Challenge #03294-I006: The Statistical Outlier


The human who followed the princess home became quite well educated in more than gal-simple. And not long after, all humans were welcomed into the Alliance, albeit, though many were wary, afraid, and some still openly hostile toward the race. But this human, until their death due to old age, refused to stop protecting the princess who was their first, true, friend.
@internutter/challenge-02027-e203-waifs-and-strays -- Anon Guest

The Humans, once they were fully welcomed into the Alliance, would tell stories about Arctic Wolves that traveled on the Russian train systems. After all, who was going to stop a wolf?

The same theory applied to the Human who followed and guarded Princess Grigri.

After all, they were ferocious beasts, a dangerous, savage child race. Capable of amazing feats of physical skill and prowess[1]. Compared to so many other species known to the Alliance, they just didn't stop. The one who called themself Fazl hadn't done anything to harm Grigri. Or any of her associated Graacil entourage.

It was, admittedly, quite a shock to learn that such a brick of a Deathworlder had the intelligence to master GalSimple. After the communications issues were solved by fixing their livesuit[2], shouting was no longer necessary. Then Human Fazl picked up more than a smattering of GalStand Complete.

The creeping realisation that the dangerous omnivore was smarter than they sounded horrified many. What, they reasoned, could they possibly be plotting?

"Princess save Fazl life," the Human explained. "Owe life to Princess."

It was many Galactic's introduction to Human manners. Bare the teeth to show that they are not being employed against anyone. Show an empty hand or offer it to prove that any weapons will not be employed. Never turn the back towards somebody important. But... also show parts of the back as a sign of deference.

Humans were confounding. Human Fazl doubly so.

While the Human followed Princess Grigri everywhere, they remained a statistical outlier for years. Proof, some said, that Humans could be tamed.

"They're all right if you're anywhere near the Edge," some would sneer. "But you have to leave them there. Yes, one is tame, but the entire bunch are wild things, loaded with problems."

And then a tea lady from Britania saved two vessels - one her own - from disaster. She had no other motivation other than that people needed help. Especially funny-looking dinosaur people she didn't always understand.

They couldn't truly deny it any more. Not after the re-discovery of Planet Amity[3]. Humans were not merely tameable, they could be friendly.

They certainly spread their pack-bonding to anything and anyone that crossed their paths. The Queen Grigri, still guarded by Human Fazl, put the motion to the floor of the Ambassadorial meet.

The vote, to reclassify Humans from Hazardous Deathworlders to Mostly Harmless and also, Insane. Fazl didn't object to the 'insane' part. Having seen the Alliance's version of sanity, they acknowledged that Humans were the furthest thing from that.

[1] Later research revealed that these feats were records set by exceptional Humans.

[2] The accident that lead to their meeting had damaged Fazl's in-suit speaker system.

[3] See the case file, The Amity Incident available at Smashwords.

[Image (c) Can Stock Photo / AlgolOnline]

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