Challenge #03659-J006: Balm for a Shattered Heart


They care deeply for Wraithvine, and ask them out on a date. If rejected, they take it well and ask if they could at least sit and talk over tea. If accepted, they smile, and plan for a wonderful dinner. -- Anon Guest

Once an immortal has been an immortal for a few eras, the signs start to show. Not in wrinkles or grey hairs because immortality isn't worth spit without the associated eternal youth codicil. What gives an immortal away, after sufficient time, is their eyes. There's a lingering sadness there.

They know that every 'hello' is matched with a final farewell. They know that nobody lasts.

It's the same with Wraithvine, who has met yet another mortal who thinks that all ze needs is love in hir life. Never mind that ze has had it in abundance a thousand times or more.

Hearts are fickle things. They know they can be hurt, yet they repeatedly hurl themselves at the danger nonetheless.

This was not one of those moments.

The effort was heartfelt and from the young Miss Endless Love, Felid purveyor of exotic wares. "I have some exotic teas, should you wish to try some? Some treats and savours from other lands? Or, perhaps, a little company is what you might prefer?"

Wraithvine briefly looked over hir shoulder before realisation hit. "Are you asking me on a date, madam?"

"I am prepared for rejection, should you not be wishing of my company," Endless allowed. "I have read of your adventures and I believe we could at least swap tales together? The tea is good. The company is better?"

"I... can not love again," confessed the Wizard. "This heart of mine has been broken too many times. I remember the pain more than I remember the joys and that is never good."

"Tea and stories all the same?" offered Endless. "There is never harm in a good tale, yes?"

"Tea and stories," agreed Wraithvine. "And nothing further."

[Photo by Irish83 on Unsplash]

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