Challenge #03672-J019: A Wolf With Honour


I am a member of Pax Humanis. I have sworn my very life, my SOUL, to this Havenworlder and their family. I will protect them for as long as I can draw breath. They saved my beloved family, they saved my children, anyone that touches them, or my family, will pray that death finds them before I do. -- The New Guy

Once upon a time, a Human decided that it was a good idea to throw food to a wolf. Eventually, they created dogs from doing that.

Zaak had often wondered if that was the starting point for Humanity's species-wide insanity. Certainly, hir studies had never been helpful in finding a solution to that question. Answering it was moot, of course. People could not simply cure or prevent species-wide madness. There were ethics involved.

Just like the ethics of freeing a trapped Human from fallen debris. They were an intelligent being in distress. Leverage and quick thinking saved a life.

An expendable life. The life of one of the omnicidal maniacs of Pax Humanis.

The wolves among Humans.

They travelled in packs, were pursuit predators, and formed deep bonds with any creature they deemed as their own. And Humans could pack-bond with anything.

Zaak began every morning now with a wolf at hir door. The hulking Human understood that Zaak was safe in hir habitat, but everywhere else? Human Pris dogged hir every step.


On one hand, it was surprising how fast someone that large and deadly became furniture to the subconscious mind. On the other hand, it was unnerving to realise that that furniture could kill on command or - and this was a Pax Humanis Human - if they decided they didn't like someone.

Worse was the guard on hir guard. Human Pris was honour-bound to guard Zaak until the life debt was somehow repaid. The other guard was there in case Pris broke some nebulous protocols and therefore had to be subdued.

Set a Human to catch a Human.

Every day, a killer creature followed hir around on hir daily duties. Every day, a killer calmly ate their food at a table with good sight lines and easy defensibility. Every day, Zaak found ways to thank the killer for their service.

The Humans had tamed wolves, once. They did so by sharing food, and getting closeness with a dangerous beast.

Zaak had to wonder if they did it out of fear, because the wolf once showed a gratitude.

[Photo by Marc-Olivier Jodoin on Unsplash]

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