Challenge #04062-K044: One for the Halls of Heroes


He had, reluctantly, killed many all to save a child's life. He saved many more in both penance for his crimes, and the desire to undo the darkness he caused. The gods weighed him in judgement, and, memories intact, he was allowed rebirth. Allowed to know a new path, where he could continue to help others before they, too, could fall into darker lives.
@internutter/challenge-03308-i020-repaid-in-full -- Anon Guest

In the Realm of Twilight Shadows, the kingdom of Death, the entity known as Mistress Dark rules all. The Reapers are her army and guides to the souls. Many come with gods to claim them, and are sent on to their relative judgements.

Few arrive to her full mercies. Fewer still have the aura of a hero emanating from their shade. Even fewer arrive like that with an attitude of deep shame.

The shade knelt, echoes if their living form still visible in their ephemeral form. "Goddess of all, who is feared of all, she who receives all the guests... I can only beg your mercy for my sins. I am ready for the sentence you will condemn me to."

It was so curious that Mistress Dark came down to the shade's level. Making herself the same size as a mortal. Looking him in the eyes that he only remembered any more. "Sentence?" she said. "You expect me to doom you to a sentence?"

"I've killed so many. I killed for selfish reasons. I killed for gain."

"I've seen murderers without reget, who did the same things. You did not kill for your own gain, did you?"

"It was still selfish. I wanted a wish to save my Lissi. To keep her in the world. I killed three hundred innocents. I disturbed the dead's rest. And I failed... I failed to make amends. I failed to save... so many."

"You miscalculate," said Mistress Dark. "You sought to save a loved one. You did not have choices. When you had choices, you took the better way. The ripples of your good efforts will spread across the world. You killed three hundred, true, but the lives you have saved, the lives your actions will save... they far outweigh your sins."


"You are to join my ranks of heroes, and be reborn to save other lives."


Mistress Dark blessed him with a kiss to his brow. "Rest for now. You will be called in a time of need."

[Photo by Viktor Talashuk on Unsplash]

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