Pieces of a broken promise 2

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After one month when he came back to Kanpur, straight away went on the terrace in hope to see his teacher. But he could not see her face for next one week, she had gone for an exam to Delhi. The time was killing him. Many times he went in front of her house but came back with a fear if she will get angry , she will never talk to him. Day by day he was becoming lean and weak as he was not taking food and care of health.

One day he went to the teacher’s house with one of his friend who has to clear some doubt before his class test. He was his junior at school. On seeing him she enquired what happen to him “what happened to you look so tired and ill.” He wanted to tell so many things but could not make his mouth open in front of her. She asked again then he told a lie that he had fever since last week and he was on prescription. Her simplest concern was more than enough to feel better. Only ambition, only dream he had ever had was the tuition teacher; lost interest in studies too. In next year exams he could not get even pass marks and got failed; nothing bothered him. He only wanted to see and talk to teacher. He started bunking classes in school, and left school after one more year of failure. Beyond her, he was not even thinking about his health. His parents were also got tensed what happened to him and they decided to consult a doctor for prescription, if required.

One evening he got the news that tuition teacher had got selection for some government job. He was not even ware of which job, which post. Only after three four years he could understand that she had cleared country’s most difficult exam i.e. civil services exam. She had to go for training outside the state and most probably her posting will be outside Kanpur. That was a great achievement of his teacher, all people were going to congratulate her, the favorite tuition teacher. He got a golden chance to talk to her and went to congratulate her. This time, he was sure that he will definitely tell the things whatever he thinks. As he went inside house he saw already there were two old ladies sitting and blessing her. So he thought to wait there till they left. Her mother and those ladies were taking and then she came to kitchen. She noticed him standing beside the gate. She asked him to come in. He got privileged by inviting by her teacher that feeling mesmerized him. He congratulated her and told that he want to say something.

As, she used to treat all her students like her children, she told him to say. By that time his eyes were full of tears and could not utter a single word. Innocent teacher thought it was the affection towards teacher. He asked her phone number, as if he wants some guidance she can help. Unhesitatingly, she gave her phone number.

The day came when she had to leave Kanpur. All the preparation had been over. He went to railway station to drop her. When she reached the training center he called her and told that he wants to say very urgent thing. That he loves her very much. On hearing those words She was totally shocked, breathless; she could not believe her ears. Told “what bullshit you are talking”. He explained how he had been fascinated by her beautiful face and beaming, chirpy innocent smile, gleaming eyes, way of talking, her knowledge, her concerns toward her student, gracious voice seems canorous music to his ears…everything belongs to her mesmerized him. Everything hypnotized him. He wants to marry her. From the very first day of tuition class he felt the feeling of love.

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She had to go for training and it was just the beginning of her career, she did not want to spoil her mood. She realized, that was the infatuation at adolescence age. He should consider her like his mother he told that she was like his mother. She then told that he too young to get into relationship; he was ten years younger to her. But he never called her ithi didi instead he used to called her Ithi ji. That too shocked her.

She was very upset when she heard that he left the school. She was a teacher and treated student like her children and did not want to spoil the career and future of children. How can she think like that. She tried to make him understand that whatever he was talking was just an affection of adolescence age, after few days or months he will forget and he will be alright. This is normal so he should concentrate on his studies rather than wasting time on such useless thinking. He begged her to talk on regular basis, otherwise he cannot live. She understood the delicacy of matter and she will talk to him but he has to consider her as mother. After that she called him twice but she was afraid that he got psycho. She wanted to talk to his parents regarding the issues but got she had a fear that they will blame her for spoiling the career of their child, as she was aware of the mentality and perception of her society. She wanted to avoid unnecessary stress because of her training and beginning of her career.. After two three days she changed her phone number in hope that he will forget her.

She was totally under estimating his love. His love was not just infatuation attraction. his love was from deep inside of heart, that was burning slowly from inside like a wick. That time in Diwali season he was sure, that she will definitely come to home. And that happened he went to wish Diwali. She understood the delicacy of matter and tried to make him understand but he was not ready to listen. At any cost he wanted to be with her. She was cursing herself for spoiling the future of a student. So she tried to explain practical things make told that if you will be lots of differences are there. Age gap, studies, they have to live in society. And other aspects. She will talk to him only if he can make his studies good and carrier like her. She was sure that it is a matter of few months and he will forget everything so she made a promise that if he will become a topper student she will talk him daily. But he has to prove himself and in between he will never try to talk to her. He thought for a while, agreed to the promise. He himself made a promise that he will talk to her, the day when he will be like her in respect of studies career. That day when she cannot make any excuses.

