Challenge #03702-J049: Ka Mate! Ka Ora!


Is it wrong of me to want a bunch of Havenworlders to perform haka? -- Anon Guest

[AN: Absolutely not! Just a reminder that this is not my culture and I am unfamiliar with the most of it]

Of all the wonders that welcoming Humans to the Alliance introduced, nobody expected cultural sharing. The Alliance soon learned that Humans were naturally inclined to share everything they loved and, in more than one occasion, some things they hated.

Everyone knew that exposure to these peculiar Deathworlders could improve their genetic stock. They never expected them to teach Havenworlders confidence.

Aoteoroa was generous with their cultural heritage. A warrior culture that survived mostly intact past the efforts of invasive colonisers, they were rightfully proud of this achievement. And they shared their warlike greeting. With some adjustments, of course.

"The shout is not in the throat," said the tattooed instructor. "It's in the heart and the belly. If you are just shouting, you're doing it wrong. Use your inner fire to project rather that shout." They demonstrated the vocalisation in question.

The cluster of students flinched at the power of it. A couple of braver ones attempted to follow the instructions.

One surprised themself by succeeding, causing the rest of the avians to scatter briefly in shock.

The prize student fluffed themself up in pure glee and did it again.

"Excellent. Well done. Share what you know with your tribe. And remember the stance. Wide and menacing and difficult to do to show how fit you are to the enemy. You are strong! Show it off!"

They fell into chattering and chirping. They would be worthy warriors in a couple of weeks, for sure.

[Photo by Old Youth on Unsplash]

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