Challenge #04134-K116: Peak Performance


A new, rather strange, band formed that was a mix of humans, and former pirates that used to be their enemies. They have one hell of a reputation for their eclectic music styles, and immense imagination. They end up pretty popular, too, their concerts are often pretty packed.
@internutter/challenge-02473-f283-yo-ho-foe-no-mo -- Anon Guest

Call it serendipity. Call it synchronicity. Call it kismet. They called their band The Starfarers. A band of pirates met with a band of Humans aboard a Havenworlder ship, and the battle went on so long that everyone got bored and started literally playing around.

It took four days to notice that the battle had stopped in favour of their improvised talent show.

They formed a big band, replete with choral section, and took their mutual act on the road. One that could work in shifts and potentially entertain around the clock. They would only all perform at once on special occasions.

Such as this one.

They had to use the facilities for the Ambassadorial meet. Not just for the size of the band, but also for the audience. There is no sound like the sound of a hundred and fifty cogniscents performing in harmony, improvising together and functioning as a hive mind. Even though they were not a species capable of acting like such.

One might expect such occasions to inspire a loud mania in the audience. Popular musicians have done such in centuries past.

Things have changed.

People don't go to concerts to scream about the performance, nor the performers. They go to concerts to appreciate the performance, and show their appreciation for the performer's work.

Some might successfully argue that there is no other experience like several thousand assembled cogniscents sitting peacefully together in a respectful silence, only bursting out in shows of appreciation when the performers took their bows.

The members of The Starfarers would agree with them.

[Photo by Roger Harris on Unsplash]

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