Challenge #03231-H322: An Excellent Motivator


Human Ren had gotten out of the ICU drawer and was in physical therapy. His two new friends watched him like a hawk, taking shifts so one could rest while the other looked over him. It may've been a bit of a pain for the physical therapist, but it was astonishing how uplifting it was to have your own cheering section while struggling to regain bodily movement again.
@internutter/challenge-03158-h249-instant-friendship -- Anon Guest

Ren had one reaction to seeing himself after the Mediks removed his casts. "Aw flaaaaakk... I'm a flakking twig." Evidently, recovering from having one's bones pounded into gravel had its downsides. At least there were very clever gravitic manipulators that could hold those fragments in their proper place until they knitted together.

Which precluded everyday things like moving too much. Or at all. Extremely good painkillers and some low-G gentle therapy had done their best, but there was still a high amount of atrophy.

This resulted in exercises that Ren called, Physiotherapy on the Planets. Walking with the assistance of the parallel bars under different gravitic stresses.

So far, Ren had made it through the Kuiper and dwarf planetoids, and was working on the inner solar system's moons. So far, Luna's gravity was a harsh mistress. But there was one thing encouraging him to move towards the end goal no matter how much it hurt... his team of dangerous cuties.

Pax Humanis omnicidal maniacs they might be, but they also had their own moral system and standards. He had saved their lives, so they would do him no harm. They would also protect him for the rest of his life.

They looked so strong. Ren wanted to be crushed in their arms. Or underfoot. As a treat. Alas, the Mediks weren't ready to clear him for a good crushing just yet. Nevertheless, either Altan or Calfuray at the other end of the parallel bars was a mighty motivator.

Even being gently caught up in their arms was a magnificent reward.

The tale is circulated amongst Mediks regarding suitable motivation for physical therapy. On pre-Shattering Earth, because of course it was Humans, one male encouraged a second male to endure all therapies by a specific promise. Get through therapy, the bargain went, and the second could kick the first in their delicate reproductive organs.

It was a fantastic success.

Evidently, horniness was also a magnificent motivator. The assembled Mediks had to stop Ren from overstressing himself.

There was a cure for that, too.

Promising to let one of his 'cuties' carry him back to bed.

He would make it to Mars in two weeks.

[AN: You can find your weight on specific planetoids at this site and it is very good for this sort of thing.]

[Image (c) Can Stock Photo / Leaf]

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