occupied. The only left is a few at the very front and two at the very back. Before they attempt, a girl rushes pass them and flops into one of the seats. "This one's mine and the other one is for my friend Frank. Then suddenly, a guy following her tries to get by and accidentally bumps Ronald. "Sorry I bumped into you, just trying to get to my seat," Frank said. Ronald and Frank's eyes clashes with each other in a very piercing way.

Ronald : I guess you guys beat us with those seats.
Frank : Oh yeah, but would you really give it up without a fight?
Ronald : Nah, what for? It's just a seat, don't mind it.
Frank : Well, that is so nice of you but I'm still taking the seat.
Ronald : No worries. We'll take the ones in front.
Frank : Thanks man


Ronald turns back to Mary, "Looks like it's the front row for us." Mary just nods with a little disappointment and follows Ronald, "I don't want to sit next to the other guys, You should take the seat beside them." Ronald follows Mary's order without hesitation. As they're about to take their seats, a guy turns at Ronald smiling wide.

Roy : You must be new, welcome to Longbeach High. By the way, I'm Roy.
Ronald : Thanks, I'm Ronald. Nice to meet you, Roy.

Ronald and Roy get along quickly and trying to know each other when a guy from behind interrupted them looking for his phone and grones. The two stop and look at him as he turns into them.

Brian : What are you looking at?
Roy : Stop it Brian.
Brian : What can you do mister golden boy?
Ronald : Its okay Roy, I don't mind.
Brian : You must be the new guy? And is miss blonde loser finally have her first friend ever?
Ronald : I guess you're shooting on the wrong target. You better say sorry to her.
Brian : You got a big mouth for a new guy. I don't like guys like you in my party later tonight, and neither are you miss loser.

Those words strike Mary's heart, her beautiful face turns blank. Mary stands up and walks to the door when their teacher Ms. Lyn came.

Ms. Lyn : Where do you think you're going, miss?
Mary : I'll just go freshen up, be back soon

Mary rushes out of the classroom, "Will someone here go get Mary back?" Ms. Lyn said. Ronald suddenly stand-up and ask Ms. Lyn to go out and follow Mary.


Ronald follows Mary and ends up inside the girl's washroom. She taps Mary's shoulder and looks at her teary eyes, he began to speak.

Ronald : Don't cry, bullies like him don't deserve a tear from a nice girl like you.
Mary : He is right about me, I'm the type that doesn't get along so well with people.
Ronald : That's not true, You got me now and we get along pretty good.
Mary : But I never been into parties nor have these much friends.
Ronald : I'm not invited too. Don't worry, with him hosting a party? I bet It'll suck.
Mary : Why you're so nice to me?
Ronald : Cause you're sweet, and we are friends ain't we?
Mary : Thank you, you're so sweet, but I'm still a loser.
Ronald : Then that will make both of us. We both are losers.

With his words, Mary turns to Ronald with a smile on her face as she went closer and give Ronald a tight hug. She leans her head on his shoulder and Ronald hugs her back and whisper.

You want to go to the party? Let's crash 'em... Ronald said

What will happen next to Mary and Ronald? Will they succeed to get inside Brian's house where the party will be held?

To know the answer, stay tuned to the next chapter of the story.

There you have it, folks. I hope you like it, and have a great day everyone..

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