Incognito (Cyberpunk Short Story Entry)

For a decade she has run.

Her first memory of her parents was when she and her mother cowered on a dark alley while her father looked out with a gun ready in his hands. She couldn't see what was happening, she could only hear gunshots from down the street. She was five years old.

Her childhood memories are comprised of shooting encounters and running away from armed forces. They have always been protective of her, the whole group always on guard. They stayed on the outskirts of the metro, far enough to hide from the government but close enough to gather news and keep track of the government's move against their group. When both her parents were killed in a clash, other members of the group took her in.

Her recollection of her childhood was interrupted by three faint beeps signalling a call. She lightly tapped on the earpiece on her left ear and a listened, "Try to Hope. Try to Hope". She grunted in response and heard a chuckle, "I was just checking on you".

"Don't worry about me. We have already studied the maps, Fox made sure every one is equipped. Anything more we need to know? Orders from the captain?" she asked.

"No.." followed by a long silence. Then she heard a sigh, "Good luck, Hope. I'll see you at the lab."

Good luck. She has no response to that. She heard a click, the call was cut.

She checked the time. Sixty minutes more.


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