Challenge #03688-J035: Tidying to Do


A nation sends out a large, diplomatic, delegation to find Wraithvine, complete with white and gold carriage to bring him back to the kingdom. Why? The King wishes to make the kind elf the heir to his throne, for he has few family, and those he has, have proven to be too selfish for him to consider them for the placement. -- Anon Guest

[AN: This is extra fun because Wraithvine has no desire to be a monarch]

The first time King Theudebert invited Wraithvine into his lands, it was with a polite invitation and an armed escort to see hir safely there. The second time, the armed escort had to use a net and utmost secrecy because there was no telling who would let the eternal wizard free or risk their lives trying.

His Majesty really should have explained why he wanted Wraithvine to be heir first.

There was really one overreaching problem, as best explained by Wraithvine when ze said, "I would rather be cold and dead in the roots of a tree[1] than sitting on a throne with a crown on my head!"

King Theudebert did not say anything stupid like, That can be arranged. He knew better. What he did say was, "I need a better head under my crown, and someone to take my place on the throne who isn't an ass. It can't be any of my children or my grand-children. And if it's not you, then... who?"

Wraithvine was both smart and wise enough not to say, Literally anyone else. Managing a kingdom had some interesting problems. Though everyone and their kid brother's dog thought they knew how to do things better, the definition of 'better' was relative.

One being's good deeds were another's evils, after all.

Wraithvine said, "I will find someone," and went looking.

Ze knew where to start, in the Church of Kind Hands, where ze was also a god. Perhaps the last to walk the mortal plane, but that sort of thing was never certain[2]. With a little divinity pouring towards hir, the eternal wizard summoned a little guidance.

A heartfelt need, the will of the gods, and a prayer.

All to make a little light the size of a child's marble, that would direct Wraithvine to the person that was needed the most.

It wasn't a long trip. Just out to the back of the temple where one of the devoted was doing the washing.

She took the news that she was Chosen by her god with a, "You're fucking kidding me."

"Everyone wants to save the world," said Wraithvine, "but rare is the person who wants to do the dishes. You, I believe, are bound to do both."

"I just clean up messes in front of me," she protested.

"Aye, and the Kingdom you live in happens to have a mess in need of some expert cleaning."

Queen Peggy Simplekeep, first of the name, turned out to be perfect for the job. Incidentally allowing Wraithvine to wander as ze wished.

[1] Elven burial customs are different. Given the existence of Ygdrassi and the family homes grown from them, you can expect that Elves take the phrase, "family tree" literally.

[2] Deification is a wild and unpredictable ride.

[Photo by Scott Umstattd on Unsplash]

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