Challenge #04024-K006: Peacemakers Reunited


Fate was not done with Kosh, or his love, not by a long shot. They are reborn in two different noble families, and, as fate would have it, arranged marriages means they were fated to wed once more once the time came.
@internutter/challenge-03902-j250-lest-ye-be-judged-also -- Anon Guest

Fate's wheel turns. Lives are lived again,and turned about in the process.

Two houses, alike in villainy, meet their heirs together in the hope of forging peace. Prince Delyn was a little on the wild side. An understandably angry young man who'd seen how his people were treated.

As for Komelli, she had attempted to live by the rules given her. Torn to guilt by the ones that contradicted each other. Worried upon meeting a Hellkin for the first time.

One on their own is a sight to behold...

The spreading laws of Pax Infernus had wrought some changes, true, but it never stopped people treating Hellkin with suspicion and superstition alike. The Hellkin, in turn, had delighted in making the superstitious look ridiculous - giving them 'safeguards' that made them laughingstocks.

At least Komelli had been warned. Her nurse had lined up a selection of charms and wards against evil, with which to decorate herself before this fated meeting. Komelli had wisely decided to leave them where her nurse had laid them. If her groom was at all sensible, he'd keep any inherent evil to himself. All the better to prevent war between their respective kingdoms.

She waited in a picturesque garden with her chaperone, as her groom was out riding. Apparently not impressed with the idea of an arranged bride, let alone meeting her.

Komelli grew anxious. Inspecting the garden beds, walking the paths. Her tutors had always chided her for her inability to sit still. It took her half an hour to spy one of the estate's cats. Cats were always good company. For them, she was willing to sit and be patient.

Including using 'cat manners', slow blinking and making friendly kitty noises until the cautious beast allowed itself under her palm.

"There, see?" she cooed, scritching under the cat's chin. "I'm not so terrible." Komelli had the creature kneading in ecstasy in her lap in short order.

"I'd agree," said a voice behind her. "The castle cats are very good judges of character."

There, as if he'd sprung up from some legendary seed, was a Hellkin. His riding leathers were embossed with the house crest of her groom, as well as coloured with the crest's hues. It was the gilded stitching on his shirts that gave it away.

"Prince Delyn, I presume," said Komelli. "I'd rise to greet you, but..." she gestured to the cat snoozing on her lap. "That would be a sin."

He barked a short laugh, hiding his sharp teeth behind a quickly-raised hand. "I agree," he said, sitting carefully apart from her on the ground. He had one brief glance for his chaperone before scooting a few more significant inches away from her. "Cats are often better people than people. It's why I go riding. The animals and the trees don't judge me by my looks."

Komelli really looked at him. Eyes like polished sapphires. Skin the exact colour of walnuts, and neat horns sweeping in a gentle curve beside his head. They'd been capped with rose gold, shortly before the points could eclipse his ears. "Why would anyone judge?" she asked, genuine. "You're beautiful."

Delyn had a shy smile, close-lipped to hide his teeth. Ducking his head to prevent anyone seeing an unintentional peek of sharpness.

Oh. So the world had found ways to beat a Prince down from being unashamed of himself.

Komelli reached across to hold his hand, ignoring the hemming and hawing of their mutual chaperones. "The world has been unfair to you," she said. "I can promise you that I will not be so unfair."

She held his gaze, unafraid. Just as unafraid as she held his hand.

For the first time in his life, Delyn showed his teeth when he smiled.

[Photo by Viviane Pasta on Unsplash]

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