Challenge #03602-I313: Water it Down!


Two Humans angrily fighting each other, bare-fisted, in a hallway. The instant a Havenworlder child comes around the corner and sees it, and they spot the child, they stop, instantly, growl they'll "deal with it later", and do their best to try to avoid frightening the youngster. -- DaniAndShali

There was an irregular thumping noise in the halls. Touring through them, the thumping got louder, but less explicable. West turned the corner and saw something really confusing. The Ships' Humans were sort of hugging each others necks and patting each others bodies with the backs of their hands.

"'Tcha doin'?" West asked.

They instantly split apart, eyes wide and faces worried. Human Najm cleared hir throat and said, "Uh... Fish and I were... um."

"Training," said Human Karp. "We were training. For -uh- close combat."

"You're silly," West told Human Najm. "That's not a fish, that's Human Karp."

Human Karp had a big smile. "That's right. That's exactly right! I've been trying to tell Najm that all day." There was certain edge to that all day. Like when West had been asking their Rennie 'why' too long and too often.

"Cap'n says you should train inna gym," pronounced West. "That's what it's for."

"You're right," smiled Human Najm. "You're so very right. How about we take this 'training' to the gym, and you go tell Rennie how clever you are."

The Humans were making funny signs at each other. West would try to remember them so they could ask about it in Beginner's Education.

[Image by Anton Steenbergen on Unsplash]

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