Meet... HENDRIE!

Hello errybunny.

Today I’d like to share with you all the gripping story of Hendrie the Chew toy.


So this one day, I was walking into a China mall. The dirty ones with the rats and dust and black child slaves when I came across this innocent flock of chew toys.

Poor things were bagged and suffering.

.. I could only save ONE

But which one to save? They were all innocent chicks captured by my the Chinese to be eaten alive by pets around the world. ☹️

My heart was shattered.

I couldn’t just leave them there! This horrible thing, normalized for every day modern living in this world of torture in the Chinese dictator store.

I quickly leaped into the sushi bar’s kitchen and wrestled this knife from the sumo wrestler that stood shopping living fish to death!

It was a mess, blood EVERYWHERE.

I rushed back out and quickly freed my chosen one!

Poor thing was so hungry, that he couldn’t believe when I made him some soup in the malls restrooms. See, tomato soup packets in handbags always get handy at one or another time.


After the snack, I quickly shoved Hendrie into my hand bag, as suspicious looking Chinese were probably on the lookout for the He drie thief!

We made it out safe and sound, and got in the car to drive away like nothing ever happened.

To say the least? Hendrie was surprised at the outside world and sat perched on the passenger seat, looking at the wonderful world surrounding the car on the long journey back to my home.


I even introduced my newly found best friend to some Viking kind of music.


Suffice to say that he couldn’t get enough, and soon he was drifting off in the trance of all the drums and humms.

Hopefully Hendrie and I will go on some amazing adventures in the future.



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