Challenge #03271-H362: Draconis Rex


Silverwing, over the years, makes deals with other adventurers. Some even end up with families while living near the dragon's den. After a while a village has formed with one unified goal, protect their dragon friend. Other adventurers, dragon-slayers, come to try to take down the dragon, and find out that this village does NOT tolerate such behavior. They protect the dragon and the kolbolds, and in return, the dragon takes care of any deadly predators that threaten the village. Not to mention the dragon's an excellent instructor and, as such, the school for the children was built near the den so the dragon could work with others in educating the young.
Sadly, however, adventurers still came wanting to slay a dragon. And, sadder still, some only were willing to learn the HARD way about their foolish actions.
I based this off of this story. I like Silverwing! @internutter/challenge-03186-h277-pax-draconis -- Anon Guest

Welcome to Drakodin, Smart People Welcome Here! It's a rich town with simply amazing fortifications. The latest in clever weaponry, artificer's excellence, and traps smart enough to distinguish friend from foe. Its chief export seems to be Artificers and Tinkerers who are permanently surprised that all towns aren't like Drakodin.

Nowhere is like Drakodin. Yet. That may change in good time.

For now, the town is the only one where people are paid fairly, the children are educated, and the healers are remarkably good at cross-species medicine. Oh, and there's an enormous Dragon who is also functioning as the town's bank.

People who hear about this constantly get the wrong idea. They think the dragon is oppressing the town, or otherwise ruling over it. They think the people of Drakodin are terrified or at least pretending not to be terrified of the Dragon.

They're shocked to learn differently.

And if they won't learn differently, they are very quickly ridden out of town on a rail[1]. Then threatened with a fireball to the face if they insist on missing out on their education.

Yes, there are a few scorch marks in the landscape that mark where the chronically ignorant took their last breath. Thank you for noticing.

The farmers have fat, phlegmatic cattle, abundant crops, and happy families. Anyone who's in need of a job can join the Dragon's Guard and fill a slot according to their competence.

The inns have good ale, the tinkerers have excellent machinery, and the people are so varied that one might wonder if there isn't a quota somewhere. Nothing could be further than the truth.

It may have started with a ragtag band of adventurers who were smarter than the average goldfish[2], but it grew from there. A good deal is, after all, a good deal. The Kobolds could not only dig up treasures, but also create devices that were - in their way - rather clever. Some were a bit more direct about things, but once safety standards were sufficiently explained, things were a lot better for everyone.

Including the Kobolds.

The cellars are free of rats and most of the population is too polite to mention the reason why. The granaries are free of mice, insects, and so on. Thanks to Silverwing and some clever engineering, the town even has hot and cold running water.

Only people not born there say things like, "Apart from the Dragon, it's paradise."

Those who live there are quick to correct them. "Because," they say.

"Come again?" ask the outsiders.

"It's because of the Dragon, that this town is a paradise."

[1] Being carried out of a town on a wooden rail doesn't sound so bad until one also takes into account the fact that the offender has also been stripped naked, then covered in hot tar and a plethora of feathers.

[2] This is remarkably rare among adventurers.

[Image (c) Can Stock Photo / pedrolieb]

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