Challenge #03986-J334: Outsourcing Horror


The Lucker who is a deadly killer is on a world hunting down the brutal deregger CEO's that had driven the innocent populace to their knees. They bump into Sunshine and Jay who's there on the same mission. They make a good team.
@internutter/challenge-03457-i169-no-cause-for-alarm -- Anon Guest

I do love Gilbert and Sullivan. Their compositions and lyrics have incredible staying power. One of my favourites is from The Mikado, and the words may change, but the chorus remains the same.

I've got them on my list. They ne-ver will be missed...

There are definitely individuals who make repeated decisions that make the universe around them worse. People whose best way to serve their society is as fertiliser. The latest example of allegedly cogniscent life should definitely help the vegetable gardens of the starving into abundant growth.

I had the grinders already ready in an undisclosed location. Replete with spoiled grain to soak up any extra blood. I know too well that old men like that have so much blood in them.

What I did not expect was for this target to be on someone else's list.

I met the other predators while I was mixing my poisons. Something to kill the target without poisoning anything that grew from him. It's a very careful cocktail.

I didn't expect anyone to creep up on me and murmur, "Perhaps a grain or two of cyanide. It's organic."

That's how I met Mr Sunshine. And his junior protege, Jay. They were there for the same target.

"We're here to send a message to this particular CEO's close associates," said Mr Sunshine. "It's far better for the long term plan if his body is found in a state of unique violence."

Jay handed me a slip of paper with names on them. "However, if these ones mysteriously vanish within a handful of days? It would definitely help the long term plan."

We faced each other. Killer to killer to killer. I said, "I'm not joining Pax Humanis."

Jay said, "We're not authorised to invite you."

We parted as mutuals in the field, and I poisoned one of the names on the list. There was a lot more blood and bone for the gardens, and a great deal many more terrified CEO's.

I might work with them again.

[Photo by Thao LEE on Unsplash]

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