Challenge #03537-I249: Death Was Never This Delectable


A Vorax with severe injuries, and PTSD, wakes up in an ICU drawer. Fully expecting these people to kill them, they signal their surrender, their readiness to die, it will finally end the nightmares. -- Anon Guest

[AN: Vorax is a caste of a whole species whose name I have forgotten and do not wish to go on a wiki walk for. Vorax is an occupation, just like Viking]

Vorax Plepht woke up in a highly technological coffin. He fully expected to awaken in the mead halls of Valhalla[1], surrounded by fellow warriors, for an afterlife of partying and good times. He could not move, and heard a voice in his head.

Please remain calm. We have saved you. You are undergoing medical treatment.

This was not in Plepht's cultural script. He had died gloriously in battle and should have entered a world in which hunger would never again be a problem. He wanted to tell them that this was wrong. He had faced the worst of his fears and literally battled through to the end. That should have been rewarded. He should have died.

Well, if you died, there would not be an opportunity for change, said the voice in his head. I am Melil Blu. I am here to help you. We shall be arranging for a translator shortly. You will soon notice that you are not hungry. We have ways of feeding your metabolic needs that you might be interested in.

He should be dead. He wanted to be dead. That way was the glory of sacrifice for the gods. That way was... wait.

He wasn't hungry. For the first time in his life.

Only later, when he was up and about, did he learn that these galactics had taken calories and elevated them to cuisine.

The Vorax and the Gyiiks would meet happily in the middle over servings of Tukkatukka[2] cheese casserole large enough to bathe in. And many other dishes besides.

Pax Isicia Omentata had commenced.

[1] This is, of course, a localised translation. The actual words are unpronounceable by the human tongue.

[2] A gengineered yam made to grow in any circumstances, and yield maximum nutrition from their environment in the shortest possible time. A wonder of N'Oz gengineering.

[Image (c) Can Stock Photo / Res_Art]

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