Challenge #04234-K216: Family Talk


I was found by my rennie. I was found again by the family of my birth. My rennie was scared. I was scared. The horse was terrified. But now we have a happy home. All of us together.
@internutter/challenge-04055-k037-family-re-union -- Anon Guest

Of all the diverse methods to return to consciousness, one of the stranger ones had to be in a nest made by a Dragon. Most people in such a situation might expect to be food for the Dragon's young.

Not Orgoloth.

Mostly because Titinwee was nestled beside hir, draconic head on hir chest. Beautiful sparkling eyes and shining scales and a smidgeon of familiarity in the nest. Which seemed to be freshly made of things soft and comfortable for middling-sized creatures.

Orgoloth was slightly disturbed by the fact that ze was casually laying on a small fortune in Dire Spider silk and Myconiise fluff. Ze got over it fast. This was a Dragon den. They traditionally used great treasures for their bedding.

The rarest herbs, the riskiest fibres, the most exotic gems... all came from Dragon Hoards or were found in Dragon caverns. After all, the world was made for and by Dragons. They still held a majority of that which was treasured by others as well as themselves.

As a merchant, it was a very great effort to remain calm about snoozing on literal treasure.

"I have a mama," announced Titinwee, "and she can be anything."

Orgoloth sat up, to view what appeared to be an Elf of indeterminate origin, though with a colour scheme similar to Titinwee and their Draconic mother. She was wearing Dire Spider silk, though nominally. Possibly from a child's understanding of what anthropoid life considered "rude bits."

"You could have borrowed some of my spare clothes," offered Orgoloth. "I have no objections, honoured Ikyrth."

Somewhere in her sparkling eyes, Orgoloth had won an award. "This was a test," she announced. "One you've passed. Had you treated me as a stranger, I would have found you dim and unobservant. You made one mistake, and did your utmost to be sure that you made few more. I therefore find you honest and forthright."

"My thanks for your hospitality, and thanks for accommodating me with your form. I honestly feared for my life when you found us."

"What sort of parent would I be if I destroyed the person who saved and reared my baby?" she asked. "You greatly misunderstand Dragons."

"To be fair, I only have stories to rely upon. May I ask? How do we proceed?" Ze absently reached out to comfort Titinwee. Checking to be sure the baby Dragon was well.

"One day at a time, I would think," said Ikyrth. "My little one is bonded with you. You are blessed with a long life, so there are many days to experiment."

"As long as Titinwee is happy... I shall be happy," Orgoloth decided.

[Photo by Joe Dudeck on Unsplash]

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