Challenge #03487-I199: And Your Choice of Dipping Sauce


A group of humans invite a large group of Vorax, as well as other factions of their kind, such as the farmers, the factory workers and so forth, to a huge planet that's a foodie paradise. Shelling out the time to take them to an all-you-can-eat-high-calorie-lots-of-meat buffet. Why? Just for the fun of it. -- Anon Guest

It's not often that one invites the enemy to a dinner date. Neither side was truly prepared, but the Humans knew how to do peace after lifetimes of war. This was not helped by the fact that the Vorax as a species had metabolisms like the heart of a star.

They needed high calorie food like most species needed air or water.

The planet for the feast was far away from anywhere else in the greater Galactic Alliance. Initially an uninhabited Havenworld, Humanity turned it into extravagantly abundant farmland, and thereafter, food. Humans, it must be noted, have made a lifestyle out of calorie-dense creations that would appall all but the hungriest of cogniscents.

The Vorax appetite was certainly a challenge to a race that invented the deep-fried mars bar. Or, for that matter, Turducken.

For the record, the Vorax were ready to listen to anything after a heaping helping of deep-fried, triple-cheese, caramel burritos. With lashings of cream and sprinkles, of course.

"We have raided in hunger for all of history," said the leader. "You... have found ways to end the hunger. HOW?"

"For some of us, food is an art. For others, it is a means of getting as full as possible in the least amount of time. We have a love of sugar, fats, and salt. So do you. What you have lacked is the time to cook as many things as we do."

The Vorax had evolved on a world where it was eat or be eaten. The castes had to exist as they had, and they did not have much time to cook what they farmed. They would even consume their own kind. The sick, the weak, or the dying were also meat. They had, like most species young to space travel, assumed that all life was like them.

Then along came the Humans, armed with cake pops and deep-fried pork belly and cheesecake. They had had hundreds of years to refine taste and flavour, and also to develop the most calorie-dense food they could concoct. As if it were a competition.

"Cook for us," said the Vorax, in the opening words of their treaty, "and we will no longer need to raid."

[Image (c) Can Stock Photo / bhofack2]

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