Challenge #04255-K237: Unpaid Respect


Horns looking of crystal, jewel-bright green eyes, soft pastel blue skin, the hellkin lived within a cottage surrounded by a beautiful gardens of flowers, food, and herbs. A sign over the walkway read "Those in need, please be welcomed."
Many the wealthy tried to get this living gemstone to live with them. Many have learned, sometimes the hard way, that this beauty also had the determination of a dragon, and the gifts of a wizard. -- Anon Guest

People hear the word "Hellkin" and instantly picture a demonic-looking figure, naturally creepy and very often violent with it. "Hellkin" often becomes associated with the phrase, "born criminal." They are a living reminder of the evils that Humanity had to resort to in order to get a little respect from the other intelligent species on Alfarell.

Very few recognise that little, if any of this, is the Hellkin's fault.

Those who make it to the House of Last Resort are very shocked to see it run by a Hellkin, let alone one of such rare beauty. Skin the colour of a summer sky, raven-black hair, and swept-back horns that resembled polished onyx, capped with gold. She kept her hooves polished and the house itself very clean. And if you came there, you were already in a state to not care what did the healing.

Some care after the fact, but it is in the nature of humanity to be moral about things once they have what they want from the immoral pursuit[1]. The Hellkin healer, Pax, simply tells them to never return if it bothers them so much.

People have come with pitchforks and torches, to attempt to oust Pax from their glade and associated springs. Those that have, have found out that there are rather excellent wards that prevent them from causing harm in Pax's land. There's only so long that sort of person is willing to hang around and be a pest, especially when those wards are set miles from the glade itself. Especially when those they attempt to turn aside refuse to heed them, or have armed guards capable of equal and opposite insistence.

Then there are those who attempt to buy Pax, one way or another. They offer gold. They offer gems. They offer power and position. More than a few have offered the delights of the flesh.

The most they get from these efforts is, "No, thank you. I am content here."

"I could marry you," the latest Noble offered, on her knees. "Elevate you to the position of my Consort. You'd live in a palace instead of this... erm... relic." Referring, of course, to the House itself. A Ygdrassi house-tree adjoining a set of shaped caverns that connected, eventually, to the tunnels of the Everdark.

"This relic suits me fine," they said, calmly grinding herbs. "There's room for my patients and all the conditions necessary to grow my ingredients. I have no need of courts or bedmates, not money nor power. I am content."

"In the middle of nowhere?"

"Everywhere's the middle of somewhere," countered Pax. "It's all a matter of perspective." They swept the powder into an envelope and folded it neatly, and tied a little horn spoon to the outside. "There. One spoonful by this measure in your morning broth per day, until the treatment is done. All will be well."

"What if I need you again?"

"You won't," said Pax. "Not for this. Should you need me for a different ailment, you know where to find me."

"This is intolerable. I've offered you gold and you refused. I offered you position and you refused. I offered you power, and you refused. So therefore I offer steel. Come with me, or lose your head. Guards!"

Pax snapped their fingers. The Noble, her entourage, and her guards found themselves and their belongings outside the boundary to the glade, relatively close to a pack of disheartened protestors. None were able to get past the wards.

The magic was in the sign at every entrance: Those in need, please be welcomed. Those without need, those who sought only to ruin what was there, were unwelcome.

And therefore forcibly ejected from the glade.

How and why? Well. None have inquired.

If they did, they would have learned that Pax was half-Dragon, and blessed with unique magics. Including the ability to protect and defend her territory.

[1] If you're curious about this, google "The only moral abortion is my abortion" for the hypocrisy amongst the pro-life movement.

[Photo by John Royle on Unsplash]

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