Challenge #04085-K067: A Calming Argument


Two of their older siblings are members of Pax Humanis. They, however, became a well-trained therapist. One of the best protected therapists in the galaxy. -- Anon Guest

Therapist Pien had a reputation for being the eye of calm in any storm. Some quietly nicknamed them "Capybara" for their ability to be chill no matter what. Even in the face of a screaming Knomira[1], they refused to turn a hair.

Even when they turned violent, Therapist Pien would simply move to deflect or avoid their blows and let them wear themselves out.

They kept their hands behind their back as the latest Knomira devolved into kicking and pounding their fists against the floor. Out of range of the angry flailing. Quietly observing. Security had already diverted traffic either around or away from the scene. The shop that had 'caused' the upset[2] had closed operations and sealed all entrances until the scene was finally cleared.

Eventually, Deregger Guun screamed herself hoarse, and ran out of energy to flail, and finally gave up on pretending to sob.

Pien sat on the floor with her. "Now. Can you explain to me why you, a fully-grown cogniscent being, chose to act like a toddler?" And, to aid in communication, they slid across a sound board made for pre-literate children. It did have options to type in proper words and sentences, but this was a Deregger they were defusing. Literacy was not a common skill amongst Dereggers.

"Angry," said the Knomira via the soundboard. "Insulted. Want. Pretty. Told. No." She followed this up by mashing the 'Angry' button as fast as she could. "A--A--A--A--A--A--A--A--Angry."

Pien checked the Security report. "According to witnesses, you attempted to purchase Shopkeeper Brie's infant."

"It's in a pet shop," Guun croaked. "It has to be for sale."

"Would you think that Shopkeeper Brie was for sale?"

"No," she said via the soundboard. "Serve. Me. Serve. Serve. Serve. Me."

An Alliance-made sound board wouldn't have a button that said 'servant' for her. "I understand," said Pien. "You believed Shopkeeper Brie was your servant because you came to their shop."

"Yes," intoned Guun's soundboard. Guun looked greatly relieved to have her views verified. She was even starting to look proud. "They. Serve. Me. You. Serve. Me. All. Serve. Me."

Pien decided to leave that one disregarded. "And if you were running a shop, it follows that you would serve anyone who comes in. Am I right?"

"No. Serve. All. Serve. Me."

"How can you make a profit if you don't serve your customers?"

That gave her pause. She made a face of disgust, rolled her eyes, and sighed. "Yes. Serve. Angry."

"So you would serve customers if you were running a shop. Good. Would you sell them anything they wanted?"

"Yes. Yes. Y--Y--Y--Y--Yes."

"Even your own child?"

The door was opened for realisation, and the chance for a change of mind was waiting in the wings. At least Guun was willing to go quietly to Medik central.

Pien rose to their feet, feeling a need for hot chocolate and cool greens.

A nearby Security Officer who had watched it all approached, asking, "How do you do it? How can you keep that calm?"

"My two older sibs were bigger monsters than anyone else I've ever met," Pien brought up a picture of the last time they'd joined for a holiday. "I grew up with these two goobers. Nobody else is near to as frightening, but they're fully willing to trounce anyone who bothers me."

"Those are Pax Humanis colours," observed the Security Officer.

"Yes," said Pien. "Yes, they are."

[1] So called because of their pre-tantrum catch-cry, "I know my rights!"

[2] We all know that it's actually the Knomira who cause their own upset.

[Photo by Shyam on Unsplash]

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