Few years passed she got transfer Tamilnadu after completion of training; and got busy with her bureaucratic job. She had no news of him, just forgotten him. Occasionally she visited her place in Kanpur and found no sign of him there. She was happy for her promise as she was sure that he had forgotten her. She thanked god that he saved her from committing a sin by destroying future of a child.

After accepting the promise, he began his studies as he knew that he has to get her back in his life he wanted to give his life a chance. He did not want to lose her at any cost, therefore he locked himself within a room full of books. Rarely went outside and following a strict timetable. He took readmission to school and started studies; came out with flying colors. Continued hard work, dedication, to beat her promise, to prove that his love will not come to an end until his death, . He will keep on loving that face, that name, that most cheerful smile throughout his life without any condition. But he had to fulfill her condition. After two failures, finally cracked the same exam and got selection at the same post at hers. During last ten years, this was the first time he was extremely happy. Not because of his result because of keeping his promise fulfilling his condition for love.

In the meantime she got engaged to a well suitable boy found by her family members and was very happy. But her fate was also not suiting her. One day she met with an accident got seriously injured. She lost one of her leg, just after one week of engagement day. She had to pay double penalty of the accident by losing her feet and losing her trust on relationship as her fiancé returned the engagement ring. He cannot marry to a handicapped girl. After that incident she had a broken pieces of heart; got indulged in her job once again. As nothing good had remained in her life. She became a wick who was burning silently from inside, no cheerful smile, no beautiful face, within few months she turned into a skeleton, but one thing did not changed that was the light of her eyes.

He did not tried to contact her, did not met her in last eight years so was very curious to meet the lady of his dream and went to Kanpur. he took blessing of his mother first then enquired about the tuition teacher. She told everything what she had faced in life.

He went to see her in her house and enquired about her wellbeing to her mother, she could not say anything and showed him the way to her room. There she was sitting on a wheel chair. He could not see his love in such a condition; eyes filled with tears. He was searching for the most beautiful face and most beautiful smile which he had left eight years back. She welcomed him and asked his whereabouts for last so many years and congratulated for his success in civil services. He could not say anything in response. Immediately he left the room.

For the next one week it was his routine to visit her place and to take care and to talk to her. This time he gathered some courage and proposed her he went down on the knee and said “Ithi ji, now all your conditions are fulfilled. I have kept all the promises you gave me. Will you marry me ?”

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She was amazed to see the unconditional true love with such great affection, with such dedication, this time she had the feeling being the luckiest person on earth to have person who loves her the most. She had the same feeling as he had, for the last ten years. She was feeling the pain and the joy of being in love. Her eyes started glowing like diamond with tears of joy inside. She was on the top of the paradise. But next moment second thought overlapped her beautiful imaginations. She was his teacher. She considered him as his own son. That was the biggest sin in her opinion. How can she think of having such relationship with him?

Her heart felt with deep sorrows and guilty. She immediately asked him to forget her. If he really loves her, it would not make any difference whether he find her or not. Love is not merely getting someone you love. It is the most beautiful feeling you possess for whole of your life. She continued and told that she wanted a promise from him. He will never meet her in his life until and unless she will call; and requested him to leave. He had no other choices rather than to respect her decision and to keep the promise once again. He left the place deep heartedly loosing hopes. Left Kanpur for forever and shifted to Mumbai to get back to work again.

After that he never tried to contact, to meet her, because he had to keep the promise. But he could never forget her beautiful face her cheerful smile, her innocent talks. Her name and her memories had become part of his life for forever. Each and everyday he used to get up in the hope of getting a call from his teacher. He had been waiting for a call from her for last few years. But that never happened.


He has been swimming in the ocean of memories of hers. His mother is crying and people in hospital are trying to console her. The doctor said “Sorry, He is no more,” “he had a severe heart attack”. No he did not die due to heart attack, he died due of the pain of broken pieces of a promise which he had been keeping for the last five years. He died to meet his love, his first and true love, he died to meet his favourite teacher in heaven, he died to handed over the broken pieces of her promise to her. And he is ready to go to meet his love…


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