Challenge #04231-K213: Feathers of Justice


Pax Humanis had VERY few in among them that were not human. Fewer still that could be mistaken for a Havenworlder.
Which made this killer's ability to "hide in plain sight" save for the leg bands when not on a job, even easier. The targets always seem to expect a human hunter.
@internutter/challenge-04079-k061-judge-jury-and -- Anon Guest

Indigo was what the CRC referred to as a Justice Killer. They sought to balance out the wrongs they had experienced and often stopped after their fury was seen to. Some, like Jay Outcast, found more targets for their vengeance. As for Indigo... that remained to be seen.

Talk therapy let Indigo give their testimony, to give words to what they'd seen. To give a memorial to their clan. Names. Personalities. Memories both happy and sad. They gave words to their past. Their world as they knew it before the Dereggers came to claim what was never theirs. They told of the end of their world.

Indigo had people to help them mourn. To help them work through their trauma. As well as to find their homeworld once more.

The good news: Indigo's people were not dead.

The bad news: Yet.

The better news: Now they had an ambassador to plead their case, the CRC could strike like a storm of meteors. Which they did with something approaching a vengeance.

The best news, as far as Indigo was concerned, was that there were other survivors of their clan. They were few, young, and scattered. Their shared history was broken. Their territory defiled by the industries of the invading Dereggers.

But at least they were not alone any more.

Some recovery was possible. Some healing could happen. Some anger could be assuaged.

And all the CEOs responsible would literally pay for their crimes, which hit them where it really hurt - their economy.

It would take years. Perhaps most of Indigo's life, to heal from their trauma. And in the meantime, they had honorary membership in Pax Humanis. Not the first to have it. Not the last.

But one of a very precious few.

[Photo by Alexander Sinn on Unsplash]

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