Challenge #03916-J264: Dramatic Deception


A knomira used to getting their way sits in a store and screams like a banshee when the customer they were screaming at and accused of lying when they denied being an employee pushed them away when the knomira grabbed an arm. The knomira let themselves fall to the ground scream like they'd been attacked, but proof was shown and the knomira would have to face the consequences for their actions. -- Anon Guest

The problem with multiple people using the same tactic, is that other people find ways around it. The problem with the people prone to using that tactic, is that they're not bright enough to come up with new ones.

Screaming and crying and flailing on the floor should never be used as a manipulation tactic by anyone over three years of age, anyway.

"I was violently attacked," wailed the white woman. "Your employee attacked me! I'm gonna sue him! I'm gonna sue you! I'm gonna sue your whole corporation! I have a whole legal corporation on my side!"

"What a shocker," said the 'employee' who was merely a fellow shopper and not dressed in anything that looked like the store uniform. Not even in a very bad light. It also didn't help that ze was also wearing their baby. "I'd like to see how they deny the evidence."

The police arrived, and the security people cued up all the videos. One from a staffer's bodycam. Several from around the area of interest. Some with sound. The security techie had also synced up the sound.

"You," said the recording of the white woman. "Where the hell are the Plushie Plum-plum dolls? Your website said they were here!"

The other shopper turned, clearly revealing the worn baby to the instrument of contention. Ze said, "I don't work here, and I've never heard of Plushie Plum-plum. Sorry."

'Sorry' made the bleached blonde shriek like a banshee. "LIAR! You're lying! You're never going to work in this town again! I know you're hiding them! Gimmie that!" She literally tried to rip the baby from their parent.

This was where the other shopper deflected her hands. This was where the white woman screamed like her bones had all broken at once and threw herself on the floor. Throwing herself and all her limbs around as if she were in the middle of a Grand Mal as portrayed by actors who had never seen one before.

"Help! POLICE! I've been attacked! I've been attacked! I'm bleeding! I'm BLEEDING!"

The other shopper backed away and shielded hir baby from the spectacle. Nervously looking around for anyone who actually worked there. The body cams zoomed in on the tantrum, and clearly showed that this alleged adult was purposely injuring herself so that her claims of bleeding were proved truth.

"Come with us, ma'am," intoned one of the shop's security team. "We'll be sorting this out in the office."

As they lifted her to her feet, she also wailed that she was being raped. In spite of blatantly obvious evidence to the contrary.

The police had folded their arms. They had raised their eyebrows. They had the expressions of people who had seen too much of this kind of horseshit. They were evidently very tired of encountering it.

They cuffed the woman who had thrown the tantrum. Escorted her less than gently towards their vehicle. The remaining officer intoned, "We have an abundance of evidence for a case of Public Nuisance against her," they said. "We can also add charges of assault, slander, and resisting arrest."

"Please do," said the parental with the baby.

"She also damaged some of the stock," said the manager, "so I'd like to file a charge for Destruction of Property."

"Absolutely, sir. We can definitely add that to her charges."

One day, they might learn that they can't throw a tantrum to get what they wanted. Today was not that day.

[Photo by Claudio Schwarz on Unsplash]

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