Challenge #03299-I011: A Specific Punctuation Mark


It's known, now, why human women have menses, and well documented within the Alliance's medical databases about human reproduction. However, what about those early years, when they were first getting to know more about humans? When human females were having their menses, especially when it was a young female who was having hers for the first time. How hard was it for them in these early days to realize that the humans bled like this for over a week, a heavy blood loss that would have killed most other races, and yet all the humans did was gripe about cramps and want chocolate? -- Anon Guest

[AN: If you do bleed for over a week and lose enough blood to give medical concerns, please consult your medical technician and DO NOT let them pass it off because those are both signs that something is seriously amiss in the uterine department. The actual average daily blood loss is something akin to two fluid ounces, and the lasting time is generally 4-7 days. Anything greater is reason for concern. This has been your menstruation PSA]

Human Ike was a Rescue, and that meant that the crew was watching out for her and any of her warning signs. At least until it finally sank in that she was not at any risk of, (a) being hurt, (b) being probed, or, (c) being eaten. She hadn't gone into hiding for months, and they had believed her initial trepidation to be over.

Until today.

Human Ike was not in her domicile, not anywhere in the easy-access areas of the ship. Not anywhere that required a functioning Livesuit to enter. Not in the more common maintenance access tubes. Which meant, for the first time since they had acquired Ike, she had gone to hiding in the air vents.

Companion Fien, preferred for hir gentle voice, went in with the temporary appeasement pack. This included: a fuzzy and squishy pillow, some sweet treats, a box of tissues, and a blanket.

Ze found Ike in a situation that would take more than that.

Ike was a miserable ball of tears when she spotted Fien, and became a ball of terror also as Fein shuffled closer. She shrieked and whimpered, trying to back through the grille that prevented creatures from colliding with the fan blades.

Fien had been through this before, and sat in place. "Hello, Ike. We are worried about you. Did we do something wrong?"

Ike sobbed, "You don' have'ta pretend no more. I know what's happenin'..."

Which would be a first, given that all her previous assumptions were incorrect. "Can you tell me? I don't think I knew the plan."

Ike shifted her weight, showing a dark, reddish-brown stain on her lower Skins. "I gots the red piss. That's when they do their business on ya and make babies." Gasping and blubbering. "An' if you don't say yes, they make it so you don't talk no more."

Oh, so those were some of the rules of Ike's 'Bad Place'[1]. No wonder she was terrified.

"That was the bad place," said Fien. "We don't like the bad place either, Ike. We took you away from there, remember?"

"So you could do all them things," mumbled Ike into her knees.

Oh dear. Square one, as the manuals might say. Fien said, "It is dangerous to stay here, and you are leaking biohazardous fluids. We must maintain your health. We made a promise. Do you remember our promise?"

A shuddering breath. Squeaked, "I keep ev'ryone outta dang'r includ'n' m'self. An' y'all look after me."

"That's right. You're in danger in here. If you come out, we will look after you. We will not make you sad if we can help it."

It took an hour, seven treats, and a lot of tissues to coax Human Ike out of her hiding place, where Medik Stent gave Ike the more scientifically accurate version of what was happening with her body.

Including the choices she had, and was free to change her mind about at any time.

"No babies," sulked Ike, still in a huddle. "An if'n you can make it stop, I'd like that too." Though clean, and in fresh clothing, she was still reluctant to leave the safety of a corner. "This dang near scared the beans outta me."

[1] You can say "Greater Deregulation", where the businesses are free to do what they like and the women aren't people.

[Image (c) Can Stock Photo / Korionov]

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