Challenge #03788-J135: Children Born in Fall...


What is the worst two times to travel? Late Fall and Early Spring. It was cold, the ground was soaked, sometimes half-frozen, there were icy puddles, it rained unexpectedly and the rain was icy cold, the wind was cold and often damp, it was miserable. Yet through this mess they still slogged, carrying their burdens. As the two young infants whimpered, Gikka and the young apprentice each also carrying an infant in their arms, it wouldn't be long now before they got the four infants to safety. -- Anon Guest

Keeping them warm and dry was important. Strodius had two of the world's tiniest Hellkin strapped to his chest. He chanted the verbal spell to keep the group under shelter. Gikka had just one tiny infant and their mother had the fourth. She was fading in and out of consciousness, borne in a basket on Wraithvine's back.

Wraithvine's spellwork was to keep the very worst of the weather at bay, alternating with magic to keep the exhausted mother alive and well. She had surrendered her Hellkin children to the group, but clung to the fourth. Born a Human.

People were wont to take the Human babies of Hellkin from their mothers "for their own safety." Well. For this little family's safety, they were taking them all to a place where they would remain an intact family and get help.

The world was full of little hide-aways. Places where the "decent and upstanding" would never think of going. This place was a little bit bigger than that.

Hellkin stand up for each other. There's few others prone to do so. And when a Hellkin comes to power? Others of their ilk flock to the realm.

And on the borders? Well-stocked hospices.

This one had Dire Goats. Both as sources of milk and an excellent security measure.

The healers swarmed. Making certain the Hellkin mother was clean and in a decent bed. Making sure all of her quadruplets were within easy reach. With one burly and intimidating Hellkin nurse sitting watch.

They would survive the night.

Wraithvine, Strodius, and Gikka were more or less left to tend to themselves. Getting washed and dried via the amenities not crowded out by the nurses.

Wraithvine let the others rest, and saw to milking the Dire Goats. A little calming spell and a lot of making certain that hir hands were warm. Two kind hands making a difference for everyone else. After all, they were busy.

Ze filled in all the tasks that were otherwise unoccupied, owing to the presence of four very new babies and a mother in medical distress.

Dawn came, and stability returned by slow hours.

The mother introduced herself as Jewel, and she wept grateful tears to learn that she had a squad of people willing to defend her right to her children.

She was under the reign of the Thrice-Sworn King, now. She and her little family were safe, and would have help from any angle she liked.

Five lives saved in the worst weather that Autumn had to offer.

In two days, an official arrived to deliver the news that Jewel was entitled to a house and farm, a pension, and caregivers to help her with her children. She also learned that His Majesty also gifted her with everything she would need to care for the children. Including a very placid nanny goat from his own farms.

Wraithvine took the time to bless all five of them with a kiss to their brows before they parted ways.

[Photo by armina arhm on Unsplash]

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